A/N: If you are a die hard Sydrian fan, you probably DO NOT want to read this story—because I promise that as the story progresses, the later chapters will piss you off. I have never shipped that particular pairing, though I was starting to warm to the idea at the end of The Golden Lily. Unfortunately the two following books destroyed that, icing my heart over and making me retreat to the pairing I had been hoping for before Sydney took over as narrator. This entire story is based around one of the stories in my Vampire Academy:Drabbles collection, so if you want a hint about how it will progress, go check out Chapter Twelve: Adrian's Luck which is about Adrian Ivashkov meeting a certain beautiful young Russian. Oh and one more thing… it will tie in to the 'Letting go' story that Rose told in which Lissa finally lost her mind. Time frame is after the short story Homecoming and before Bloodlines.

Happy reading, and feedback is always appreciated.

Dear Diary,

Mama called today with the most exciting news! We're going to Court!

I couldn't believe it at first, knowing that a trip of that magnitude was beyond our means entirely—it wasn't like taking the train to Novosibirsk to take Paul and Zoya to the zoo or even going to visit the capital. It would involve taking a plane all the way to America, not to mention paying for our lodgings and meals once we were there. She reassured me immediately, telling me the entire trip was being taken care of—so of course I immediately assumed Dimka was trying to treat us and flat out refused. My brother is well paid for a Guardian, but it still isn't a lot, and he and Roza need to be saving for the day when they purchase a home of their own. No matter how much I might want to visit the States, my brother's happiness is more important, especially after everything he's been through.

Mama's soft laughter at my outburst confused me, but she quickly explained that our generous benefactor was none other than Zmey—and not only had he offered to pay for our entire trip, he'd also invited us to attend a party in the Queen's honor during our stay! The idea of being presented to the Queen of the Moroi is somehow exciting and frightening all at once; I have no idea how I should act or what I should say to someone so highly ranked, but Mama assures me that as long as I am polite and courteous, everything will be okay—though she said she will find out from Roza whether we should bow the way the Guardians do or whether we should courtesy when we meet her. That leaves me with only one problem to eat away at my mind—since the occasion will obviously be a formal one, what in the devil's name am I going to I wear?

When we ended the call, I ran to the building that held the staff offices, politely knocking on Guardian Zykov's door and waiting for his invitation instead of just barging in the way I usually do. I shifted impatiently from one foot to the other, wondering what was taking him so long, because I knew that he was in—he had to be. Every novice at Saint Basil's was aware of the fact that the moment classes for the day were done, Fyodor Zykov retired to his office so he could toast his fallen allies with a glass of Russky Lyod at precisely 7:00 every evening. We were all also aware of the fact that wherever it was he hid his vodka away during the day, it was completely impossible to find—and believe me, we've all tried, time and time again.


As soon as I heard the word enter, I jerked into action, hurrying into the office and conveying my news, talking so fast that I don't think he understood a single word of what I was saying. He just sat there staring at me with a rather amused smile on his face, one eyebrow arched, waiting until I paused to catch my breath.

"Viktoria… I think you must have received some exciting news yes? But I am sorry to say that unlike teenage girls, I do not have the ability to translate rapid mumbles into proper conversation. Sit." He nodded his head towards one of the two straight backed chairs facing his desk, reaching for his bottle and pouring out a tiny dollop of vodka into another glass. "Guardian Mashir was supposed to be joining me, but something has apparently delayed him—so perhaps you would like to join me in my toast this evening? We shall drink to your brother. A fine man. I was quite disappointed that I was not allowed to mentor him during his stay here."

I reached over, picking up the glass, unable to stop myself from making a face at the miniscule amount he'd doled out. "Surely my brother deserves a bit more honor than this, sir? After all, he has been to hell and back and lived to tell the tale."

"Ah, this is quite true. Perhaps half a glass then, but no more." He leaned over to top off my glass, smiling at me fondly; out of all the Guardians on campus, he was one of the few who was amused by my antics rather than angered by the things I did. I suspect it was because of his long standing crush on my mother—they'd been classmates a very long time ago—but whatever the reason, I didn't question it. I was just thankful that the Head Guardian on campus had taken a liking to me, which meant that he tended to go easy on me whenever I was sent to him for punishment on some minor infraction—like dozing off in class. "He is indeed a very brave soul—to Dimitri!"

I held my glass up, nodding my head once to show I agreed with the toast, then downed the liquid, marveling at the smooth burn it made as it slid down my throat. After tasting it, I was more determined than ever to ferret out the hidden location of his secret stash—it was the best vodka I'd ever had the pleasure of drinking. "That… is quite excellent. Thank you."

"That it is—and perhaps it will calm you down enough so that you will speak slowly enough for me to process what it is that has you smiling so brightly." He collected the used glasses, moving into the small restroom attached to his office and rinsing them in the sink.

It didn't escape my notice that he'd grabbed his bottle on the way; leaning back in my chair I stretched my neck so I could peek around the door, catching him just as he slid one of the ceiling tiles back in place, the bottle nowhere in sight. I stored that piece of information away in the back of my mind, knowing I would put it to good use when I returned from my vacation.

"My family has been invited to Court—to attend a party for the Queen." I forced myself to speak more slowly this time, trusting he would understand the significance of my statement. For dhampirs to be invited guests to such an even was completely unheard of—an honor never before extended to the best of my knowledge. "Dimka's girlfriend is her guardian, you know."

