Caroline Forbes could not believe that her friends are basically now supernatural being. Determined to keep them happy and safe, she made use of her hidden abilities. It would be much easier though if she did not catch the eye of a certain Original… who is like the villain in this story. AU Season 3


Just a few alterations from the show:

Caroline was not the one turned by Katherine. It was Matt.

Caroline and Tyler did not hook up, but they became close.

My characters might become OOC. I tend to do that in my fanfics.

And yeah, The Vampire Diaries is not mine. If it were, it would revolve around Klaus and Caroline. LOL

PS: This has been a repost.




Chapter One

The Moment He Saw Her




If you asked Caroline Forbes last summer whether vampires, werewolves, and witches were real or not, she would laugh straight in your face and bitch the hell out of you. Life was simpler back then. Okay, girl had a lot of issues, teen dramas and insecurities, not to mention responsibilities at a young age; but who would think that her and her friends would be involved in the whole supernatural shebang courtesy of her rival-slash-friend-who-is-a-doppelganger-and-a-vampire-magnet Elena Gilbert and her friend-slash-not-rival-and-a-witch-from-birth Bonnie Bennett. Not to mention Tyler Lockwood, just your friendly werewolf next door. (She liked to think him as Team Jacob, not that she would tell him that.)

And of course, their group of misfits had their own version of Team Edwards. The vamps. Elena's MIA boyfriend, Stefan Salvatore, Caroline's ex-douche-boyfriend Damon Salvatore, and Elena's and Caroline's ex-just-turned-last-summer-boyfriend Matt Donovan. And of course, there was their history teacher, Alaric Saltzman, the hunter and Jeremy, Elena's little brother and Bonnie's boyfriend. Those two could come back from the dead because of a magic ring.

Yes. Caroline was technically the only human without any abilities that can keep up with the supernatural stuff. When she knew all about it, the first thing she did that night was to list them all. She had been shocked to come to a conclusion that her town was like a supernatural teen show, she could write a story out of it. But as the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, she refused to let the people around her to be super affected about this. Just like now.

"Oh come on!" Caroline frustratingly said to Matt who ruined what they, except Matt prepared for the Senior Prank Night. "Seriously?! Do you know how long it took us to settle this up?"

"You forgot about Senior Prank Night, huh." That was a statement from Tyler. Truthfully, she just convinced him to participate.


"How can you forget?" Of course, Caroline understood why. But a mission's a mission. We've only waited for this since freshmen year!"

"Yeah, Matt," said Elena, another soul that Caroline convinced. "If I'm doing this, you're doing this."

"I'm kinda surprised any of you are doing this."

"Caroline is making us." Okay, she convinced them all. Geez, yes awful things happened but why brood over those for a long time, right? So she repeated the speech she gave to her three friends.

"We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that will stay with us forever and – "

"And if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point?" Elena continued what Caroline was about to say.

"Go ahead and make fun. I don't care."

"You're all lame." That's the spirit, Tyler! "I have some classrooms to break."

"Wait for me, man."

Proud that her vampire friend got some sense in his hear, Caroline smiled. Elena also went to the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" Bonnie asked.

"To superglue Alaric's test desk. Making memories."

"I love you!"

Realizing that their friends had their own way to prank, Bonnie asked, "So, our agenda, Miss Mystic Falls?"

Caroline smiled sweetly.




Klaus Mikaelson was a problem solver, although his ways were debatable. That was why when he realized that something was not right in his how-to-turn-werewolves-into-hybrids recipe; he sought Gloria's services, his favourite witch. That led to him waking up Rebekah and "uncompel" Stefan. It was supposed to be a happy moment. The Ripper was his long-lost friend, almost like a brother to him. But he betrayed – no – attempted to betray him.

And the problem was rooted to that pathetic town.

He needed to go back there, however. And rage that he felt when he heard a familiar voice.

"To superglue Alaric's test desk. Making memories."

Making memories, eh? This would be a moment that his little doppelganger would remember forever, even from the other side.

I love you!

And who was the owner of that voice? Was her blood as sweet as her voice? Hmmm…

Klaus carefully listen to Elena's footsteps. And her reaction was what he expected when she saw him. Shocked and terrified. He just smiled sweetly at her, as if he was indeed happy to see the wench.

"There's my girl."

"Klaus!" He wanted to laugh at her attempts to run away from.

"You are supposed to be dead." The Ripper had some explaining to do. "What do we do about that?"

On the swimming pool, Caroline and Bonnie were giggling like little girls while decorating. It was kind of refreshing to see Bonnie just like before this whole supernatural shebang. Sometimes, she just freaked Caroline out because of the eerie aura that she seemed to possess now.

"Hey, Care, thank you."


"For this. For convincing us to have a normal life for once."

Caroline smiled. "No problem, Bon. Where's Jeremy, by the way?"

The other girl shook her head. "I haven't talked to him all day. We're having uhm… he told me about seeing Viki."

"What?!" Jeremy has become a ghost whisperer? What's next?

"And Anna."

"Oh, Bon!" Caroline approached her friend and touched her shoulder. What could she say about that?

But Bonnie smiled brightly. "Let's just focus on making memories."

"Girl talk later."

"Yeah, later." She agreed. "Let's go to the gym."




"Attention, seniors!" While dragging Elena, Klaus exclaimed. "You have officially been busted. The Prank Night is over. Get on home." Then, he spotted two familiar faces. "You two, I remember you."

"Sorry, I don't know you."

"Oh sorry, I wasn't right in my head when we met." And then, he looked at the girl's eyes to compel her. "Lift your foot up, please, Dana."

Of course, Dana obeyed.

"If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death, understood."

Chad just nodded. Klaus sensed the fear in fair Dana's body. It thrilled her.

"You don't have to hurt anybody!"

"Of course, love. I do. Now, let's wait for your witch friend, shall we?"

And your sweet little friend.

And thirty minutes later, Klaus heard the witch. She's coming to the gym. He could not help but smile when he heard that sweet voice again.

"Bonnie, get out of here!"

Too late.

Klaus flashed in front of them.

"Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up. Now let's get started." Then, he looked at Dana. "Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad, sit tight." And then he stared at the girl beside the witch. Hmmm… what a beauty. Klaus grabbed her by the arm and inhaled her scent. She smelled so sweet. He could not wait to taste her. He found it amusing that she tried to get away.

"Get away from her!" Elena shouted as the girl in his grasp struggled, but he didn't care.

"What's your name, love?"


"It's nice meeting you, sweet Caroline."

As his fangs showed, his sweet angel trembled in fear, her eyes widened. And as if accepting her fate, lovely Caroline closed her eyes tight and lowered her head as his sharp fangs approached her neck to drink her blood that tasted so divine.