Author's Note :

This chapter was updated on 31st May.

My first fanfiction, I wanted to use the Japanese names but they are not fit into the setting. Thus I changed some characters' name since I dislike the English version. However the change was slightly, so you will not wondering who is who. But Endymion, Serenity and the Shitenou's names will remain the same. I like them.

I am not a productive writer, I write slowly, hopefully you do not mind if there is no update for quite long time. But I know how this story will going and I have a happy ending - I love happy ending story (^o^)

Now, happy reading …


Summer was the most awaiting and anticipated season for Golden Kingdom young Ladies. For the King always invite noble maidens to spend the season in the palace in search of bride for the Crown Prince. However, while other Ladies were struggling to win the Prince's affection, a single maiden stayed obscure. Her eyes set on another, the High Priestess of Golden Kingdom. But how she could convince the Priestess to follow her to her homeland, or - in the worst case - kidnaped her, when the annoying Prince keep his eyes on her and how she keep her façade in front of an overprotective Royal Guard ?



The room was dark, only soft beams of the moonlight breached through the fluttered light sheer drapes hung on the big window sill that brought a dim light into the room. The wind that blew through the opened window brought no fresh air, instead it was dry and hot. No wonder then, since no rain has been poured upon the east region for months, more than two years. In three months it will be complete three years without rain on the vast land of Harthford. Not even a single cloud that promising rain during the time to give hope for the people who were strugling with the crop. The rivers significantly drained, the water level of wells slowly but sure was decreased under the scorching sun.

The figure in the bed shifted restlessly. Few strands of long golden hair has escaped the once neat braid. The hot air in the room added more uncomfort for her disturbed mind. She wished for cool, refreshing wind and more, she prayed for rain. Not she prayed for the people sake though, she could not care more for those nobles who would still able to enforce their subjects to tend their lands, to brought water from the poorer area of peasants that had more water remained. But her father could not afford to paid more, not when the harvest gave less and less money. So he struggled with the shallow water that still run in the small river through his small land.

That evening her father called her into his study room. Weary, grave and despair showed on his face. Carefully he told her solemly their grief situation. If there was no improvement with the weather, soon they would not able to plant anything on their land. No harvest, no money brought in, less food to feed the servants. So some of them soon would be sent home for the master had to save his resource to endure the drought. A girl she might be, but her mind was bright and sharp. Her father taught her many things, even bother to paid a governess to train his only daughter the manner of a Lady, tutors to taught her knowledge and the world despite they held no high social status nor noble blood. His father was a mere lord of small land in the Harthford, the vast land ruled by Lord Vardilmiard.

It was when he had saw his little daughter impossed ellegant manner of a young lady and spoke some of wit that she might got from her frequent time spent with the Lord's only daughter he had decided. She would be raised like a proper lady then she would grew up into a charming beautiful Lady. He wanted her to be well married, and had better life than what he could provide. And apparently now he only could provide less and the education he gave to his daughter came into fruit. A marriage was offered for his daughter hand from a rich young Lord from the far north land. The young Lord was bewitched by her beauty at the summer festival months ago. He was visiting Lord Vardilmiard on his trip from the neighbour kingdom to the capital, paid honor to the king before he returned to his own domination. During his brief visit, the young Lord inquired his daughter company and found that the young girl was well educated despite her inferior background and thought she would not bring him shame to become his wife.

Abruptly the girl rose from her bed, throwing the thin blanket aside and stepped to the window. Midnight was long passed and dawn would not come soon. No use to stay in bed when her eyes refused to close and her mind against to rest. She shoved the drapes aside and planted her hand on the window sill, starring at the dark land outside her window. The land was suffer now, the thick green grasses had been absent to grasp the soil with its roots and long forgotten that they were once exist like a thick nature trapesty covering the ground. In the day, dust was carried by the dry wind on the survace, cracked soil extended accross the Harthford. She understood that his father only wish the best for her, yet she could not bring herself into the thought marrying the north Lord without feeling irk. He was polite, pleasing and so much a gentleman. But still, she could not feel any affection toward the Lord, she respected him thought. Molliene said in playful manner that she was expecting a beautiful ceremony and demanded to be invited to her wedding. To her dear friend tease she only shook her head weakly with a forced smile, tired of the repetitive words she said, that she would marry to a good man and should be grateful for the fortune she would have.

