
Several weeks later…

Minas Tirith


Aragorn's formal robes flowed around him as he strode towards the door of his private chambers, his irritation making him frown. The ever present guard outside his rooms saw him coming, took one look at the expression on Aragorn's face, and had the door open before he reached it. Without breaking his stride, Aragorn entered, hearing the soft click of the door behind him.

It would have helped his mood to have been able to tug the thing closed himself. Or slam it.

I would certainly like to slam someone!

He grit his teeth in annoyance, having no means to vent his inner agitation, other than bellowing, which he preferred to avoid. Kings did not bellow, or so Erestor had taught him, back before he knew he was destined for such a role, when he thought he was only being tortured with lessons.

He paused in the entryway. He would normally search out his son for some sparring to alleviate his annoyance, but Eldarion was out with the patrols. Listening for a moment for some sound that his wife was present, he heard nothing, and deflated. He would have liked to at least vent his frustrations. Arwen would understand them, but from the silence it would seem she was not there. He could detect no rustling sound of cloth, no humming of song.

With a deep sigh, he continued into the main room and stood glaring about it, as if just by glowering he could make the one who had wronged him suddenly appear and take the tongue lashing coming to him.

Which, of course, was ridiculous, and he knew it.

"Is everything all right, my love?" Arwen's curious voice asked from across the room.

He started, and jerked around, his eyes alighting upon her form curled up in the window seat, a book in hand. At just the sight of her, his eyes softened. She was a vision of loveliness, unchanged from the first time he had laid eyes upon her.

Furthermore, she understood him better than any other, and he felt some relief that he would have an understanding ear upon which he might release his torrent of frustration.

"Have you seen Legolas?" he asked, attempting to keep the ire from his tone and failing when it came out as a growl.

"Yes," she replied, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Tall, golden hair, grey eyes, likes trees and the screeching gulls…"

Aragorn's gaze narrowed on his wife. Perhaps she would not be the listening ear he needed today after all. Not if she was in such a playful mood. Oh no, she would tease and cajole him—

She smiled. "Oh, you meant today?" Her smile turned coy and she curled a finger to beckon him over to her.

"Yes, today!" he grumbled, but was unable to truly be angry, not with her. He moved towards her, but stopped a few feet from the window and raised a brow, waiting for her response.

"No, not today," she clarified, her smile turning thoughtful. "Is he supposed to be here?"

"Yes." He released a heavy breath and walked to her, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek when she tilted her head up to him. Then straightening, he said, "But I fear our dear Lord of Asgarnen is missing."

Aragorn ran a hand through his hair, forgetting for a moment that he had a narrow circlet around his head in lieu of the crown, which he only wore when seated upon the throne. His fingers tangled with the thin strips of gold and he cursed as he worked to remove the foul thing from his hair.

Arwen tsked at his language, than began to laugh, which only increased his irritation, at least until she reached up to help him unravel the entwined hair, circlet and fingers.

Once she had him free, she patted the seat beside her, and when he had sat, she ran a hand over his arm in a caress and asked, "What has Legolas done to cause you to be in such a foul mood? Stolen your horse?" Her smile turned to a grin as she reminded him of how Legolas had somehow managed to make off with the new stallion Eomer had gifted to him upon his return from Eryn Lasgalen in the spring.

"No," Aragorn stated flatly, but made a mental note to check on the stallion later. "He missed the meeting with the mayors of the new townships in Northern Ithilien — the ones arguing over grazing rights with which he so kindly insisted I get involved."

His irritation began to rise again as he remembered being stuck for several hours dealing with the petty issues brought before him at the meeting. Legolas had much to answer for by leaving him to face it alone!

Arwen eyed her husband inquisitively. "Was he truly needed at this meeting? Was there some item you could not resolve with his absence? Or are you just upset you had to sit through it without his suffering alongside you?"

Seeing his wife was trying to hold back her laughter at his expense, Aragorn glowered at her. "It is not funny! I had to spend hours — hours — arguing over whose horses belong on which side of a creek!"

He stood and began pacing back and forth before the open door leading to the terrace overlooking their private gardens, not caring that his voice carried out into the hot, sunny day. "He could have resolved this matter himself weeks ago, or brought it to Faramir, but he let them insist on bringing it before me…"

Arwen raised a brow at him, now completely serious as she inquired, "Do not the mayors have the right to ask for the king's counsel?"

"Elves", he muttered, shaking his head in annoyance at her reminder that the mayors did indeed have such a right. But they would not have asked if not for Legolas's suggestion.

Aragorn halted his steps, coming to a stop before the door and letting out an exasperated moan, letting his head fall back. The day was unseasonably hot, and his heavy robes, combined with his excessive pacing, were causing him to sweat profusely.

