Hello this is a new fic by yours truly. This was just an idea i stumbled upon on tumblr. This is just the intro but I'll have the first real chappy up this week. Enjoy!


By Issamel Rise


I don't remember much from that day. I know that I woke up. Sam and Tucker came over. It was a normal day, I think. Jack, my dad, got really excited about his new invention that he called The Ghost Portal. Both he and my mom, Maddy, were really eager to see our reactions to the contraption. It was big enough to fit my dad, which means that it was really big. They did a couple final checks and then plugged two extension cords together to turn it on. There was a spark but nothing more.

They were really discouraged and left the lab. However, my friend, Sam, thought it would be cool to get a picture of me standing inside the machine. I wasn't too keen on the idea but, with some help from Tucker, I was convinced. After equipping myself with a jumpsuit, Sam snapped a picture and I explored inside the mess of wire and steel. It went only about 10 feet back into the wall but it was mesmerizing. After I reached the back wall I turned around to come back out but I had some trouble finding a place to put my feet. That's when it all went south.

I placed my foot down on a wire but slipped. My arm reached for the wall to try to grab onto anything and now I really wish I hadn't. I stayed upright but I just so happened to hit the "on" button. Only my dad would put an "on" switch on the inside of a machine. I really wish I could have forgotten the next part.

The electricity started running through the thousands of wires. I could hear it surging through every single coil and it started to get really hot from the buildup of electricity. Then it felt like there was an underlying chill that went straight to my spine. It shocked me and I screamed in pain as the green electricity erupted. I was trapped in the cold vortex of chilling lightning and the pain was unbearable. I could have sworn that my heart was going to stop permanently, but it just half killed me. I don't really remember much else except that I got my ghost powers and…well I guess that's how it all started, really.

I know it was short but it was just an intro. So tell me what you think. Yes this story is going to be written in first person, which is a new style for me, so please critique me on that whether it's good or bad. Thanks for checking it out!