Jay tried to sleep in the airplane that would take them on the holiday they booked last minute, but it had bene a good price for the four of them. They would be in Florida for a week, enjoying the weather and making a trip to Disneyland. At first Erin didn't want to go because she wasn't very fond of traveling with young kids, but they were doing great, even in the airplane.

Jay was almost dozing off when he was woken up by Natalie again. ''Daddy, is Felix asleep?'' She asked and Jay looked at the boy sleeping on this chest. The boy had turned eight months a week ago and he was growing so fast. While Natalie looked more like Lindsay, Felix looked more like his dad.

''He is so cute.'' Natalie said as she looked at her little brother and Jay smiled as he caressed through Felix short hair. ''He is.''

''And he smells like baby.''

Jay started to laugh and Felix opened his eyes, looking who was disrupting his nap. Then he closed his eyes again and fell back asleep.

''Can I also sleep against you, daddy?'' She said and he nodded and the girl laid down her head against his shoulder and fell asleep as well and Erin smirked as she was sitting by the window.

''You are so popular.''

''Yeah I should be sitting in the middle instead of Natalie, so you all can use me as a pillow.'' Jay smirked. Felix then started to move and cry and worried Jay lifted him.

''Oh, you need a diaper change, don't you?'' He said and he walked with the boy on his arm and the diaper back to the lavatory, It was a little unsteady as his legs were not used to the shaky, narrow airplane aisle but he made it and Felix smiled at him as Jay got ready to change his diaper and while he undressed the boy he took a clean nappy from the bag around his shoulder and when he got Felix out of the dirty diaper he suddenly felt something on his hands and looking down, he saw Felix was peeing on him, still looking at his dad with a big smile.

''Yes you are a boy, you are a boy…and you pee on daddy.'' Jay sighed and he quickly washed his hands before looking for wet wipes in the bag and he couldn't find them and looking even longer he realized they were not in there. While Felix was still waiting for a clean diaper Jay looked out of the lavatory, to see Erin was asleep, but Natalie was looking at him a few rows back and he waved at her.

''Wake mommy.'' He said loud enough for her to her and Natalie poked Erin, who looked around, sleepy and saw Jay standing then. He signed for the wet wipes and Erin smirked, opened her bag and gave a package to Natalie.

Natalie came walking through to the aisle with a sassy look on her face.

''Daddy you are so funny.'' She said then as she handed him the wipes and most of the people that could hear them laughed but also laughed at Jay because they thought it was funny, but also adorable.

Jay finished up changing Felix' diaper and he walked back to his seat with Felix, most of the people looking at Felix with a smile as he was so cute. He sat back in his chair again and was glad that they were almost in Florida while Felix fell asleep on his chest again.

About an hour later, they landed in Miami and Natalie looked surprised as they were allowed to leave the plane first, as her dad got assisted to a wheelchair just outside of the plane because he could not take his cane with him here.

''Are we in Disneyland yet? I feel like a princess.'' Natalie laughed as they got to the security and customs first and they left to get their luggage, followed by other people though, but they had been first and it made Natalie feel like they were really at Disneyland and she really was a princess now.

Jay was glad when he could trade the heavy hospital wheelchair for his own cane and they walked out. He carried his and Erin's suitcase and Natalie walked with hers and Felix', because they were smaller and Erin held Felix. At first they had been stressed about going on holiday together, but now it seemed so nice.

They got their rental car and Erin drove to the hotel, which was in Miami Beach and it was barely half an hour later when they could sit down on the beach, in the sand and in the sun. Natalie was playing in the sand and Erin sat with Felix on her lap while enjoying her cocktail. She enjoyed her daughter enjoying herself at the beach and looked as Jay got up and walked towards her and sat down next ot her in the sand and helped her with the sand castle and she enjoyed this so much. As she had been working less, he had been working more to earn money and he hadn't a spend a lot of time with Natalie and Felix lately so it was good he could now.

Then he took the football they had and and they started to throw at each other while Natalie sat down with Felix in the sand and he let his hands go though the sand, laughing because of the funny texture and he grabbed fist full of sand, dropping it again as he laughed loud. It was good their kids were so happy.

A little later they sat all together by the table and Natalie was enjoying an alcohol free cocktail and Jay and Erin also enjoyed a drink and sat back, knowing that they finally were on holiday and enjoyed some time together. It was not just with the kids but also that they got to spend more time together as they had two rooms, one for the kids and one for them although they were connected by a door so they could still be with them really fast.

It was going to be a great time, for all of them, they were sure about that.

NOTE: The family arrived in Florida for a holiday all together to spend some time, to bond the siblings and just spend a good time. What do you want to see of their holiday? please tell me!

Thank you for reading and I hope you liked this chapter. Please leave a review with what you thought and if there is more you want to see of this holiday.