Disclaimer: I do not own The Mentalist, it belongs to Bruno "The Undeserving" Heller.

Author's Note: Here it is, folks! The EPILOGUE! We have reached the conclusion of Three Secrets; thank you all for reading and reviewing!

Lisbon woke up the next morning wrapped in a feeling of warm contentment. Then she realized that she was completely naked and had a bit of a panic.

Her subsequent thrashing woke her bedmate who let out a disgruntled sigh.

"Lisbon, I'm pretty sure that being awake before the sun has even had a chance to shine is some kind of sin. So, let's not bother your priest with an unnecessary confession and go back to sleep."

She had stilled her movements at the sound of Jane's voice, her memories of the previous night flooding her awareness. Her current state of undress now had an explanation, as did her presence in Jane's bed. The panic receded and the warmth returned.


Her voice wasn't pitched much higher than a murmur, so it garnered no response.


Slightly louder this time, and the response was immediate, if unexpected.

A heavy arm clamped around her middle and drew her back against a warm, mostly naked, Jane.

"Seriously, Lisbon, we've got time to sleep, so let's just sleep!"

Lisbon wiggled against him, "What if sleep isn't what I have in mind, Jane? After all, it's a new day." She could feel his interest in an activity other than sleep perk up.

"Why, Teresa Lisbon, are you suggesting a morning romp? I'm not opposed, my dear, but I know what you're like in the morning without your coffee. I might lose something important, and then we'll be in a bind."

She laughed and wiggled a little more. "You could always get up and make me a cup."

"I would if I could, but I can't. I drink tea, Lisbon, not coffee. You will not find a single bean of that vile stuff within my domicile."

"That does put us in a bit of a pickle."

"Indeed in does."

"How will we ever solve this grave dilemma?"

"I propose that we sleep on the matter, Lisbon."

"We could, but coffee will not magically appear while we do. And, I'll still be a grump a few hours from now."

She heard Jane sigh again, "You make some excellent points, my dear. What is your solution to our fine little pickle?"

Lisbon turned in Jane's arms and was treated with a sight that she had never seen before: half-naked, sleep-tousled Jane. He gave her a broad, sleepy grin, and Lisbon felt a flush work its way over her body. A shy smile curled over her lips, "Hi."


They looked at each other in the pre-dawn light. He bent his head and gave her slightly parted lips a slow, sweet kiss.


"You said that already."

"Did I? I think kissing you made me forget. Best not do that again."

"What? Kiss me or forget?"

Jane put on a pensive look, pretending to mull the matter over, "Hmm…ki―I mean, forget."

She laughed and smacked him lightly on the arm, then she drew him back for another kiss. The quick dart of her tongue, and the nips from his teeth had them both gasping when they broke apart.

"Lisbon, what were we talking about?"

"I have no idea, Jane, but I think it might have been kissing."

"I like the kissing, it's better than sleep."

Their lips met again, and this time their hands joined the fray.

Hers were drawn to his hair, playing through the curls and tugging to get his face to angle properly. Jane's hands were more adventurous, they tugged and tweaked her nipples, causing her to gasp into his mouth and arch her back.

Lisbon lifted her leg and settled it over Jane's hip, pulling him towards her sharply. It was his turn to gasp as his cloth-covered erection met the warmth of stomach. He hissed at the friction her movements caused.

It was with the greatest reluctance that Jane pulled back, ignoring the hands that tried to stop him and the lips that invited him to continue.

"Teresa, we have to stop."

Lisbon groaned and dropped her head to the pillows, "I know, you're right. But we'll continue this soon."

Jane nodded fervently, "Soon."

Lisbon stretched out, her leg slipping down along Jane's. He let out a sharp moan, "Really, Lisbon? That's not fair!"

She gave him a coy smile, "I'll stop, I'll stop."

Lisbon looked at him thoughtfully, "You know, I'm pretty awake now, I might not even need coffee."

Jane glanced at her suspiciously, "I have a feeling that we're about to get out of bed, which is the exact opposite of sleeping."

"Top marks, Jane. We have to get up. I've got things to do."

"'Things?' What things?"

"Well, I've got to call Abbott and tell him I'm not leaving. I've got to call Marcus and tell him that not only am I staying, I'm breaking up with him. And then, I've got to go home and unpack. And you're coming with me."

"Why?" Jane snuggled down further into the bed, a study in sleepy petulance.

"Moral support," she deadpanned. Jane rolled his eyes.

Lisbon felt shy again, "Honestly? I want you there with me because I want you to hold my hand. And I thought that you might like to help me unpack because…uh…because―"

"Because," Jane prompted.

"Because we could rearrange? Maybe find some space for you…if you want."

Jane turned serious, "Are you asking me to move in with you?"

She rushed to reassure him, "Not right away! Just, you know, in case if in the future…I'm being silly. Sorry."

Lisbon tucked her chin into her chest, trying not to let her stupid, hurt feelings make her cry.

She felt a warm finger lift her chin, "Hey, it's okay. I'd love to live with you, Lisbon. Anytime, anywhere. I just want you to be sure. We've been moving like glaciers for years now. We don't need to rush."

"Yeah, it's just, this all still feels like some kind of dream, and it's like, if I let you out of my sight, things will snap back and that would kill me, Jane. I can't let go, not after we've come all this way."

Jane wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. "I'm yours, Lisbon. This isn't a dream. We're here, we're together; you're not leaving, and I'm going to marry you."

Her head shot up, "What?!"

Jane looked sheepish, "Just throwing that out there."

Lisbon was helpless to stop the laughter bubbling out, "And you said I was moving fast? Jesus, Jane, at least I didn't put marriage on the table!"

"I know, but if we're showing our hands, I want to marry you and live with you and make a home with you. I have dreams of a future with you, Lisbon, and I'll do whatever it takes to make them come true. I meant it though, we have time, so we can take it slow. So, first thing's first: we should―"

"Get coffee."

It was Jane's turn to laugh. "Right, first, we'll get coffee. Then, we'll worry about the rest after."

"Sounds like a plan."




"I'm still a bit sleepy."

"Okay, revised plan: sleep, then coffee."





"I love you."

"I love you, Lisbon."


