Harry Potter: New Mrs Malfoy

Chapter 1: Love at the First Sight

Draco Malfoy sat down at the table of Slytherin, the House he was sorted in.

He turned his head back to the students who had to be sorted.

``Siria Black.´´ McGonagall said.

A girl with long curly black hair walked up to the hat and sat down on the chair.

Just as the Sorting hat touched her head, he was calling: ``Gryffindor!´´

The girl jumped from the chair, gave the hat back to McGonagall and runned to the table of Gryffindor, who welcomed her.

Draco felt a feeling inside he didn't recognize when he saw her shining emerald green eyes with a golden spark in it.

He knew it was no feeling of hate or it that direction, no, it was somehow a totally different direction.

Draco couldn't hate the girl in anyway, whose name was Siria.

Siria gave him a feeling that was the opposite of hate, it had to be love.

In the Summer vacation of 1992, Draco tried to forget all about Siria Black, but he couldn't.

He found out that Siria was the daughter of Sirius and Lucia Lupin-Black, so she was a Pureblood witch, romance was allowed.

But the thing was that she was friends with the Weasley clan, Muggleborn know-it-all Hermione Granger and Halfblood wizard Harry Potter, so she was technically a blood traitor.

Through he tried to forget her and get over the feelings he had for her, he just couldn't do it, she made his heart beat faster, longing for a romance with her.

Bookshop Dingeon Alley, unknown day in 1992:

Draco Malfoy saw from above in the shop that the Weasleys entering the shop, with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.

The new teacher DADA, Defence Against Dark Arts, was welcoming Harry openly and gave him brand new books for free.

Harry dumped the books by Ron and Draco started to walk down the stairs.

``You got some new books from Potter, Weasel?´´ Draco asked arrogantly.

``Stay away from him.´´ an 11-year-old redhead girl said.

``Need your little sis to defence you?´´ Draco asked.

The girl looked at him like she could kill him.

Draco smiled because of it, but a wand was laid on his shoulder and put him aside, it was his own father, Lucius Malfoy.

Lucius looked arrogantly to Ron's father Arthur Weasley.

``Stay away from my children, Lucius.´´ Arthur said.

``Don't worry Arthur, I don't dare to touch your brats, especially the girl.´´ Lucius said and looked at Harry.

A bell rang and Draco looked to the door, while he stood just a meter away from Hermione.

Siria Black and a much taller and older man with brown hair came in.

The man gave her a small bag and said: ``Go pick up your brother's books, you know his year.´´

``Yes uncle Remus.´´ Siria said and walked to the book packages.

Hermione saw that Draco was paying attention to a girl, from her year and her House, Siria Black.

She started to think about it.

Lucius grabbed his son's sleeve and dragged him out of the shop after he fought with Arthur, not knowing he had stared at a 'blood traitor girl'.

1st of September 1993, Peron 9 3/4:

When Draco Malfoy stepped his feet on the train again, he saw Siria talking to Harry Potter as they sat near the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Siria's uncle Remus Lupin.

He couldn't help but smile while he walked to the Slytherin part of the train.

``What's wrong with you Draco? You've never smiled before.´´ Gregory Goyle said, one of Draco's Slytherin friends.

``I was thinking about some happy memories, they make me smile.´´ Draco lied, he couldn't tell about his love for a Gryffindor girl.

``Okay, then there's nothing to worry about.´´ Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin girl from Draco's year said while she read a book about Pureblood families.

``What are you reading Pansy?´´ Draco asked while he sat down.

``An article about the Noble and Ancient house of Black.´´ Pansy said.

``Something interesting?´´ Draco asked, hoping Siria's name was called in the book.

``Only something very strange.´´ Pansy said. ``Here stands that the last surviving members of the house, Sirius Orion Black and his children Romelus James Black and Siria Lucia Black, were all sorted in the House of Gryffindor, though they are Purebloods.´´

``Are they blood traitors?´´ Blaise Zambini asked.

``Sirius Black is in Azkaban for betraying his friend James Potter, they say he was a Death Eater.´´ Pansy said. ``So I guess they're not.´´

``I've seen that Siria girl hanging around much with Potter, and that guy is a Halfblood.´´ Goyle said.

``Lucky he's no Muggleborn, but she doesn't like Granger that much.´´ Pansy said. ``But she accepts the Weasley's simply because they are far family members of her, and she desires her family the most.´´

'Just accepting people because they're family? I have to remember that one for my parents.' Draco thought.

At Hogwarts, Draco stopped bullying the Gryffindor's of his year, to win Siria's trust a little.

He knew she was staying all vacations at school to help her uncle Remus with some lessons for the first year students and wrote his parents he stood at school too.

