His fingers were entwined with mine. They were warm, but rough, but gentle… He held my hand so firmly in his grasp as if he feared I would slip away from him, yet his hold was soft at the same time. Rin took such good care of me despite being a rather distant person. Maybe distant wasn't the right way of putting it. He was a bit rough? He would snap suddenly at times, he could be rather hard to approach, but that was because he always looked so sour.

Rin was pulling me along as he held onto my hand, "Makoto?" He called back to me.


Rin looked over his shoulder at me, "Do you wanna go out on a d-date tonight?" I could see a faint blush on his cheeks. I took a glance around the area we were walking though. I noticed that we weren't anywhere near my home where the red head was supposed to be leading me, but what did I care? I just wanted to spend as much time as possible with Rin. We rarely saw each other, well, maybe that wasn't completely true. I saw him at swim practice, and he had replaced Haru with the chore of walking home with me.

I sighed a little, stole a quick glance at Rin and smirked at his slightly worried face. He thought I would turn him down? "Where do you want to go?"

Rin's mouth spread in a large, toothy grin. "Wanna get dinner?!"

"Where at?"

Rin furrowed his eyebrows as he thought of where to go, "Uhm, maybe at the pizza place down the road?"

Pizza? I don't think couples normally went for dates… Who was I to complain though? "I'd love to."

Rin's step fell now to match mine, his grip on my hand became a bit firmer, "Great!" Rin chuckled, but suddenly become concerned, "Don't worry! I will pay for you!"

"Of course." I smirked down at him.

We slowly made our way to the pizza place; the sun had already set when we had arrived there. Rin wanted to take his time with talk, apparently. He had kept chatting me up the entire way there. Was he that happy about our date? Well, I was too… I was happy to be here with him, eating bad American food.

Why was this so nice though? We were simply sharing a simple cheese pizza and we conversed with one another. We laughed as well. Hanging out with him was easy, talking to him was easy. Unlike with Haruka who always remained so silent.

The date eventually came to an end, and Rin's warm hand clasped mine once more as we made our way back home.

"Thank-you." I whispered to him when we had arrived at the steps of my house.

"No, thank-you." He replied. Rin stepped closer, and I leaned down slightly as he leaned up to meet me. Our lips touched softly. I could feel heat creep up my face and to my ears, when we broke apart even with the dim lighting of night I could make out his serious blush. This was our first kiss, and I smiled at how cute he was reacting. His eyes averted mine quickly.

"Have a good night, Makoto." He turned to leave, but I yanked him back and pressed my lips to his. I put more passion and feeling into this kiss. When I parted with him Rin looked at me all surprised.

"Good night, Rin."

"Y-Yeah." With that Rin left my doorstep and started to make his way home.