A hint of breeze stirred through the open door, and the sound of the fountain, which bubbled from above the terrace down into the garden, lured him out into the sunshine.

No sooner had he cleared the doorway when a spray of cool water splashed over him. He stood dripping and blinking in surprise at the unexpected wetting as the sound of bright laughter came from above him.

Looking up to the fountain's source, he found the object of his irritation perched on the stone work at the fountain's head, grey eyes sparkling in mirth as Legolas gazed down at him.

"You looked terribly hot, my friend. I thought you could use a cooling down!" the elf quipped, eyes shining.

"Legolas!" Aragorn felt his ire rise within him, but then he remembered that only a few weeks prior, he had wished to see his friend act so carefree and mischievous again. Now that the elf was so joyful and full of life, he just could not be angry.

Annoyed, yes, but not angry.

Besides, he had noticed that Lancaeriel was perched in a similar manner not far away, a hand covering her mouth and an embarrassed expression on her face. It had been her laughter he had heard.

He turned his gaze back to Legolas and motioned for them to join him. They dropped onto the terrace in the silent manner of woodelves. Lancaeriel wincing as she glanced over his wet robes, and Legolas beaming.

Then in a move to help set Lancaeriel at ease, as well as get even with Legolas, he said, " You look a little warm yourself." And reaching out, he drew Legolas into a tight hug, managing to get the elf wet in the process with his drenched robes.

"Ai, Estel! Must you soak me as well?"


Lancaeriel let out another snicker of amusement, and through the open window came the sound of Arwen's melodious laughter.

Aragorn released Legolas, then fixed him with a stern glare. "I am angry with you. Where have you been? You missed the meeting."

"Please do not be irate with my lord," Lancaeriel beseeched him. "It was not his fault."

Aragorn lifted his brows at her. "It is always his fault," he decided.

"It is not!" Legolas added in affront, but then his smile faded as he explained. "Daehul went lame a league from Asgarnen. I had to walk him back and that took over an hour."

"Is he—"

"He bruised a foot, and will recover just fine. But I could not ride him to Minas Tirith."

But Legolas had more than one horse, Aragorn thought. "What about Thinnen?"

"Thinnen is in foal," Lancaeriel explained. "But the pregnancy is—" She winced. "Well, there is some concern she might miscarry, so he could not ride her."

He turned his glare back on Legolas. "And Thinnen would not be in foal if you had not stolen my stallion to breed to her."

"Borrowed," Legolas threw back at him. "He was returned to you." He made a gesture towards the direction of the stables on the sixth level. "We do not have many mounts in Asgarnen, Estel. And before you ask, Tathar has Glauri out with him on patrol to the East. Lancaeriel offered to let me borrow Naurun, but he will not let any but Caeri ride him."

Aragorn glanced to Lancaeriel in time to see her wince again. "Naurun has become a one rider horse, I fear," she told him. "He threw Legolas—"

"Caeri!" Legolas chastised. "You promised not to mention that part!"

She bit her lip, more to stop a smile, Aragorn thought, than in chagrin. He could see the amusement in her eyes and wished he had seen the elf get tossed himself. That was most certainly a story that would need to be relayed to Gimli.

"I told him to take Dinnif, instead," she said, "but then Dinnif would not leave without Naurun."

"She has made pets of them," Legolas said with a hint of disgust.

"And Daehul is not spoiled?" she asked, placing one hand on her hip as she narrowed her eyes at him.

Aragorn found himself looking back and forth between both elves as they conversed, his lips twitching with mirth. He could hear Arwen's giggles coming from inside as well.

"Daehul is not spoiled," Legolas retorted. "He is the son of Celedae and thus was born with an inflated ego!"

"Like you?"

Aragorn laughed aloud at that, and from inside, he heard Arwen's laughter turn to something resembling a snorting pig.

Legolas threw up his hands in exasperation. "I told her to pack a bag and come with me. She has not yet had a chance to see much of the city, so she came along and here I am. When we arrived, I was informed the meeting had adjourned and you were headed here, so we took a short cut to meet you."

"So you see, it was not Legolas's fault that he did not make it in time for the meeting."

Aragorn was finding he no longer cared. He had not seen Legolas in the weeks since they had spoken in his talan — not even when the stallion had gone missing and been returned. It did his heart well to see Legolas acting like the elf Aragorn had known his whole life. He had missed this side of his friend.

"Very well, I will concede that it was not Legolas's fault, if you, Caeri, will agree to join us for the evening repast."

She blinked at him and said nothing until Legolas leaned over and whispered where they could all hear, "He wants you to join them for the evening meal."

She looked at Legolas and made a face. "Then he should just say so!" Then she turned to Aragorn with a smile and said, "I would be honored, my lord king."

