
Titans Tower, 5:30 p.m.

It was a calm peaceful day at the tower. No villains had appeared to screw up the day, the sun was shining, and the titans were just chilling in the kitchen or living room generally with no problems, even Beast Boy and Raven had decided not to screw with each other this day.

"Hello, Robin." Starfire said casually floating towards him.

"Hey Starfire, wassup?" Robin replied smiling.

"Well there is a Royal Ball on Tamaran and I would be quite delighted if you would come with me." Starfire told him smiling.

"I would love to." Robin replied leaning in for a kiss.

Then just as their lips were about to meet, Robin disappeared.

Starfire opened her eyes to see that her boyfriend had in fact, disappeared. She stood there confused and angry unsure of what she should do. So naturally all she did was scream. "ROBIN!"

Middleton Park, 11:30 p.m.

It was the last night of summer in Middleton and the two resident teenagers known as Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable had snuck out so they could go on one final date before Kim left for college.

"I'm going to miss you Kim." Ron told her as they walked through the park hand in hand.

"Ron it's only for a few months, I'll come back every chance I get I promise." Kim reassured him.

"It's going to be pretty boring without you." Ron joked.

"You'll be fine." Kim said before kissing Ron.

"Well I should probably head home, finish packing." Kim said pulling away.

"See ya later KP."

"Goodbye, Ron."

Ron stood there in the park watching Kim walk away. Then suddenly he wasn't.

Kim was gone.

Jasmine Dragon, Noon

Everyone was at the Jasmine Dragon enjoying a cup of tea and rejoicing at the fact that the war was over. Aang, Katara, Sokka and Suki were dreaming about what they would do in this peaceful future. Iroh was trying to teach Toph how to play Pai Sho to no avail. Everyone was generally having fun.

"What do you plan on doing in the future, Sokka." Aang asked his old friend.

"I—uuuhhh—I don't know." Sokka told them looking around nervously.

"Come on you gotta have some idea what you are going to do in the future." Katara chided her brother.

"Well I'm going to get some more tea." Suki said getting up from her chair. Kissing Sokka before she left.

"I think I'm going to propose to Suki." Sokka said quietly.

"I am so happy for you." Katara told him smiling.

Everyone there was even happier than before at this news and it seemed that nothing could bring down the mood of the Jasmine Dragon. This was not true though for something did. The disappearance of Aang.

Just randomly and unexplainably the avatar was gone.

New York City Streets (Parallel Future) 9:00 a.m.

It was a dreary day. The city was being ravaged by another monster yet again. It would appear all hope is lost. This however is not true. There is hope. It comes in the shape of a teenage boy. A teenage boy named Rex Salazaar.

He comes flying in from the sky and hits the E.V.O. in the face with his huge metallic fists. He dodges a swipe from the beast, then another, and another before going in for the cure. He reaches his hand out and wills his nanites to cure him. Then just like that a threat that moments ago was destroying people's homes was dispatched with ease.

"You were supposed to wait for us." Six scolds Rex coldly as he lands.

"I had it handled. Besides now you can get back to doing whatever it is psycho ninjas do in their spare time." Rex responds in his normal ignorant way.

"Regardless people could have gotten hurt." Six tells him.

"But no one did." Rex replies still nonchalantly.

"Anyways I gotta get going." Rex says transforming his lower half into the 'Rex Ride' "See ya back at headquarters."

Little did Six know that he would not see Rex again, no one would. Not for a very long time.

Amity Park, 6:00 p.m.

"Come on Skulker, is that the best you can do." Danny Phantom remarked dodging a missile fired by the enemy.

"Why you insignificant whelp!" Skulker fired more missiles at him. "I will have your head on a mantle."

"Doesn't hunting me ever get old." Danny said dodging the missile and firing ectoplasm at Skulker.

"No!" Skulker dodged the ectoplasm and charged right for Danny.

"Really." Danny phased through Skulker. "Cuz I would have thought it would've gotten really boring by now."

Skulker whipped around with his arm extended ready to smack Danny in the face. Danny descended just in time to ask. "So How's Ember?"

"None of your business!" Skulker screamed starting to get really angry.

"Whoa just asking." Danny apologized "Anyways I really got to wrap this up."

With that Danny opened up the Fenton thermos and sucked Skulker right inside of it. "See ya later tinhead."

Tucker Foley and Sam Manson looked up in time to see their friend flying right towards them. Then he wasn't flying in front of them anymore. He had vanished.

New York City Streets (World of Magical Creatures), 3:00 p.m.

"Woo-Hoo." Three American teenagers skated down the alleyways of New York. These three American teens were Spud Spudinski, Jake Long, and Trixie Carter. They were taking some time off after their adventures in Hong Kong.

"So Jakie. What's the deal with magicland?" Trixie asked while jumping over a knocked over trashcan.

"It's been really boring ever since the defeat of the Dark Dragon." Jake said. "Even the huntsclan is being weirdly quiet."

"Well I'm just glad we're back in New York." Spud replied happily.

All of a sudden Jake's phone rang so he stopped skating to pick it up.

"Jake you have to get to the shop now." He heard his grandfather's voice yelling at him before hanging up.

"We gotta get to the shop guy's."

"Race Ya." Trixie replied before taking off.

The three pounded on to the sidewalks of the big apple racing eacth other to the shop. Trixie and Spud were in the lead with Jake not far behind.

Trixie looked behind her to see how far her lead was and realizing that Jake wasn't behind them.

"Jakie!" Spud and her immediately turned around to look for him but all they found was his skateboard abandoned in the middle of the street.