Many, many years have passed since the DNA Incident. 10, in fact. The legendary bladers have all but hidden themselves from the new bladers of Earth, waiting for the new generations to rise from their small seat of the world. After the Japanese team consisting of Zero, Shinobu, Kite, and Ren won the 2nd WBBA World Championship, these bladers of the second legendary generation also disappeared among their ranks, waiting for somebody to oppose the younger people and their beys. It is said that they fight to grow as strong as the Legenadry Bladers, and to be able to become strong enough to convence them that their time of hiding is up.

Nobody in these next generations have shown much potential - they easily gave up, and were never taught how to use their blader spirit; there was no one to teach them. They never fully understood their beys, and they never fully understood themselves.

Now, 17 years after the Nemisis Crisis, a new evil is rising from the depths. A powerful evil that has no chance against the legendary bladers - but does have a chance with those willing to serve them. As that evil is starting to rise, the 10th Annual WBBA World Tournament is being held. Many country's teams are being put together at the moment, but Japan is starting to fall behind. You remember that small town of Koma Village? Yes, the one where the legendary Pegusus Weilder was born? That is where this story of this Last Generation begins.

A/N: Well, hello guys! This kind of story has been sitting in my head for a while. I kept wondering what would happen to those in the future of ZeroG/Shogun Steel and Metal Fight Beyblade. I was even more inspired when I saw the end if the last Japanese ZeroG episode. It showed most of the MFB characters (Kenta, Hikaru, Ryo, Ryuto, The Russian Team, Sol, The EU Team, The Chinese Team, Kyoya, ect.) all grown up and into their lives. It brought up major nostalgia, let me tell you. xD

EDIT: I need more male characters, guys! If yours is the best, then you will be able to get the spot as Main Protagonist. Please try to submit some! I cannot start the story unless I have someone in that position!

Anyway, here is the form:

Here is the form:

Name: (First and Last; middle is optional)

Age: (13-18 please)

Gender: (Male or Female?)

Personality: (This is a Major Factor. Be detailed!)

Eye Color:

Hair Color

Skin Color:

Face: (any facepaint? Scars? Glasses?)

Clothing: (Another major factor - I want to know what he/she looks like! If you want to, you can link a drawing of the character.)

Beyblade Name: (No pegasus, please. That means be original.)

Beyblade Discription: (What does the bey itself look like? What about its "bit-beast?")

Please note: Once you send in a form, you are giving me the rights to do whatever is needed for the character to fit the story. This is not limited to: Killing them off, putting them into a relationship with another character, turning them to the "other side," making them suffer, giving them family members, ect.

Also note that I will probably try to draw them out and that the way I draw them out will be the way I see them.


I swear, if I get all female characters, I'm gonna scream -

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! I will probably update this in the next week or so; It depends on the characters I have. :)