Legolas shifted uncomfortably and glanced down at himself then to Aragorn and said, "Since we have explained the delay in my arrival, and I appear to be all wet, we shall take your leave so I might change and make arrangements for a room for Lancaeriel."

Aragorn nodded, wishing to be rid of his own wet clothing. "By all means. In fact, I believe the room next to the one you share with Gimli is not being used. That would be easiest, I think."

Legolas inclined his head and ushered Lancaeriel out, through the main door this time, after greeting Arwen and sharing a few pleasantries. Lancaeriel was still rather shy around his queen, Aragorn noted, but hoped that would change once they had supped together.

When the two elves had gone, Aragorn moved to his wife, who looked at him in his wet garments and began to giggle once more.

"I like her," Arwen said. "She is good for Legolas."

Aragorn nodded. "She is, so do not start playing matchmaker or he will run!"

"That princeling does not need a matchmaker," she told him, making him blink in surprise. "He will manage just fine on his own," she tilted her head thoughtfully, "in time."

"Not if Tathar has anything to say about it," Aragorn told her with a laugh. "He is determined to win Lancaeriel's affections for himself, or so I hear."

But Arwen shook her head. "She has no interest in Tathar," she declared, then added, "And Legolas—"

"Legolas is oblivious," he agreed, reaching out and wrapping a still sodden arm around his wife's shoulders, drawing her close.

She allowed him to pull her into his wet arms, laughing when his hair dripped onto her face.

"You do realize that now we shall both have to remove our wet garments and find dry ones?" Arwen asked him as she pulled back sporting a mischievous smile of her own.

Grinning back, he looked into her grey eyes and lifted a hand to trail down her cheek.

"What a pity," he retorted and leaned in to capture her lips in a kiss.

The End

Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading and joining me for this journey! and a BIG thank you to everyone who has taken the time to review! Your reviews truly motivate me! I hope you've enjoyed the story.

Lancaeriel shall be making appearances in future stories set in Ithilien, but next up is a story I've been working on for several years and decided it was time to complete. I've included a sneak peak trailer below.

— o —

It was just a simple outing…

A sunny summer day in a large, peaceful meadow bordering a lake. A small child's laughter echoes as we hear the splashing of water)

Glorfindel's voice only as the camera pans over waving flowers and shimmering water: "We are simply going to picnic in a meadow, perhaps swim in the pond, watch bugs, do little boy things."

Elrond: "I trust you to keep him safe, my friend."

(screen breaks to the courtyard in Imladris and Elrond kneeling in front of a three year old Estel.)

Elrond: "Estel, it is very important that you do exactly as Glorfindel tells you. You must obey him in all things. Do you understand?"

Estel: "Do what G'orfin'el tell me...or I get twubble."

(The scene shifts to Glorfindel and Estel walking towards the stable with Elrond watching with a troubled expression. Words flash on black screen as the music begins to take on a more ominous tone:

Should not a sense of foreboding on such a peaceful day

have warned him of what was to come?

(camera shifts back to the meadow and we hear a rustling of leaves. The music grows more dark and foreboding. The grasses wave in the breeze as we hear a guttural growl, pounding hooves and a voice calling out….)

Glorfindel: "Estel! Do not move!"

(Another growl. A child's scream echoes through the meadow. Words flash on black screen as music turns exciting)

An unseen danger!

(Camera zooms in on pounding grey legs and hooves speckled with blood as a horse races through the forest. Words flash on black screen as the music builds

A peaceful day turns to disaster

(Music slows to suspenseful strings as we see Elrond pacing a room as a woman enters looking concerned. Camera zooms in on Gilraen's face)

Gilraen: "…something is wrong with Estel!"

Elrond: "I feel it as well…"

(Scene shifts to the door of the Last Homely House being thrown open and then all goes black as the music stops. Words flash on black screen)

Some wounds go much deeper than skin and bone.

(Mournful music as screen flashes to a close up of troubled blue eyes partially obscured by strands of golden hair)

And some lessons are learned through much pain and sorrow.

(Camera zooms in closer on blue eyes filled with tears. In the background we hear voices raised in anger, followed by a crash of something breaking)

Will a family come together in such crisis?

(Scene changes to Gilraen, tears on her face as she spins and points off camera)

Gilraen: "It's all your fault!"

(Screen changes to Elrond standing in the healing ward, his jaw clenched. He turns to look off camera)

Elrond: "There is nothing you can do. Now leave!"

(Flash back to close up of tear-filled blue eyes. In the background we hear a young child screaming and crying.)

Or will a household be ripped apart by tragedy?

(Music stops abruptly as screen goes black. All we hear is a rumbling growl, then a snarl… Glorfindel's voice echoes in despair:


Healing Hope

A story by Nieriel Raina

Coming soon to a fan fiction site near you.