Epilogue: Four Years Later

Two small children are playing in a grassy meadow. Their blond heads bob and weave through the tall foliage as their giggles warn birds and other small animals of their approach.

An old man is sitting on an ancient lawn chair just outside the edge of the tall grasses, waiting for them as they burst through into the open yard. Matty spots her Grandpa and squeals in delight, running as fast as she can to greet him. Her little brother Jasper chases her happily, though his short chubby legs aren't yet strong enough for him to keep up with his big sister. He doesn't care. Matty is his hero and he will follow her wherever she goes.

"Grandpa Gene!" Matty cries out with glee. She slows when she gets to the chair.

"Hello Matty. How are you today?" Grandpa Gene grins down at the blond little girl.

"I am FANTASTIC!" she says, jumping up and down.

"Is that a new word you've learned Matty?"

She nods, "Yep. Uncle Aaron teaches me a new word every day. Next year I get to go to his school."

Gene smiles at her, "What else has been going on? I haven't talked to you for a while."

"Well," the little girl says, planting one little hand on a jutting hip, "My big brother Connor is going to be President of Texas. We have to go to his ingaration next week. There will be cookies. Connor said so."

"Do you mean inauguration?" Grandpa Gene asks with a chuckle.

"Yep, INGARATION." She says again, still not getting the word right, and not caring at all.

"Well, that is very exciting for Connor. How is the rest of your family?"

"Well my LITTLE brother," she points at Jasper who is playing with marbles in the dirt, oblivious to the conversation happening nearby, "is learning to poop on the potty. Mom says it's a terrible trial." Matty says this last bit in a very serious pseudo grown-up voice that makes Grandpa Gene laugh.

"You know what else Grandpa Gene?"

"No, what?"

"Uncle Miles is getting married to Doctor Jack and I get to be the daisy girl!" she is jumping up and down again.

"You mean flower girl?"

"No. I like daisies better, and Doctor Jack said that it was okay with her if I am the daisy girl instead. My dress is blue and Mommy said it is the same color as my eyes.""

"Well, you are going to be a lovely daisy girl." Grandpa Gene says, grinning.

"Jasper is supposed to carry the rings on a tiny little pillow. Hopefully he won't have to poop during the wedding. That would not be FANTASTIC." She giggles up at her Grandpa Gene as he ruffles her hair with a chuckle.

That night Bass and Charlie are snuggled in their bed. The children are tucked into the newly finished attic bedroom, sound asleep. It's been a long day full of the craziness that comes with having two small children underfoot.

"Did you get the bed done?" Charlie asks. She's leaning on one elbow, rubbing soft circles into her husband's chest.

"Yeah. I think they're going to like it." He's been working on a cherry four poster bed for Miles' and Jack's wedding present. The project has consumed him for weeks. Between that and the attic remodel – which he's also done single handedly, she feels like she hasn't seen much of him lately.

"Matty and Jasper are really getting excited for the wedding and Connor's thing too."

"Connor's thing." Bass says with a proud grin. "I can't believe how far he's come. He's really taken to heart all those things Miles and I told him. I think Connor's actually going to be a great leader… much better than I was."

"He's going to succeed, and he owes a lot of that to you, so don't sell yourself short." Charlie says with a smile. She loves seeing how happy Bass has been since he and his oldest son have worked through their differences – most of them anyway.

Bass leans over and nuzzles Charlie's neck, "You tired?' he asks softly, his beard tickling her ear.

She giggles, "Yeah, but not too tired." She gently moves her hand down his chest and over his tight abs and he groans a little when she stops.

Charlie leans back and smirks, "What?" she asks, feigning ignorance.

"I'm an old man Charlie. You can't just start something and not finish it."

"First," she says, leaning it close, "You are not old." She kisses his mouth and he responds with fervor. "Secondly" she says, breaking away just a bit, "I am not going to start anything I'm not ready to finish." With that, her hand begins to move again.

Much later, Charlie collapses onto his chest. They are both sweaty and sated and smiling. "You are amazing." Bass whispers against her hair. I'm never ever going to get tired of you."

"Good to hear because you are stuck with me Monroe."

"Can't think of anywhere I'd rather be stuck, Mrs. Monroe."

They lie in a contented silence for a long time. Finally Charlie sits up, and pulls her nightshirt back on. She looks at her husband lovingly. She can tell that Bass is sleepy, but Charlie isn't ready to call it a night just yet. "You know what tomorrow is?" she asks him quietly.

His eyes meet hers. He sees the sadness there. "Has it already been a year?"

She nods. "Could we all go to the cemetery tomorrow? I want to leave flowers."

He pulls her back down next to his side, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. "Of course we can." He replies quietly.

The sun shines brightly on the little family as they make their way to the small white church on the outskirts of Willoughby. Matty and Jasper run ahead of their parents, giggling and chasing each other. Bass and Charlie are holding hands as they walk along, watching their little ones enjoy the mild summer day.

Rounding the back of the church, they enter a small cemetery. They've been here many times before and know exactly where they are going. Charlie calls out, "Matty, bring the flowers." Matty runs up and thrusts the bouquet of daisies (Matty had insisted that nothing else would do) into her Mother's hand before turning to run after her brother again.