She sighed and about to turned back to her bed when her eyes caught an unsual sight from the castle of Vardilmiard. The castle was unusual lightened, yellow light swarm among the walls indicated that most of the habitant were awake at the night. She watched in curiousity. She wanted to go there badly and asked, "Has he been found ? Is he allright ? Where they found him ? Can I see him ?" But the night was not the time her father was going to consent to let her go. She was wondering now, if Molliene now glad that her dear older brother returned. Weeks ago a search party was sent on mission upon the disappearing of the male heir of Harthford. And another bigger party followed after days of failure. Lord Vardilmiard was angry at first to the guards that usually shadowing his son for the moment they let their guard down, the young man slipped away and never return. The anger grew into worry and worry became despair that the Lord announced a fortune for those who could bring his son back. Molliene was crying for her dear brother, she prayed every day that he would come home save and sound.

Serenity laid back to her bed, trying to close her eyes and waiting impatiently for the morning to come. When the sun peek over the horizon, she would flee immidiately to Vardilmiard castle and found out the news. Breakfast was not necessary for her then, for she could have one at the Vardilmiard with Molliene. Moreover, breakfast was necessary to avoid, so she did not need to attend her father who surely expected her for a consent answer of the marriage proposal. So then after a short bath, she hurriedly changed her night gown with the blue gown her maid has prepared and brushed her silky hair. She quickly run into the stable and saddled one of the steed thus escaped to her best friend's castle.

Andrei taught her horseriding, it was started with a tease that soon turned into chalenge. Andrei doubted Serenity even could go near the beast since she was so sheltered like his sister Molliene. But later he learned not to throw a chalenge to the strongwilled girl. Serenity did not stop only touch the horse, she went further by climb up to its back. She was screaming though when the beast jerked forward and run away, carried Serenity who gripped tightly onto the horse's neck and called Andrei for help. He swore not to provoke her ever again, after he saved her, he begged Serenity not to tell the incident to his father. He would definitely get scolded mercilessly all day for that. The girl who was scare to death before smiled over sweetly and mischievious glint over her blue eyes. She would be silent, as long as he taught her how to ride the horse. The long argument was tiring and finally he submited to her threat. He trained her secretly, wished nor his father or her father to never found out.

Kennael dismissed the maid after the breakfast served on his dining table. He glanced whistfully to his daugher usual chair which at that moment was empty. A stabbleman informed a horse was missing, no doubt the horse was taken by his daughter. He still held a little grudge toward Andrei, he would have very much strangled the young man for teaching her daughter to ride, if only he was not Lord Vardilmiard's son. Once he was satisfy by the thought of a prospective marriage seeing the closeness of Serenity with the young heir of Harthford. But time went by and his hope dissipated knowing the love between them was as good as siblings. Yet he did not throw away expectation for a fine young man no less master of a good house would come to ask his daughter's hand.

She was fourteen when young men noticed her beauty and asking his permission to court the innocent girl. He waved all of them for he found none of them was worthy of his little angel. They were good men, but not good enough in his eyes to take care of Serenity. Knowing her father's thought, Serenity sulkly said no man good enough to him unless the man presented a chest full of gold. He laughed and nodded his affirmation. He knew Serenity did not took it into her mind too much, since she as well paid no interest to opposite gender yet. She used to refuse came to summer festival every year, last time she stubbornly stayed in her chamber, saying, "What is the point of celebrating summer when we are so desperate of rain and pray the long torturous season soon to be over ?" Kennael patiently remind her the festival was an old tradition held to give youngsters a chance to meet possible suitors. He used to let Serenity stayed at home during summer festival, he did not want to deal with more young suitors at his door, wished to court Serenity. However at that time he successfully persuaded her to go, with a knowledge a young Lord was invited by Lord Vardilmiard to join the festivities.

