AN: So I hope you guys liked the last chappie. I don't not own VA at all, even though I wish I did, like everybody else. HAHA. Enjoy.

Chapter 4

"What do you mean Dimitri is a wolf?" Lissa tried to sound calm but I could hear her heartbeat beat erratically.

"What the fuck do you think I mean, Lissa. And to make it worse, my wolf wants his as a mate." I exclaimed. Lissa forgot to be freaking out, instead she laughed.

"That's priceless. Only your wolf would want a complete stranger as a mate." Lissa chuckled.

I forced a smile, "Liss, it really isn't funny." I immediately stopped talking when I noticed someone come up behind us. "Hey, Chrissy. I need to talk to you really quick. First of all, where is Dimitri?" I asked him. He pointed to the bar.

"Getting drinks I think. Also, look who he's talking to." Loathing rolled off of him in waves. I looked and sure enough, there he was, and there she was.


I am gonna kill that bitch if she doesn't move. My wolf snarled.

I growled low in the back of my throat as I saw her trail her finger up his arm. "Liss, Christian, let's go save him from the bitch before I have to tear her apart."

They immediately followed, probably sensing that I wasn't kidding.

"Dimitri, wanna dance more?" I asked him with my man-eater smile.

He visibly sighed in relief, "Yes, please."

"Excuse you, Rose. But I was talking to him." Tasha whined.

"And I care why? He isn't here with you, he's with me. Get lost." I growled as I pulled him to the dance floor.

I thought you wanted to talk to Christian about something. My wolf purred happily as Dimitri grabbed me and pulled me closer.

You are a fucking hussy, I thought to my wolf.

Dimitri and I moved together to the music that was blaring. It felt great, being close to him like this.

Damn it, now I'm the one acting like a hussy.

Before I knew it, the song had finished and I quickly but calmly pulled away from Dimitri.

"I have to find Christian really quick. Can you help me find him?" I asked him. He nodded and went to look for him one way while I went the other.

It took almost ten minutes to find him. He was standing by the bar talking to Adrian. I started walking towards them when something brought me up short. Lissa wasn't with them. Stopping, I quickly scanned the crowd for her, but didn't see her.

Running to Christian, I quickly asked him, "Where is Lissa?"

"I don't know. She was right there, now she's not." Christian told me.

"Son of a motherfucking bitch!" I exclaimed. "We have to find her." He nodded and went one way, while I went the other.

Looking for Lissa, I ran into Dimitri. "Hey, have you seen my friend, Lissa? She's missing."

"No, but I can help look for her." he stated. I nodded and together we started looking for her. About five minutes of looking, I heard a distinct sound of someone screaming. Being a wolf, I was able to hear it. Looking to Dimitri, I could tell he heard it also.

"Let's go." I grabbed his hand and we took off toward the sound.

Opening the door that led to an alley way, I was immediately hit by Lissa's scent. Mixed in her natural scent was terror.

I growled as I started to stalk toward her and her attacker. Her attacker heard me, and turned and saw me and Dimitri. He thought Dimitri was the bigger threat.

Big mistake.

As soon as he moved from Lissa, who was crying but otherwise, unharmed, I pounced on the guy. I punched his face, stomach, everywhere I could get to. Growling the entire time. I distinctly heard Lissa tell Dimitri to stop me.

"Roza." I snarl at Dimitri. He growls back.

My wolf takes that as a challenge and lunges at him.

"No!" Lissa exclaims.

Just as quickly as I attacked, I am pinned by the throat against the wall. Growling, trying to get free, the hand holding me, tightens slightly.

"Lissa, go inside and find your boyfriend. I have Rose." Dimitri told her, without removing his glowing eyes from mine.

"Are you sure?" She asked worried for me.

"Yes, I am. Now go! Please." she left after that, hopefully to find Christian. His fingers tightened a little more. "Are you okay?"

I growled, lunging at him, gnashing my teeth at him.

He growled, lunging forward and catching my mouth with his.

I bit his lip, drawing blood, still growling.

He growled, but in approval.

That made me start kissing him back, opening my mouth. His tongue met mine. Together, we fought for dominance, with him winning.

He stepped close to me, to where I could feel his hard body pressed against mine.

Finally, the kiss broke, with both of us panting.

"Wow." was all I could say.

He laughed, "Yes, wow."

"Does that happen often?" a soft voice sounded from by the door.

I looked and saw Lissa. "I don't know." I looked to Dimitri and he looked puzzled for a second.

"How long have you been a wolf?" He asked me.

"Not very long. Since high school. So a few years." I told him. "What about you?"

He smiled a little bit, "I was born a wolf, not made."

Christian spoke, "There are born werewolves?"

Before Dimitri could answer, Lissa spoke up, "Why don't we go back to the apartment, just in case anyone hears."

Everyone nodded.

When we got back to the apartment, we all decided to go to mine and Lissa's place since it's actually set up.

"So back to my question, there are born werewolves?" Christian asked as soon as his ass touch our couch.

"Yes. But in order to have kids, we have to find our mates." Dimitri explained. "Finding our mates is essential."

"I have a question. What the fuck was that between us in the alley?" I asked breathlessly.

He looked at me unblinking, "Our wolves trying to come out and mate." At my blank stare, he continued, "We are mates."

Lissa gasped, "Really? How does that work?" at my glare, she shrugged, "What? I'm curious."

"Well, I'm curious too." Christian truthfully told us.

"Just 'cause you're curious doesn't mean you have to know right away. You guys aren't the wolves." I told them harshly.

Lissa's eyes grew wide, "Rose-"

"It's the need to mate." Dimitri informed us all. "Is she always temperamental?" Lissa nodded. "The need to mate is making her irrational. Rose, are you able to shift on command or just full moons?"

Sighing, "I'm able to shift on command except full moon cycles, three days, those days I cannot control it. So I just avoid people and lock myself in my room."

"Most turned wolves, cannot control their shifts. It's unknown why. Maybe because their bodies haven't been groomed for the change growing up. Like I said, it's unknown. So what you can do, it extremely rare." Dimitri explained.

"What about the mating? What does that entail?" Lissa questioned.

Her and her big mouth, my wolf grumbled.

Yes, but we love her, I countered.

"It entails, that wolves cannot 'connect' with any other person, human or werewolf, like they can their mate. What you saw with Rose and I, was our wolves trying to make that connection somehow. To complete that connection, we must have sex. Not just normal sex, I'm talking feral, primitive, mating sex."

My eyes widened, lovely, just lovely.