Chapter 2

Even in a world where ten year old's were given beings of supernatural powers as pets, and sent to travel around the world, an arrival of a five year old who was covered in dirt and twigs inevitably drew some attention. Especially given the fact that there was no adult in sight.

The officer Jenny who happened to be watching the city gates assumed that Ash had been separated from his parents on route one. The thing is, Ash hadn't bothered thinking too much as to what he would do in Viridian City, or even what his new identity would be.

So, he went along with officer Jenny's suspicion of getting separated from his parents, and unintentionally made it seem as if he had amnesia. From there officer Jenny came to her own conclusions. Ash must have suffered an head injury in route one, for Ash did indeed have an head injury from tripping while playing baseball, and lost his memories.

The only thing that Ash could 'remember', was that his name was Reyis Silvers, he had lived in Cerulean City. Officer Jenny would later put up Reyis Silvers as a missing child on the police homepage. When no parents were forthcoming, Ash was sent to the orphanage with a fake identity. He was now officially Reyis Silvers, a five year old orphan born in Cerulean City.

While officer Jenny was curious as to how he had gotten into Viridian Forest, she saw the uselessness of interrogating an amnesia patient. After all, Reyis wouldn't be able to remember even if he wanted to, right?

Reyis was sent into the nearest orphanage, called the the Red Orphanage, which was named after the Pokemon champion of Kanto, Red. He was enrolled into tithe trainers school shortly afterwards and had begun the following September. It was also at that time that he gained his first Pokemon.

There were seventeen, debate ably, eighteen, Pokemon types. The confirmed seventeen types were normal, water, electric, fighting, ground, psychic, rock, dark, steel, fire, grass, ice, poison, flying, bug, ghost, and dragon. Wether there is a fairy type or not is still being debated.

Most trainers chose to specialize in one type, and as such the trainers school gave away a Ratata as a normal starter, a Squirtle as a water starter, a Pichu as an electric starter, a Machop as a fighting starter, a Geodude as a rock starter, a Magnemite as a steel starter, a Charmander as a fire starter, a Bulbasaur as a grass starter, a Pidgey as a flying type starter, and a Caterpie as a bug type starter.

Types like dragon were excluded due to power, while dark was excluded due to there rarity in Kanto.

Reyis chose his starter through a process of elimination. Ratata was out, simply because it was as common as dirt on road one. In addition, most normal type pokemon were as common as dirt on route one.

Squirtle was a fairly rare water type pokemon, and it had a pretty powerful final evolution of Blastoise. Reyis ruled it out due to the fact that it was extremely clumsy on dry land and Reyis was not exactly going to fight too many battles in the middle of the ocean.

A Pichu on the other hand, may have been worth it if it was a Pikachu. See, the Pichu evolutionary line had three stages. The cute stage, where as a Pichu, they learned moves like attract, or charm. The speed stage was the Pikachu stage where they learnt moves like quick attack, agility, and volt tackle. The last stage was the offensive stage, where as a Raichu, it learnt attacks like electro ball, and the other heavy handed moves. Reyis did not have the patience to deal with things like attract and wait for it finally evolve.

Machop was a pokemon that Reyis had seriously considered. It had some pretty decent moves like low kick in its current stage. Its final evolution, Machamp, had four hands, each very powerful, that gave it an advantage over other pokemon. Fighting type pokemon as whole had some very powerful members, such as Blaziken, Primeape, Infernape, and the Tyrouge evolutionary line. That said, most fighting types had close range moves, leaving fast pokemon, such as Sytcher completely out of there range of combat.

The Geodudes were not even considered. They were, almost literally, more Geodudes alive than there were rocks. Not to mention rock types as a whole were either so rare they weren't worth it, or so useless they weren't worth it.

And so, the process of elimination continued, until eventually Reyis decided to get a Magnemite. The reasoning behind it, besides the process of elimination was quite simple. Reyis was planning on destroying Team Rocket by killing its members right and left. Magnemite, along with other steel types were notorious for being unfeeling and calculating, matching there mechanical outer appearance. Reyis doubted they were all that squeamish about murder.

In addition, Magnemites fed on electric currents and were known to disturb electrical gadgets which may or may not prove to be a valuable asset, depending on if Team Rocket actually used machines.

Magnemite was both a steel type and an electric type, meaning it could learn normal, steel, and electric type moves. It also meant that it was immune to poison type moves, which would undoubtably be a boon.

Three years have passed since the day Reyis chose Magnemite, nicknamed Zeus, as his starter. Zeus had grown to level 24 after three years of training. He was level 5 when Reyis first got him.

See, the reason for the minimal progress was not that Reyis was a bad trainer, or Zeus was naturally weak, but rather it was because Pokemon don't speak the human language. Now, in most cases this problem would be overcome with the help of the age old game of charades. With enough time a human would be able to to figure out what a pokemon was saying.

For example in the case of a Pikachu, a high pitched Pi at the start of the sound, but a low Ka at the end of it may mean, "Run," while a high Pi and Ka may mean "Attack."

Similarly, through games of show and tell, Pokemon will be able to learn to understand the human language, even if most of them lack the vocal cords to speak it. To date only Meowths and Mankeys are theorized to be able to learn to speak the human language.

In the case of Reyis and Zeus, it wasn't as easy. It turned out that they weren't joking when they said Magnemites and steel types as a whole did not show too many emotions. As it stood, there was not even the slightest bit of body language to give away what Zeus was thinking. Not a blink of the eyes, not even a twitch.

Reyis was a rookie trainer and couldn't interpret what changes in Zeus's voice meant, if he could even tell that Zeus's monotonous voice had changed. Still, the ability to understand and communicate with his starter was the equivalent of a right of passage among trainers, so Reyis persevered.

Authors Note:

This is part 1 of chapter 2. See, I realized that I hadn't updated in forever and if I didn't do something, it would look like I had abandoned this story. I'll probably replace this chapter with the updated version later.