He had no intention to push Serenity into unwanted marriage, but still he would keep tried to convince his daughter that the Lord was a good match, he was a good man and would treat her well. He would be a loving husband and made her happy. However Serenity ignored all of his praises of the young Lord and did not sway of any persuasion. He exhaled tiredly, if he keep pushing certainly he was going to involve in heated arguments with her. The girl could be so stubborn, just like her late mother, she would endure harsh confrontation with intention of winning. One more attempt, then he shall give up, Kennael thought.

A servant took the horse reign when Serenity mounted down. With wide step she climbed the grand stair led to front entrance of the castle. Guards and servants were not bother to scrutinise her, she was more than a frequent visitor. The Lady of the house loved Serenity as her own daughter before she passed away three years ago. Serenity deeply grieved for the loss, the Lady was her mother, a mother that she did not have since she was a toddler. Lord Vardilmiard was as happy as his wife to accept Serenity in his castle. Serenity was a merriment in his big castle, there always laugh and excitement everytime she came, which was so frequent to his liking. The Lord often felt guilty to rob the happiness from Serenity's father, the man was definitely missed the precious moments with his own daughter. But he would grimace too if he recalled some excitement Serenity brought. The girl could turn into a little chaos sometimes. The kitchen staff quickly shut the kitchen door when they saw the golden haired girl approached and the head cheff stood on guard in front of the door, rollingpin on her hand and eyes glared, did not affected by a pair of adorable clear big blue eyes that were starring innocently, sweet voice pleading, which everytime in the past defeated her. But as time went by she learned her mistakes, the kitchen almost empty after her short visit, when she came to made something edible the kitchen was left in a mess. Not that the other two children were innocent, no ... those two little devils were as well banned forever from the kitchen.

"Serenity !" Molliene cry greet her as soon as she entered the hall. A tight embrace suffocated her breath. Molliene was sobbing on her shoulder. "It was terrible, so terrible. My poor brother ... Ooh ... Serenity, he was so pityful."

She was relief that Andrei had been found, but Molliene words engulfed her with fear. "What ? What happened to him ? He is not dead right ?"

"God, no !" Molliene eyes went impossibly wide. Serenity noticed that her eyes were red and swollen, possibly because lack of sleep or she had been crying all night, might be both.

"Where is he ? I want to meet him." Serenity grabbed Molliene's arm and dragged her inside, she knew where Andrei's chamber. She has spent many times there since child, she knew every room like her own house. She could find some secret places which good for hiding during hide and seek game.

"He is not in his chamber." Molliene drew her hand from Serenity's hand.

"Why not ?" Serenity tilted her head.

"You can not meet him." Molliene voice was trembling. "I have not been saw him since he was brought home last night. Father forbid me to come close."

"Why ?" Serenity knew there must be something really wrong with Andrei and she shivered, afraid for the man she loved as her own brother.

"I don't know ..." Molliene sounded helpless, her hands came up covering her face and she began to sob again. "There was so much screams last night ... The men were shouting ... They were fighting against something, or someone ..." Molliene grabbed Serenity's hand and squeezed tight, her expression showed fear. "Serenity, I was so scared ... I thought I heard Andrei yelled and he was laughing. Yet it did not like him, there was something in his voice, it made me shivered, his voice seem evil."

Serenity shook her head. "Molliene, you were imagining things. Now come, show me where he is." She took Molliene's hand.

"No." Molliene dragged Serenity to her room instead.

Once they were inside, Molliene began pacing back and forth. She was biting her nail, a habit whenever she was nervous. When she stopped pacing, she looked at Serenity who was patiently waiting her to say something. "He is in the dungeon."

"Dungeon ?!" Serenity cried in shock. "Are you sure ? Not joking ?"

"Serenity !" Molliene glared, insulted that Serenity thought she was kidding upon a serious matter.

Serenity sat down on one of cushioned chair. "Forgive me, but it was so confusing, what happened ?"

Molliene did not answer immidiately and resumed her pacing across the room. "A priest came at dawn. I ... I managed to sneak down. But I could not go further without anyone notice. I heard someone was chanting, I heard shouting and yelling. I thought it was the priest who was chanting, the chanting went louder and louder since the laugh, Andrei was laughing as if mocking everyone there who shouted and yelled at him, mocking the priest."

