A/N: This is the result of watching Titanic at 2:00 AM on a Monday after spending the whole day listening to "Yours Truly", so please don't blame me for this.

"Not even God himself could sink this ship!" Said an overly excited young man right next to me as we were boarding, his hands carefully caressing every single detail from the wooden structure beneath us as his other arm was delicately holding mine. His eyes showed nothing but heavenly admiration as we reached our destination, spinning his body around and around, making me spin around with him, drinking in every single feature and trait of the ship.

I giggled at his childlike behavior, but it soon dropped dead as I heard my mom scolding the young lad from behind us – "Steven! Behave yourself for once, will you? This is not the place to be acting like a child"

I found it amusing, since Steven is, in fact, a child. He is my twelve year old brother who will one day become the heir to the Valentine's railroad fortune in Pennsylvania. And as much as he entirely despises the idea, his whole life had been already planned even before he was born.

Steven scoffed and took my arm into his once again, making my mother dig daggers in his back as we walked away. She had never been quite fond of my brother. But once again, my mother was not really fond of anyone.

We reached a nice place to wave goodbye to our uncle in the midst of the crowd. Steven leaned his head and almost full body out of the ship, trying to located our family. I had to hold him back to prevent him from falling off.

- "I thought you wanted to be on the Titanic, Steven. Not off of it"

- "I can't find Uncle George, Cat" – Steven said, apparently not having heard my previous statement.

- "If I help you find him, would you stop moving?"

- "Sure thing" – He said excitedly, finally calming down and inspecting the crowd down below with a more focused look on his face.

My attention copied his and soon enough I was paying close notice to every face looking up to us. Among the multitude I saw a flash of long, blond hair, moving fast and striking some of the men and women attending to witness the departure of the Titanic. A young boy followed her close, running as fast as he could to try to catch up with her, and hardly succeeding.

They were disappearing from sight and I soon found myself with my brother's arm tightly around my arm, trying to pull me back – "Now who is trying to jump off?" – He joked, as I realized I was imitating his same posture of a couple of minutes ago. I composed myself as fast as I could; paying quick glances around to see if anyone had noticed.

- "Such an unlady like behavior. What would mom say?" Steven joked, turning back his attention to the enthusiastic search for Uncle George.

My mind, however, stayed fixed in the place I'd last seen the running lady and her friend.

- "Look! There he is, Cat! I found him!" My eyes darted to where my brother was pointing at, and eagerly waved to my Uncle who had been right in front of our noses the whole time.

Short chapter. I just want to know if its worth following. Let me know, because if you want more chapter I will have to read a big book about the Titanic and a lot of diagrams of the ship...And I'm really lazy.

Anyway, sorry if you spot any grammatical error there. English isn't my native language but hey, I like to try.

R/R please.