I think this story will be really sweet. And I hope you all agree. Enjoy! :3

Fatch smiled as he flipped over a pancake, moving over and pouring some sugar into the strawberries. It was an early Saturday morning, and all the children were awake now. Dusk was still in bed, so Fatch decided he would make breakfast today. Besides, he DID like to cook.

Fatch couldn't help but wonder why Dusk wasn't awake yet. The older didn't normally sleep this long. Especially since there were so many younger children here. He felt like it was his duty to take care of them. Hence why he was normally the first one up. Fatch tried to shake it off though, as what Dusk did was his own business. Besides, he had breakfast to serve the others.

Grabbing the plate of pancakes, the prince walked over to the table and carefully set said plate down, smiling as he watched his siblings simple raid the food. They must've been hungry or something. Looking at the clock, Fatch figured he should probably wake Dusk up. After all, it was 10 now, and Dusk probably had work today. Even though they didn't need Dusk to work, he still worked. Apparently Dusk liked working. And since Midnight was old enough to watch the others, he had a job. And Fatch figured he wouldn't want to be late.

Slowly he turned and worked his way up the stairs to Dusk's room. He began to wonder WHY Dusk was sleeping this late. Did his alarm just not go off? Or did he ignore it and just sleot a bit longer? Finally he reached the older's room, quietly opening the door and finding the older sleeping with his back towards him. Fatch smiled a bit at his sleeping brother before walking over and gently shaking his shoulder.

" Hey Dusk. "

Fatch said soothingly, getting a soft moan from the other. Slowly Dusk looked at him with tired ruby eyes, looking upset by the wake up call. Fatch merely smiled at it playfully before gently ruffling the others hair.

" Come on sleepy head. You're gonna be late for work. "

" ... Mmm... "

Dusk hummed, clenching his eyes shut before sitting up, scrubbing the sleep away. Soon Fatch smiled and left the room, leaving Dusk alone to get ready.

Fatch raised a single eyebrow as he walked back into the dinning room, surprised to find everyone already done eating and playing in the living room. And he was just as surprised to find that everyone but Thatch left their plate on the table. With a half hearted sigh, Fatch scooped up all the plates, holding this in one hand, heading over to the kitchen. Seriously, why was picking up dishes so difficult for his siblings?

Soon the prince turned on the tap and began to wash the dishes, luckily not having to scrub them vigorously. He began to wonder about Dusk again. Why did he seem so tired? Did he stay up late? Maybe he was just tired today... who knows?

Turning off the tap, Fatch dried his hands off on his jeans and walked into the other room, sitting beside Thatch and turning to see what was on TV. It was Pokémon advanced challenge. And the theme was on the screen. This was his favorite theme of all the 18 Pokémon themes. Fatch smiled and folded his arms behind his head, enjoying the music.

The sound of footsteps soon filled the room, and Fatch soon turned around to see Dusk on his way out the door. However, he seemed a bit sluggish and tired, his normally lively crimson eyes now droopy and hazy. But before Fatch could ask if he was ok, Dusk was already out the door.

' Hmmm... ' Fatch mentally hummed. ' I hope he's ok... '

Some time had passed, and Fatch and Thatch were now REALLY involved with a Pokémon marathon. They'd been watching for so long they were now in the Galactic battle season of Pokémon. Which was the region of Sinnoh. Very far into the Pokémon world.

The two now sat a mere few feet in front of the TV, smiling as Pikachu thunder shocked team Rocket.

" Heh-yah! "

Thatch cheered, throwing one fist into the air.

" Take that team Rocket! "

Fatch cheered back, fisted hands very close to his chest. Suddenly the phone rang, causing Fatch to groan and pounce up and rush over to the phone. Thatch turned to see him rush off before turning back to the screen, smiling as Ash hugged the Pikachu. It was a bit annoying how Ash always won, since he was a bit stupid, but eh. Heroes always win. Cliché, but yeah.

Thatch suddenly jolted as he heard something collide with the ground. Immediately he jumped up and turned to look into the dinning room, finding Fatch simply standing there, eyes wide and his hand suspended in the air, hands baring his claws. He looked shocked and terrified at the same time. Thatch carefully approached the older, trying to remain out of his line of scratching.

