Final chapter. Like the last one, it'll be bitter sweet. Hope you like!

A day had gone by, and Dusk had steadily gotten back on his feet. Fatch had warned him, and begged him not to go to work for a few days though, and Dusk had to agree. After all, he didn't want to worry Fatch any further than he already had. Or Thatch for that manner. Thatch had been so freaked that Dusk had let him sleep in his bed for the night. After all, he had no problem comforting Thatch when he was afraid. It... reminded him of Fatch a bit...

Also, small fact for this new day, Fatch still had yet to tell Dusk, but before he had gone to bed last night, he snuck back into Nerezza to make Septimus regret casting that spell, or what ever he did to make Dusk sick. Needless to say, Septimus wouldn't be bothering them for weeks. Unfortunately Dusk soon heard about it, as apparently it was so bad, all the demons 1: knew about it, and 2: were freaking out about it. Yet Dusk didn't punish him for his actions. He almost seemed... PLEASED by them.

Currently Dusk was sitting on the recliner, gently sipping on his glass of water. It felt good to drink without his throat burning. That was one of the things he hated most about being sick. It was terrible.

Sniffing a little, he soon caught his little brothers blood scent, smirking a little.

" Ok Fatch, come on out bro. "

He called out playfully, turning to the doorway to see Fatch slowly walk in. Right on cue. Like clockwork. Any other simile out there one could think of. Fatch soon sat on his knees on the side of the recliner, looking at Dusk hesitantly. Obviously he was going to ask something he was concerned, confused or curious about. Dusk knew THAT look anywhere. Yet he remained serious, as he knew Fatch sure as hell would be too.

" What's wrong? "

He asked calmly, noticing Fatch visibly cringe.

" I... um... I wanted to ask you something... "

Dusk gulped a bit, shifting a bit in his chair, looking into the others crimson eyes. He was a bit nervous... he couldn't lie about that. Talks like this always led to something sorrowful.

" What's up? "

" While I was getting you the antidote... Aries showed me something, but I... can't... seem to remember it. What happened when I was younger that made you so frantic? "

Dusk could feel his mouth dry up, his mind going blank as well. Fatch saw that day... the dream... Dusk could feel himself remembering the dream... unknowingly, he spoke the dream as well, hoping to get Fatch to understand, and understand well.

" Helloooo? "

Dusk called, walking further into the darkness.

" Anybody there? "

He wasn't too sure who he was calling, and he wasn't certain anyone would answer his calls. Yet he felt as though he had no other options, and he desperately wanted to know where he was.

He had no clue where he was going. He had no clue how long he had been walking, and he was almost tempted do start blazing through this world. The only reason he hadn't started running already was because he didn't observing things well while he was running. Besides, he still felt fatigued, and a bit dizzy. If he dared run, he'd more than likely throw up. And that was the LAST thing he wanted.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he saw something straight ahead. It was small, sitting on the ground with something green in its arms. It looked like a figure, only... it also appeared familiar, much to Dusk's dismay. It looked like it was a younger male with a grey hat on his head. ' Oh Flash... ' Dusk gapped. ' Is that...? '

Slowly approaching the child, he cautiously reached a hand forward, yet not laying a finger on the younger. He didn't dare! If he was right... he may not want to touch him. But at least now he knew who this child was. The messy black hair, the grey hat, the black and white striped shirt, light black jeans, black boots and green Flippy bear in his arms... it couldn't have been more obvious.

" F-Fatch...? "

He asked hesitantly, his hand now trembling.

" A-are you... ok...? "

The child's head lowered a bit, making Dusk worry even more. Slowly the kid turned in his direction, immediately jumping Dusk and causing him to fall to the ground in his shock. Indeed it was Fatch, however he looked almost like one of those bloody ghost children in a horror game. And by bloody, he meant literally bloody. The fore mentioned crimson liquid was dripping down his face from somewhere above his forehead, luckily not getting into his wide open eyes. He looked so calm and absent minded, like he didn't even acknowledge his injury.