At every Potions lesson where professor Snape pared him with Siria, he was truly happy and became nicer every time.

To Siria, it was all very confused that he became nicer to her every time she was pared with him.

Just before another Potion class, Ron, Harry, Hermione and Siria were talking.

``I guess Snape will take points from Gryffindor again.´´ Harry said.

``He only likes Siria.´´ Ron angrily said.

``I can't help that Ron, he only says that I could be a great Slytherin if I was a Slytherin.´´ Siria said.

``He wants you in his House.´´ Ron said.

``Stop Ron, Siria is a Gryffindor, just like us!´´ Hermione said.

``No time for this Hermione.´´ Siria said. ``Snape hates it when students come too late.´´

``Snape will probably pair us again.´´ Harry said while walking into the class. ``How's working with Malfoy going.´´

``He does strange, I don't know exactly why.´´ Siria said.

``Hope you can hold it out until the end of the year or hoping we get another teacher.´´ Harry said.
``Watch out with what you say in Snape's class.´´ Siria said.

``I'll remember.´´ Harry said while he sat down.

After Potions, they had DADA from Siria's uncle Remus.

``Welcome class.´´ Lupin said. ``We're going to do some practice today.´´

He walked up to a closet, which stood in front of the class.

``I'll ask one question, who knows what a Boggart is, besides my own niece?´´ Lupin asked.

Hermione stoke up her hand.

``Yes Miss Granger?´´ Lupin asked.

``A Boggart is a magical creature that changes in your worst fear.´´ Hermione answered.

``Correctly, 5 points to Gryffindor.´´ Lupin said. ``Miss Black, will you demonstrate the curse we use on a Boggart?´´

``Sure professor.´´ Siria said, stood up and walked over towards the closet.

Draco watched with horror on his face, he was scared that Siria would get hurt.

Lupin opened the closet with a curse and the Boggart in the form of Voldemort came out.

Everybody shocked and wided his eyes.

Siria pointed her wand at the Boggart and called: ``Ridicules!´´

The end of the black robes went over his face and Boggart-Voldemort fell on the ground, wrestling with his robes.

Everyone almost laughed himself/herself to death.

Draco was smiling, he hoped he could date someone like Siria, smart, clever, brave and beautiful.

He was next and walked to the Boggart.

The Boggart changed, in….Ferir Greyback!

``Ridicules!´´ Draco called, pointing at the Boggart-Greyback.

The Boggart changed again, Greyback fell because he tripped over a banana.

Everybody laughed, even Siria.

That made Draco feel good, seeing Siria laugh because of him.

A few others came after him, till finally Pansy Parkinson, a year mate of Draco in Slytherin, stepped forward.

The Boggart changed and changed and changed till it had the form of….a grey ghost that were the forms of Draco Malfoy and Siria Black, standing hand in hand towards each other, close enough to kiss.

Pansy was terrified and ran out of the classroom.

``Mr Zabini, would you please get Miss Parkinson back in class?´´ as Lupin put the Boggart back in the closet. ``This was everything for today. The homework is: write about your Boggart and why you fear about it. We see each other next lesson.´´

As Siria walked out the classroom, she saw a TERRIFIED DRACO MALFOY!

She had never seen him like that, and she didn't question him, he had his problems.

They had a free hour, Siria spend that hour in the library with Hermione.

Together with Hermione, she searched for useful information about Hover curses.

``Hermione, I found one.´´ Siria said, looking in her brother's old sixth year book.

``What is it?´´ Hermione asked.

``I hope I do it right.´´ Siria said, laid down the book, pointed her wand to her feet and said: ``Alhagarias!´´

Her feet came from the ground, Siria had to find her balance while she was raising up.

Draco saw it happening from behind a cast of books.

`She really controls magic from the sixth and seventh year in DADA, how does she do that?´ he thought.

``How will you come down anyway?´´ Hermione asked.

``Simply with a curse.´´ Siria said and pointed her wand to her feet again. ``Corructera!´´

Siria's feet touched the ground again.

``Amazing! How can you control this magic?´´ Hermione asked.

``My brother used to teach me sometimes and I borrow his books many times.´´ Siria said.

``How old is your brother?´´ Hermione asked.

``He'll become 18 on December the 31st.´´ Siria said.

``He's in the seventh year? Now I understand how you do this!´´ Hermione said.

``I better head to the Quidditch field.´´ Siria said. ``The Gryffindor team is going to train.´´

``I forgot you were a Gryffindor Chaser on the team.´´ Hermione said.

``Doesn't matter, bye Hermione!´´ Siria said and got out of the library.

Draco couldn't believe it, he had to play Quidditch against Siria, happily she was not the Gryffindor Seeker, that was Potter.