Serenity was listening intently, she was worry and as much agitated as Molliene to hear about Andrei well being. Lord Vardilmiard had given a strict order that no one was allowed approach the dungeon without his direct permit. Unfortunately he had left so early in the morning with several men who found Andrei. The curiousity was too much so they could not wait until he returned. Quietly they snuk out toward the dungeon. But before they reached the south wing of the castle where the dungeon was, the head servant caught them. Thinking fast, Serenity made an excuse of the late breakfast. Molliene followed, she complained that they were starving, maid had not served any meals yet, so they decided to go to the kitchen asking for food. The old servant quickly sent them back to Molliene's chamber, thinking to save the kitchen from pillage and let the chefs worked in peace. They tried again after breakfast. But the dungeon entrance was guarded now so once again their attempts met failure.

They keep their eyes on the dungeon while waiting Lord Vardilmiard to return. Everytime someone was out of there, Serenity and Molliene confronted them, demanded any information regarding Andrei and what was happening inside. No one spoke a single word, too afraid to defy their master. Serenity concluded after observed their hesitancy that they were even too confused about the situation to explain anything. It was the priest who at least gave them an answer, but his words were far from satisfying and his riddles raised their uneasiness instead.

"You should not aproach. It's dangerous. You may get hurt. There was an ancient darkness, an old evil.

"My brother isn't evil !" Molliene was upset.

"You don't understant, girl ! He is not your brother !" The priest hissed. "Do not come near." Then he left with that warning.

Molliene was angry. "My father will explain everything. He must, else I insist to go there by myself, with or without his permission. You are coming with me, Serenity."

"I will." Serenity nodded, she was as well determined.

Lord Vardilmiard arrived late in the evening. Serenity and Molliene rushed to his study room only to find out that it was empty. A servant told them that the Lord had retreated to his chamber, wished not to be disturbed. The servant convinced them to left the poor man alone, he needed his time to rest his tired body and mind. They were disappointed but knew they had no choice but wait. Serenity left with a promise to return in the morning. Her mind full of speculations and questions about what had happened to Andrei, how they could help him, when he would be fine again and brightened their days with his cheerfulness. Serenity missed Andrei, she missed his gentle smile, his warm eyes and foolish jokes. Andrei was a good man, he followed his father path, dedicated to his people and a loving brother. Serenity could not sleep again that night, worrying Andrei and wondering what misfortune he had went through.

When Serenity and Molliene finally talked to Lord Vardilmiard in his study room, their curiosity and impatience were fade. The poor man looked misserable, Serenity recalled her own father distress when telling their grief situation. The Lord sat on his chair, he looked worn out, his usual gentle eyes lost their shine, his face fell and grim. He tried to smile to ease worriness from the two girls who were standing in front of him, but they only saw a wry smile.

"Father ..." Molliene dropped to her knees, grasped his father's hand softly, tears brimmed on her eyes, ready to fall on her cheek.

"It will be all right, child." Lord Vardilmiard patted Molliene's hand. "The priest is trying his best."

"Why the priest, uncle ? What happened to Andrei ?" Serenity's voice was sad.

The Lord offered his other hand for Serenity to take. Serenity came closer and took his hand and let the man comfort her through his gentle squeeze on her small hand. He sighed when realized that he failed to sooth the girls who were staring uncertainly. He rose from his seat then, walked to one of the tall windows in his study room, looking far outside and took time to control his own emotion before answered their questions.

Andrei was found deep in the east forest, which seemed more haunted now when the trees were whitering due to the harsh weather. He was burried under the ruined small cave for days. Instead weak out of famish, he was too strong even for several fresh men who tried to restrain him and prevent his escape. Andrei did not recognize any of his father's men, he did not even remember who he was. He was found went rampage, violent and cursing endlessly. He looked at everyone with hatred, threatened to kill any of them who dared to touch him. And more of it, he would laugh at them, which made everyone chilled with eerie feeling. The men thought Andrei was just lost his sanity after trapped alone in the darkness under the ground for a long time. But when he keep shouting and said he wanted a revenge against the kingdom, the men suggested Lord Vardilmiard to call a priest. They were afraid their young Lord was possesed with evil souls that dwelled in the forest. There was stories that the east forest once was a battlefield of the greatest war Golden Kingdom ever went through, where many innocent lifes lost and the kingdom went through the darkest periods of its history after.