"I do believe you've mentioned that in passing a few dozen times." He tugged at my ponytail as he passed, settling himself back behind the large, battered wood desk that dominated the room. "I can understand why you are so excited, is your whole family going to be going?"

"Mama said she isn't sure if Karolina and Sonya will be allowed the time off from work, but they were invited too, as well as the little ones. But I think probably it will just be Mama and Yeva and me that go, since she also claimed that the children are too small to behave themselves properly." As horrible as it was, I couldn't help but hope that my sisters would remain at home; it would mean that I could monopolize all my brothers free time without having to compete with my sisters for his attention.

"When would you be leaving?"

"We leave for Court in a week, but Mama said I should come home tomorrow in order to have time to properly prepare." I shot him a pleading look, knowing that without his approval, I wouldn't be going anywhere. "We have to find clothes for the trip, and shoes, and—"

He laughed, holding up his hands to cut off my rambling list. "And a million and one other things that you women have to do to make yourselves presentable. I know. That shouldn't be a problem… how long will you be gone? A week, maybe two?"

I bit my lip, fidgeting in my seat. This would be the tricky part. Mama had said we could extend our stay for up to a month if I could convince Zykov to allow it, but with only five months of school left, getting him to agree might take some doing. "A month—and I know that's a long time when there isn't much school left but I will keep up with my academics, I swear! I can get my assignments from my teacher's tomorrow morning before I catch the train."

"Viktoria—slow down. And what about your training? That's not quite so easy to keep up with and it pains me to remind you that you're already behind in those classes and your trials will be here before you know it. If you'd only put out a bit of effort you could easily surpass your peers—"

I groaned, not wanting to rehash this lecture for the millionth time. At least once a week he gave me a pep talk, hoping to inspire me to try harder in class. "I swear to you that if you let me go I will try harder when I get back. And while I'm gone I can train with Dimka and Roza—that should count for something, shouldn't it? Training with the Queens Guardian and the man who taught her everything she knows?"

Zykov steepled his fingers under his chin, studying me for a moment. His blue eyes were shrewd and assessing, making me feel uneasy for the first time since I'd sat down. Everything hinged on his decision—and judging by his face, he was leaning towards telling me no. "I'm disappointed in you Vika. You forgot one more very compelling argument that is definitely in your favor—he's the only man alive who can give you first-hand knowledge of how a Strigoi thinks."

I winced, gritting my teeth. "I would never use what happened to my brother to further my own desires! It is an insult for you to suggest it sir!"

"Unruffle your feathers, little bird—it may upset you, but that one thing, horrible as it is, is what has convinced me to agree to allow you a month off from this Academy." He held up his hand to silence me before I could speak. "Don't thank me yet, Viktoria—I will be calling your brother to advise him that in order for you to graduate with your peers he will have to serve as your instructor while you are at court, and I will be forwarding him your records so he sees what you have to work on. You aren't going to be able to slack off just because he's your brother, and if he cannot devote the time to working with you then you'll have to cut your vacation down to just two weeks. I know Dimitri wouldn't lie to cover for you—he's an honorable man." His lips curled up in an impish grin as he winked. "However, to prove I am not an ogre—I will tell him that I agreed to allow you two weeks of free time, so at least half of your vacation will be dedicated to fun. He can structure the training time in whatever manner he sees fit—whether it be breaking up the training over the course of your trip or cramming it all into two weeks of hard work."

"Thank you sir! I promise I won't slack off—not that that Dimka would allow it. He'd be the first to confine me to my room for punishment, and I definitely don't want that!" My excitement returned full force, making me bounce in my chair. "Oh Mama is going to be so pleased—she was worried you wouldn't allow me a month off."

"Don't worry about getting your assignments together—I'll do it for you and send them to your brother when I send your file." Zykov stood up, holding out to shake my hand, but I was so grateful that would never do. Hopping up out of my chair I hurried around his desk, surprising him by giving him a quick hug that brought a smile to his face. "Now don't you dare tell the other Novices about this Vika—it wouldn't do to have them thinking I was getting soft in my old age. What is it they call me? A tyrant… and I quite like having them believe that of me." He released me, reaching down to brush his fingertips across my cheek for a moment before jerking his head towards the door. "Go on—off with you. I'm sure Olena is pacing, waiting to find out if you've managed to wrap me around your little finger the same way she always did when she was your age. She was never the most patient person when it came to exciting news, so you best hurry."

"She's very patient now—at least… for the most part." I paused in the doorway, looking back at him, unable to stop myself from giving him something in return for the part he played in making my dream of going to Court a reality. "Guardian Zykov…I shouldn't be saying this, but many times I've heard my Mama say that the biggest mistake she ever made was choosing my father over you… and I happen to agree with her. Perhaps you should think about that and act accordingly the next time she comes to visit me."

Without waiting for a response I hurried off, eager to pack and call home, but before I turned away I caught the blush that raced across his cheeks, turning his face almost the exact same shade of red as his hair, and I saw the way his eyes lit up with happiness. His smile was almost as big as the one I was wearing—and it made me realize that maybe… just maybe… today I'd managed to make one of his dreams come true as well, and one of Mama's too.