" Fatch? "

He asked cautiously, raising his hands up in defense.

" You ok man? "

" ... Dusk passed out at work... "

Soon Thatch was worried as well, for not only Dusk but for Fatch as well. The young prince looked like his world had just collapsed. Soon Fatch moved a bit towards the table and, without warning, slammed his head down on the table. Thatch jumped and immediately lifted the older's head back up.

" Dude! "

He yelped, trying to keep his head up.

" Chill! "

" ... I'm such an idiot... "

Fatch mumbled, placing a hand on his forehead, which had received most of the hit.

" I knew something was off and I just ignored it... I should've let him stay home... "

" W-w-we should go get him! "

Thatch hurried, forcing Fatch to walk towards the door.

" Come on! "

Within a matter of minutes, the two were in the hospital, and Jenette was leading them to the older's room. Apparently it was bad to the point the company Dusk worked for was worried to the point they called the paramedics. Hence why Jenette was bringing them to Dusk's room.

Soon they were there, and they both found themselves frowning at the older's condition. The older was sweating a great deal, his cheeks were a bright red shade, and he was mumbling in his sleep. Although, they couldn't figure out what he was saying.

Fatch shuffled his feet nervously, sitting beside his brother and taking hold of his hand.

" What happened Jenette? "

He heard Thatch ask, frowning a bit.

" It looks like influenza. It's not serious, but he should get some bed rest for a few days. If he works, it'll take longer for him to recover. He should drink plenty of fluids, and eat only simple things like bread or crackers. "

Fatch lightly rubbed his brothers hand with his thumb, frowning as Dusk's eyes shut tighter, his head rolling to the side. Without much warning, Dusk yanked Fatch's hand over and placing it against his cheek, smiling at the cold feel.

" I'll leave you three alone. "

With that, the purple haired woman left. Thatch slowly sat on the other side of Dusk, taking hold of his free hand.

" Will he be ok, Fatch? "

Fatch took a deep breath and sighed, lightly brushing his thumb against the older's cheek.

" Y-yeah... "

He whimpered softly, smiling very weakly.

" He'll be ok. I know he will. "

" ... Mmmmm... "

Dusk hummed, eyes clenching tighter before opening his ruby eyes, looking up at the children. Slowly he smiled softly, eyes drooping a bit.

" H-hey guys. "

He said, his voice soft and shaky.

" Wh-what's up? "

Thatch smiled softly, squeezing the older's hand.

" How are you feeling Dusk? "

" Oh, I'm feeling fi- "

Dusk cut himself off, pulling his hand away from Fatch to cover up a coughing fit. It was harsh and sounded painful, causing the children to cringe. Luckily Dusk stopped soon and hit his chest a few times for whatever reason.

" S-sorry... "

" Dusk, cut the crap bro. "

Fatch said sternly yet softly.

" Honestly, how are you feeling? "

Dusk blinked before sighing, sipping his forehead free from sweat.

" Crappy, but I'm uh... "

" I'm sorry... "

Fatch muttered, getting a strange look from Dusk.

" ... What for? "

" I had the suspicion something was wrong and I ignored it... I-I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you... I-I'm sorry I let you down... "

Dusk frowned and started to force himself to sit up. Fatch and Thatch wanted to force him down, as he was obviously sick, but they knew Dusk could easily over power them. Once he was up, he roughly took hold of Fatch's shoulders, getting the younger to look at him with wide eyes.

" Fatch. Listen to me. "

He began, sounding more serious then Fatch had ever heard him be before.

" You could NEVER let me down. Don't you DARE think you've let me down. "

Fatch could feel his eyes widen, surprised when Dusk suddenly pulled him and Thatch into a tight hug. Fatch felt his eyes water before hugging his brother back, sniffling a bit. Slowly they departed, and Dusk smiled at them.

" Can we... can we go home now? Hospitals kinda bum me out. "

The two giggled a bit before helping Dusk to his feet. The older himself was panting now, yet smiling all the while.

" Sure thing Dusk. "

Fatch said with a smile.

" Let's go home. "

Awww... I think this was so sweet... I wouldn't mind continuing it either. If you guys want. Let me know if you want me to continue it, or just leave it as a one-shot. ;D

Anyway, goodnight!