The priest told Lord Vardilmiard to find the evil source and looking for anything seemed suspicious, however he gave a strict warning not to touch or brought back anything they found, afraid the evil would spead through the cursed items. They did not find much, just a broken claypot with smelly dark liquid, they believed it was blood, which began to dry on its surface and a piece of shattered dusty mirror. They went deeper through the cave and found it led to several dark tunnels. They splited and returned with nothing else found. The priest, however, sunk into a deep thought, muttered repeteadly, "Blood ... mirror ... Blood ... mirror." Then he locked himself in one of guard's room in the dungeon, burried himself in piles of old dusty books he ordered to bring from his house.

Serenity and Molliene were frightened. What evil creatures that was residing in Andrei's body ? Molliene sobbed thinking of the horror her brother had when facing the evil being. Serenity, while trembled of what happened to Andrei's poor soul now the evil took his place inside his body, tried to be strong for Molliene who was broken by the news.

"Molliene, we will find a way ... Andrei will be saved. We will not give up, Andrei need us, we must stay strong." She hugged Molline's shaking shoulder.

"That's right." Lord Vardilmiard knelt down, he lifted her daughter's chin. "Andrei will be with us again soon. Do you believe me, Molliene ? I will do anything to bring him back, anything ..."

Molliene wiped her tears and nodded. "Promise ?"

"I promise." His voice was assuring.

"Be careful, Ladies." The man halted when he stepped down the stairs and carefully led them through the dark corridor. Serenity and Molliene followed closely, their hands intertwined in tight hold. Serenity was warily eyeing the dirty rough walls they were pasing through. The air was suffocating with unpleasant smell, cold and humid. The floor was dusty and spiders web filled the ceiling, some dangled halfway on the wall to the floor. Serenity creeped, praying that no spider would fall on her hair and crawled on her skin. She swayed the torch she was holding so she could make sure no spiders on her or Molliene's dress. Molliene would scream frantically seeing spiders, she was afraid of them as much as Serenity. They held their breath when the man stepped down deeper to the lowest level of the dungeon. Lord Vardilmiard usually held the criminals in his prison, he rarely placed them in the dungeon. To place them in the lowest level only meaned that the crime was great or the criminal was considered very dangerous.

"Serenity ..." Molliene whispered. "Is Andrei really placed in the lowest floor ?" She could not believe that her father thought Andrei would endanger anyone to deserve the most awful place.

"It seems so, Molliene." Serenity replied weakly, could not hide her sadness.

"We are almost there. Please remember, my Ladies, do not come too close. Follow what the priest said precisely. He might looked like Lord Andrei, but he was not himself." The man warned for the third times.

"We understand, sir." Serenity held her composure, did not want to give the man any doubt that they would act reckless. "Please lead the way."

"Very well, just warn you. The Lord would extremely angry if anything happened to you while you are here. I do not want any of us deal with the consequency."

"You will not." Serenity's tone gave the man no chance to speak again.

When they reached an iron door, the man knocked and a peep hole slided open from the inside, showing a pair eyes that gleamed, reflected the torch flame. Soon, sound of collided keys and a creak of door hinges echoed throughout the silent rooms. They stepped inside and the door closed behind them. Someone walked down, approaching in hasty steps. Molliene hide behind Serenity, the dungeon was scary even in the midday, no light except the torch they were holding and some that attached to the wall. She was breath again realizing it was only the priest. He did not say anything, his eyes were watching the girls intently then he turned to the man accompanied them.

"The Lord gave his permission." He explained briefly.

"Unwise decision." The priest growled. "I already warned you. Stubborn girls."

"I want to see my brother." Molliene said indignantly.

