
He pulled me in for a hug, holding me close as I sobbed into his shoulder, his hand running up and down my back. Why was Vance doing this to us, why now of all moments. He was being sent away as Agent afloat, on the RSS Ronald Raggin and I would have to say goodbye to him for as long as he was gone. I felt his lips kiss my forehead and the whispers of reassurance that he would return to me safe and sound. I pulled back looking up into his blue eyes, he was smiling

"I love you Abs" he whispered and I smiled weakly back

"I love you too Tony" I breathed as his lips crushed down on mine, his fingers running through my hair as mine ran up his chest. It wasn't the first time we had made love but it was the first time that we would be separated from each other since we started dating about a year and a half ago. No one had caught on to our relationship which was a blessing for us because otherwise we would've been separated by Gibbs, I may be his favourite person but there was no way he would accept this relationship.

"Are you sure Abs?" Tony asked pulling back and looking straight into my green eyes, I nodded my head and we made love for the last time before he left for the ship in less than twelve hours.