After verifying that the kids are okay where they are playing under a sprawling oak tree, Charlie and Bass walk to the grave. Charlie lays the flowers at the base of the cold grey stone. "I miss you Grandpa." She whispers softly, as she runs her fingers over the engraving:

Eugene Daniel Porter, MD
Loving Husband, Father & Friend

"I still can't believe he's gone Bass. I should be used to death by now, but losing Grandpa… it's still hard to take." She wipes tears from her eyes as she stands and Bass wraps his arms around her, holding her tight.

"We all miss him Charlie. He was one of the good ones."

"Yeah." She smiles through her tears. "You know Matty says she still talks to him?"

Bass nods, "Yeah she's mentioned it. Hey, weirder shit has happened, right?" He chuckles. They both are quiet then, lost in their own thoughts and memories.

Jasper wanders their way and holds chubby arms up to Bass, "Up! Up!" he demands with a pout. His blond hair is straight instead of curly, but otherwise he is the spitting image of his Daddy.

"Hey Little Man." Bass says to his son, kissing a pink cheek. "How are you?"

"Jasser is sleepy Daddy." He nestles his little head in the crook of his Daddy's neck. The smile on Bass' face is one of pure happiness. He is a wonderful father.

"Okay, you can go to sleep. Where's Matty?"

"Over there." The little boy points. Bass and Charlie look in the direction he's indicated and see Matty dancing in circles.

"Alright Matty, it's time for us to get going." Charlie calls.

"Okay Mommy." The little girl calls back, as she begins to skip in their direction.

Matty is trailing behind her parents, singing softly to herself when she spots Grandpa Gene leaning against the back wall of the church.

"Hi Grandpa Gene." She smiles. "We just left you some daisies."

"They are beautiful and I love them." He says with a grin.

She walks over and leans against the wall next to her Grandpa. Looking up at him, she says, "Mommy calls you my angel. Are you my angel?"

Grandpa Gene shrugs, "Something like that."

"Daddy calls you my imagination."

Grandpa Gene doesn't say anything to this, and they just stand there quietly for a while.

"Do you know what Daddy calls ME?" she finally asks.


"He calls me his princess!" Matty giggles. "He says I am the prettiest little girl in the whole world."

"Your Daddy is a smart man. You are a lovely princess."

"Do you know what my Mommy calls me?" she asks.


"Mommy calls me her little warrior. She's going to teach me to shoot arrows someday. She says I'm tough."

Grandpa Gene smiles. "You are indeed a warrior." Suddenly Grandpa Gene kneels down next to Matty, "Do you know what WE call you Matty?"

"No I don't!" Matty says, curiously. "What do you call me?"

Grandpa Gene leans close to Matty's ear and whispers softly, "We call you 'the Love that saved the world'. "

Matty thinks about this for a moment, and decides she likes it. She grins at her Grandpa Gene until he fades away. Her eyes dart around looking, searching. She claps her hands joyfully when she spots what she'd been looking for. The fireflies that always follow Grandpa Gene patiently bob just out of reach, leading her to her parents who have started walking out of the churchyard.

When she gets to them, she reaches up and takes her Mommy's hand. Bass reaches his free arm around his wife's shoulders. Jasper is sound asleep, breathing softly into his Daddy's neck.

"Bass?" Charlie asks, looking up at her husband.

"Yeah Charlie?" He replies, kissing her cheek.

"What do you think of 'Porter'?"

"Your Grandpa's last name?" he looks a little confused. "I don't know. What do you mean?"

"I was thinking it might be a good name for the new baby, you know – if it's a boy." She looks up at him, waiting for the reaction she knows will come.

Bass' eyes grow moist and he stops, pulling her closer. Matty seems to know this is an important family moment and hugs the legs of her parents. When he finally pulls away, his expression is filled with joy.

"Another one?" he can't contain a happy laugh.

"Yeah. I was pretty sure, and Dr. Jack confirmed it for me this morning. "

"I think that Porter would be a perfect name." He presses his lips to her temple in a soft kiss.

"I love you Bass." Charlie whispers.

"Me too!" Matty joins in.

Bass Monroe grins at his girls and hugs his sleeping son tight, "I love you more." He says to them all.

"Not even possible!" Matty cries in delight.

The little girl skips ahead and her happy little family follows her home.

Matheson Gail "Matty" Monroe is in fact a princess (or as close to it in this post blackout world as she can be – the daughter of a former President and the sister of another). She will also certainly be a warrior (for with Matheson and Monroe blood coursing through her veins, how could she not?). And the Nano (borrowing the features of Grandpa Gene) was right as well. Matty is the result of a love that shouldn't have ever succeeded, but did. She is the result of a love that truly DID save the world…. Once.

Someday this little beauty who is equal parts princess and warrior and love, will be given another chance to save the world. She will face terrible odds. It will be difficult. It will be dangerous. At times it will be dark.

Matty will find a love of her own who is strong and courageous and worthy. These two will team up with her brothers, their friends and family. She will lead this new generation of heroes as they fight together to beat the odds, and beat them they will.

For that is the destiny of love like this.

It conquers all.


Author's Note: Let me know what you think. :)