"As you wish ..." The priest replied coldly and turned away.

They stared the man and when he nodded, they followed the priest.

Inside a dark cell, a figure sat on the floor behind the metal bars that stood from the ground up to the ceiling. He was still, limp and no sign that he was awake. Metal cuffs on his hands chained to the wall, his legs held in stocks. Even under the minim light, they could see his bruises. He looked thinner, his hair was unkempt, his cheek was haggard, his clothes torn and dirty. Andrei looked so filthy and dishevelled. Molliene covered her mouth, too shocked with the sight.

"Andrei ..." She was choked.

Serenity stepped forward. "Andrei !"

The priest grabbed her arm, "No !"

Molliene keep calling her brother, wishing he could hear her and answer. But Andrei was not respond, they were afraid that he was dead. Slowly he began to stir. His eyes were hollow but gleam, cold and sharp. He smiled when seeing people were standing in front of his cell. His smile grew to a wicked grin, realized there were young girls among his visitors. His evil grin sent chill to Serenity's body.

He reached out, "Come ..." His voice was hoarse and cracked, yet his tone was enticing.

"Andrei !" Molliene rushed forward, reached between the metal bars to her brother. Suddenly she jerked back harshly, a guard pulled her away from the cell.

"Stay where you are !" The priest yelled. "Fool !" He grithed his teeth.

Andrei chuckled, he rose slowly from the floor. "Come to me ..."

It was then Serenity and Molliene got a better sight of the man behind the bar. Strange symbols was writen all over his face and his exposed skin, spells that restrained the devil. "Come, don't be afraid ..." He seduced with smooth tone, so alluring despite his deep intimidating voice.

"You can't get them, evil ! Not when I am here." The priest pointed his staff.

Andrei's laughter made them shruddered. He glared to the old priest hatredly, threatened with his icy glare. He sneered and began to curse the priest, harsh and rude words flew through his blackened lips.

Serenity was upset. He was not their Andrei, their Andrei whose smile and laugh would infected others, whose eyes full of warmth, whose voice was calm and conveyed his kind heart. Their Andrei would not purposedly hurt others with his words. Andrei that they knew had gone, replaced by a horrible evil creature that claimed his body.

"Devil, what did you do to Andrei ?!" Serenity yelled angrily.

"Give him back, give us my brother back." Molliene cried.

"But of course my sweety, if you will to trade yourself for him." Andrei smiled.

"Never !" The priest shoved him with his staff. "You evil spirit, leave the girls alone, let the man's soul you held captive free !"

The room was silent, Serenity and Molliene were laying unmoved in bed, staring at the ceiling, looking at nothing in particular. Their mind were replaying what they witnessed in the dungeon. After dinner Molliene asked Serenity to stay the night, a request that Serenity agreed to comply. Often in their childhood they sleep together, with Andrei on the floor in the morning, thrown from the warm bed where the two little girls lay accross, the sheet tousled and pillows scattered arround the bed. Lady Vardilmiard would enter the room with her soft laugh and woke them with a kiss, told them to have a bath and promised delicious breakfast. Serenity really missed her now, if she was here now, surely she would comfort them with her feminime soft hands, soothing with her melodious voice and send their wary far away.

"Aunty is watching us, she is protecting Andrei from heaven. So, Andrei will be allright. He was strong, he will come back to us." Serenty said.

Molliene gave her a small smile and nodded. She knew her father would do his best and she had Serenity, a friend and sister she could always rely on. With the thoughts, she entered the realm of dreams, where Andrei opened his arms wide, laughed when she jumped to his tight embrace.

Author's Note :

Aarrrgghhh ... It was so hard to write. How could anyone write so much in short period ? I envy them.

I almost thought and afraid that I would write craps for the last part of this chapter no matter I know what I want to write. Thankfully, it did not happen, hohoho ...

My problem is, I can not write until some specific words or sentences popped in my mind and inspire me to write the story. I admit, I forced myself to write the last part when no words or sentences crossed my mind. I hope the last part was not so bad.

Please review then. Constructive critics are most welcomed.

See you in the next chapter.