" ... Hello Dusk... "

He muttered, squeezing Flippy close to his chest as he rose to his feet.

" Why did you let this happen...? "

' What?! ' Dusk thought in a panic, his breathing picking up considerably. ' What is he talking about?! '

" You know what I'm talking about... "

' H-how-?! '

" You let this happen... I needed you, and you weren't there to save me... "

Dusk began to whimper, scooting back and trying to keep some space between them. In truth, yes. Now that he thought about it, yes he did know what he was talking about it. It was something he'd been trying to hide for years. The only reason Fatch didn't hate him for it, was because-

" Why Dusk? "

The child murmured, stalking a a bit closer to the fallen, terrified creature.

" Why did you let this happen...? "

" ... It was about seven years ago... "

Dusk said softly, feeling tears lining his eyes.

" You sent me a text. A frantic, frightening text... you were downright terrified... you... you said something about Dean trying to kill you. "

Fatch felt his eyes widen a little, his blood running colder than his skin.

" You said he was more serious than you'd ever seen him before, and he'd brought ten goons with him... "

' What the hell... ' Fatch thought in worry, his ruby eyes dilating and one hand pressed against his forehead. ' I don't remember any of this... you'd think I'd remember something this horrible... '

" I... I tried to get there in time, but a car knocked me out... b-by the time I got there... y-y-you were... y-y-you w-were... "

Dusk swallowed thickly, as if what he was about to say disgusted him to the point of feeling sick. Like it pained him to even think about. A few tears slipped down his face, his lips quivering sadly, before he took a deep breath and continued.

" ... Unconscious... and c-covered in your o-own bl-blood... "

Dusk hiccuped, much to his own disliking.

" You almost died Fatch... h-had I not got-ten you to a hospital I-in ti-ime... you would've... "

Fatch was left speechless, unable to think. He couldn't comprehend this... any of this... when did this happen? Why hadn't Dusk told him before? Why couldn't he remember it? That was his biggest concern. The fact he couldn't remember any of it. He'd think he'd remember something this traumatizing. He nearly DIED after all.

" ... Dusk... "

He whispered, barely able to find his voice.

" ... Why can't I remember this...? "

Dusk sniffled, scrubbing his eyes free of tears.

" They hit your head pretty bad... the doctor said it gave you amnesia... you couldn't remember the past 24 hours... D-Dean and his cronies got expelled the next day though... "

Before they got expelled... Fatch always wondered why they got expelled, but didn't question it as they were finally out of his hair.

" ... Why didn't you tell me...? "

" I-I was afraid you'd hate me... "

Dusk explained sadly.

" For not being able to save you... "

Suddenly, much to Dusk's dismay, Fatch sprung up and locked him in a tight embrace, shaking a bit even. Dusk's eyes remained wide, unable to believe the sudden hug, as he just told the other how he couldn't save him. Even how he developed amnesia over the whole accident. Why would Fatch hug him...?

" Dusk, NOTHING could make me hate you. "

Fatch whispered.

" I don't care about what happened... partially because I can't remember it, BUT! "

Dusk giggled a but, smiling as Fatch pulled back, who was also smiling brightly.

" You're my big brother Dusk. You've always been there for me. One little slip up isn't going to make me hate you. Besides, I know you tried your best. "

Dusk felt a deep tugging at his heart strings, immediately locking Fatch into another hug. Of course, he kinda felt like an idiot now for thinking. Fatch would hate him. Despite the fact his attitude suggested differently, Fatch was actually pretty forgiving to his friends. He should've known that...

From the arch of the kitchen way, the other Ramirez children, and the single Manora child, smiled at the scene before them, no one daring to move in fear of ruining the moment. They loved how the close were so close. So happy. So forgiving with each other. It was downright heart warming.

End. Hope you all liked, and if you're confused on anything, please let me know, and I'll try to explain it. Bonsoir!