A/N: Here's the chapter i promised yesterday. Still in the short and silly style.








Above all Steve kept his footing on the balance beam. Where Amelia got the idea for practicing on a series of balance beams over a ten foot deep pool Steve could only wonder, but it took more skill than he had in the beginning to remain upright. Since the practice routine started, Steve struggled to keep pace, often getting stuck on the defensive and unable to launch his own attacks. After a week he finally caught on, but he couldn't predict her attacks. It took a day for him to learn not to pull punches, that she could handle it, and probably received worst over the centuries. While he knew she did, he recalled watching her stop a car intent on running her over with her hand; she caved in the engine, but didn't twitch. Learning to fight from her meant studying martial arts, boxing, wrestling and gymnastics rolled into a single fluid motion.

Despite three months of practice he still hadn't landed a punch, but sparing with Natasha highlighted the effectiveness of his and Amelia's routine.

"It's that dangerous?" Stark and Banner appeared on the watch platform, joining Clint.

"You kidding?" Clint laughed, "We're watching a super soldier spar with a super power. I think they've got this."

"That Clint, is why you're my favorite," Amelia dodged by leaping and swinging on one of the ropes, landing in a roll on another balance beam. "C'mon Cap, thought I taught you better."

"What's this? Why didn't you invite me?" Steve recognized Prussia's voice, not looking when the albino Nation lounged against the railing. "This is so cool! Meri you've been holding out on us."

Before anyone could do anything, Prussia leapt off the railing, grabbed a rope and landed on the beam next to Steve. As always the Nation wore that insufferable grin of his. "This'll be fun. Captain, shall we?"

Amelia laughed, "'Bout time, but this won't a challenge. If you two think you can do take me, go ahead and let me disabuse that silly notion."

"We win and you eat England's cooking," Prussia declared.

"So? I grew up on that stuff dude."

Above Clint burst out laughing, "Cap, even with Albino here, you two don't have a chance."

"I'm with Barton on this," Stark nodded.

"Thanks for the support," Steve called back as he and Prussia leaped to another beam on either side of Amelia.

"We will win because we are awesome."

Still laughing, Amelia back flipped on the beam behind her, swung around and hit Prussia in the chest, twisted in the air and landed perfectly. Steve launched himself forward, hoping to unbalance her, but only found himself flying and hanging on to the beam by a hand.

"You should totally get piranhas," Prussia crowed.

That day Steve did not get to see Amelia fall, but instead found himself and Prussia landing in the water instead. He supposed that was just how sparing with Amelia worked. You tried, and you got your ass handed to her, but he supposed the humiliation and good natured ribbing kept his ego to size.

Disclaimer: Cap had to learn new fighting techniques somehow. In the Anime America is freaking strong, so I figured she'd need a more creative/dangerous workout than most, and that since the USA has more military fire power than the next ten or so countries combined it would be reflected in the personification. Seriously, we have what? Twenty carriers and everyone has one to three. I also figure her teaching style would be more 'learn-on-the-fly' than step by step instructions. Why is Prussia in this? Because he wrote himself in.

Please review, I like reviews, they make me and my muse happy.