"Misha Collin's is dead!"

Let me paint the lovely picture of me for you. My name is Lynne Carter, a 25 year old women who stands at the astonishing height of 5,2. I am very undecisive due to the fact that my plain brown hair constantly stays shoulder length due to me wanting to cut it all off then grow it out again, I usually just thrown it in a mini poytail. Even though I need them, you will rarely see glasses framing my blue eyes because of some superficial complex I got back in middle school, but I always keep them handy for driving and other emergency's, yeah, Im too chickenshit to get contacts.

Currently, I am studying to complete my ESL certificate while working forty hour work weeks at McDonalds to pay for food, rent and pot. My roommate is an irrelevant bitch who never pays her share of the rent on time. More about me, I'm a vegetarian, not a healthy one however, I still eat cheese, and eggs, and I still drink milk. Mainly my diet consists of cake, candy, chocolate and anything sweet with the occasional salad and such. There isn't really a reason why I became a vegitarian, just a random choice, really.

Wait, I have a story to tell, don't I?

"Whoa, slow down Amanda, What?" propping myself up more comfortably in my bed, I shifted my phone in one hand and moved my alarm to face me with the other. The harsh red glare reflected 3:46 AM. I just got out of work five hours ago. Thank god I had a day off today.

"Misha's been murdered! Tumblr exploded! Supernatural's gonna get canceled! Game over!" She almost cried through the phone, her voice was sharp compared to the silence of my dark room. I flipped on a light and headed towards my laptop on my desk.

"How?" I asked. I can't believe this. Supernatural, one of my favorite T.V show's lost it's Castiel? Hell, it is probably going to get canceled.

"The News says it was a mugging that turned violent, someone broke into his car, and, well you know, ended up slitting his throat in an alleyway."

"Ew..." I logged onto tumbler and my jaw dropped.

Oh my poor, poor fandom.

My dash was flooded with Misha's RIP pictures and we'll miss you gifs. There were even a few crazy rants on how it was not an ordinary stabbing, like some actual demon did it. "Holy crap." I muttered.

"Right?" Amanda was more into supernatural then me. Well, to an extent, We both love the show but she's a little bit over the top, she met the actors at a con' a few months back, has tons of posters, T-shirts and jewelry merchandise, she even has the official Bobby Singer's guide to hunting book that she has yet to let me borrow.

"This really sucks, I mean his poor family."

"Oh man, don't start! I've already been crying for twenty minutes." She sniffled. "As much as it sucks, I need to get to bed, big meet tomorrow." She meant her college track meet.

"Alright, night girl."

"I'll call you around five? Tomorrow night okay?" I answered her clarifying that I will be sure to answer the phone. She hung up and I sighed contemplating the idiocy of people. What the hell compels somebody to murder another person? I mean, the money problem, I get that, more than I should but still, I don't think I could ever threaten somebody let alone kill anyone. Don't get me wrong, I've had quite a few fights but never anything serious, you know? Thinking about it, and shallow as it may sound, the only reason why im so upset is because my show is going to get canceled. Maybe if im lucky, they'll write a book or something.

I guess that's life, celebrity or not, tragedy's happen and we can only hope the police catch up with the idiot who killed him. I have my own life, and im not spending it being depressed by stuff like this. Supernatural is too popular to just cancel, the producer's will figure something out. I was just about to turn my laptop off when a light airy "ding" sounded from it, signaling I had mail. Opening my E-mail page, I indeed have one new message labeled "untitled". From: God. Clicking on it, I was met with a lovely little message.

Lynne Paige Carter,

I cannot stress the importance that you download these two items onto a hard drive. I also cannot stress the amount of danger you are in. I will not go into further detail for the internet is not the safest place to have this discussion, however, I will say this.

"Fix it."

Huh, creepy.

I almost immediately knew where the email came from. A couple weeks ago, I was on a survey spree trying to get a bunch of free samples in the mail. I threw my email everywhere as well as my home address, and ever since all I've gotten is junk mail, spam and a virus on my computer. However, this one sounds vaguely threatening, and even though all junk mail is threatening, this one has a certain ring to it. I opened the first document.

