Hiya peeps, third chapter in James' P.O.V. Now Percy will forever be referred to as James or Junior, just so you know. Enjoy!

Chapter 3

James' P.O.V

2 months later

At first it was kind of awkward. Sirius and Dumbledore introduced me to pretty much every teacher there, who stared at me in wander. After introducing me to everyone, the professor asked the gatekeeper Hagrid to buy me my needed equipment in diagon alley plus my own broom, a Nimbus 2000, which was apparently what my brother got. I can't wait to meet him. Anyway, I got all the fourth year equipment. My wand, according to Olivander, was 13 inches, Phoenix feather core (courtesy of Forkes) and made from willow. Extremely powerful apparently. My pet is a beautiful, smooth feathered barn owl called Nift. I've been training him to fly (since he didn't know already- strange isn't it? A bird that can't fly. Then again he is only little.) whilst practicing Quiditch skills; who knew that once I learned I would be able to fly, I would actually enjoy it? It turns out I'm quite good in seeker, chaser and goalkeeping positions. Sirius thinks that I should try out for the house team when I get the chance. Dumbledore's been privately tutoring me in all parts of magic and apparently I'm at the level of a 5th year in everything but potions- I'm adequate at that. I've learned every fact in wizarding history- and that was a lot. According to Sirius I might be even better than my father at magic. I learned how to cast a Patronus in my second week and it took the form of a Horse. All of this just makes Sirius act even better towards me. He is the biggest father figure I have ever had- I don't care if he is only my God-father, that's enough for me. I can't wait for the year to start. And I had no intentions to tell anyone about my confusing past.

Anyway, back to the present. I waited in the grand hall next to Professor Dumbledore for everyone to arrive. I just sat slouched wearing my new plain Hogwarts uniform in my chair, idly swirling the pumpkin juice in my goblet, wondering how much longer I would have to sit here. I was bored. All of a sudden I saw the doors swing open and looked up to see who it was, just hoping it was them. Unfortunately it was just Hagrid. I sighed. Another few minutes hopefully- as if. My luck was never that lucky. But of course everyone gets a bit of luck sometimes.

I looked up again when I heard the pounding of shoes and that was when I saw him. My brother had round glasses on and was talking to a red-headed boy and a bushy haired girl whom I guessed were his friends. They sat down at the Gryffindor table; God I hoped I was in Gryffindor. Sirius said he, my father, mother and all their friends were in Gryffindor- and now so was Harry. I was so busy watching him I didn't even notice all the inquisitive glances sent in my direction. Then again, I was sat at the teachers table. Oh well.

They had already set out the sorting area. Professor McGonagall led in the new first years who started to be sorted. Finally, after over a hundred people being sorted, My name was called.

"Potter, James!"

Harry's P.O.V

All talking instantly stopped and I nearly spat out my Pumpkin Juice. Did the professor just call out Potter! Everyone stared as a boy who looked exactly like me (minus the glasses) stood up from the teachers table. I had noticed him when I came in but thought nothing of it.

Anyway, he walked straight up to the sorting hat and sat down. The professor raised the hat over his head but before she even placed it down, it cried out 'Gryffindor!' No cheers came from any table as he came to sit down nearby. As he did, someone broke the silence by calling out, "What do you mean Potter! We've got the only Potter alive, and he isn't him! Who is the imposter!"

I had to agree. How dare come here and claim to have my fathers name.

Dumbledore stood up. " James is Harrys twin brother Seamus, No-one knew about him until two months ago. He has decided to Hogwarts and you should be grateful to have someone as skilled as him in your house." And then he directed his next speech to the rest of the audience. "I expect you all to welcome James to school. He has had a troubled past so under no circumstances will anyone ask him any questions, do you understand?"

The rest of the school replied with a loud 'yes' whereas I just sat in shock- did he just say he was my brother? That's impossible! But as I looked over him I saw that Dumbledore was right. It was believable; if you looked close enough you could even see a scar that was identical to mine. I had a brother.

James P.O.V

I felt someone watching me and looked up to see my brother staring at me. I gave him a nervous smile before turning back to Dumbledore as I knew that he had something else to say.

"Now moving on, I am sorry to say that Quiditch is to be cancelled-"

He was cut off by an uproar of complaints from everyone, apparently forgetting about me.

"QUIET!" Roared Hagrid making everyone shut up in an instant.

"Thank you, now as I was saying, Quiditch will be cancelled due to a very special event. For the first time in years, the Triwizard tournament is going to be held- this time here in Hogwarts. However, unlike the former tournaments this one will have a fourth school entering as well as Beuxbaton and Durmstrang. May I present Chiron's Elite School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

My heart stopped. "WHAT!"

I meant to update earlier, but didn't get a chance. Review! Peace out!