My screen went black for a moment and I mentally kicked myself for being such an idiot. I really don't need another virus on my computer, im still getting pop-ups from the last one. Next thing I know, the logo from season six of Supernatural flashes on my screen and breaks the deafening silence. I real back completely shocked. I scrambled to shut it off, but there was no minimize button and my laptop decided to be a bitch and not turn off no matter how many times I pressed the stupid button. I settled for turning down the volume before I woke up my roommate in the next room.

My eyebrows met in the middle as I realized somebody I know must have sent me this. A junk mail agency, or whatever you call it, would gain nothing from sending somebody a random Supernatural episode. Now I just need to figure out who it was. My choices were pretty limited due to the fact that most of my friends are pretty normal. Logically, it's either a tumblr friend or Amanda, but I just finished talking to her on the phone, so Amanda's out. Tumblr friend it is.

I soon realized that I did not recognize this episode, I mean I should have. It's season six, the one with Eve and trying to find purgatory, I know all my seasons fairly well. But this episode struck me. Balthazar, who was dead, showed up at Bobby's house to confront the Winchesters. He was running about, frantically searching for items that I concluded had to make a spell. I smiled as he said something snarky to Dean. He spoke about Raphael coming after him, he gave Sam a key before an angel appeared in the room, looking pissed. Balthazr next pushed them through some kind of portal he created through the spell. Sam and Dean looked frantic for a moment as they realized they wern't in bobby's house anymore. They were on a set. The set. The Supernatural set. Is this a deleted, or lost episode?!

Oh, I like this Tumblr friend.

What shocked me the most was how the actor who played the director was actually the director. He did signings at the Con' me and Amanda went to. Wow, I guess they really wanted to be authentic. I decided to watch it further. Again, I had no work today, so i have plenty of time to sleep later. Going further into the episode, I realized it was about how Dean and Sam came into this reality, where they were Jensen and Jared. They looked so cute, all confused and such as they realized Sam was married to 'Ruby', The Impala was a fake and Castiel was actually Misha Collins. Although I couldn't help but feel a bit creeped out. Who the hell sent me this? Is it even a coincidence that Misha died just a few hours ago? What am I thinking, of course it doesn't. Sometimes, I think of the stupidest things that make absolutely no sense.

They were running from Raphael's assassin, Virgil, who managed to steal the key from Sam. Next, was a bit shocking. Misha was tweeting about how he was feeling paranoid, then he was grabbed from behind by Vrigil, knife to his throat. I shifted. I did not like this at all, I mean, I can take character death, and I was never really one to freak out about something like this but, are we for real? He just died, not even five hours ago. Misha was told to drive.

Next was, too much. Virgil made Misha get out of the car, and into an alley. The real Misha got killed in an Alley. Virgil then went on to talk about how horrible this reality is, how theres no after life here, no demons, no heaven. He was thrown against the wall.

"No power. No magic."

"I-Im not following you at all-"

"Theres no magic in your universe."

"Im Sorry! I- Please!"

"Nothing but a bag of strings and pullys"


"You should thank me for what im about to do."

"Why, what are you about to do?"

"I need to make an important call. I pray to god that it even goes through."


No. Fucking. Way.

Suddenly I feel very paranoid. Like when you watch a horror movie all by yourself in the dark. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up uncomfortably as the screen froze for a few moments on Misha's slit throat, pained face, look of terror. A horrible static came through the speakers, I sat there at a lost at what to do. The static changed to a station.

"Yep, one eighty seven, headed up to the drive now."

"Just got the call, requesting back up."

Some more static.

"This just in, the actor Misha Collins, best known for his role in the Hit T.V. show Supernatural, has been murdered. A witness found him in an alleyway and claimed he saw the attacker hold a knife to his throat, and ended the poor mans life."

The static faded, and the picture pixalated into a different screen, going back to the normal episode. Sam and Dean were at the crime scene. I watched the rest through a sort of Haze, so many questions were running through my head. Sam and Dean, caught up to Virgil, took the key back, and reversed crashed into a window landing back into their reality. Raphael was there waiting for them. Balthazar appeared and claimed the key was a fake, to distract him from the real exchange of the angelic weapons. As Raphael was about to kill Balthazar, Castiel, not Misha, appeared claiming he had the weapons. Raphael fled. Everyone wins, the shows over leaving Sam and Dean pissed as hell and me wondering what the actual fuck am I doing with Misha's Murder on Video Tape.

God emailed me Misha's death, on video tape.