Hey dolls! I hope you all enjoy this new Klaroline fan fic!

Also, thank you to me beta for the grammatical correction.

Enjoy! :)

"You're joking!" Caroline shouted, as she stood up from her seat in her husband's office.

"Caroline, you were nearly kidnapped!" Tyler reminded her.

"Nearly!" She repeated, like that was the important part.

"There will be no more discussion." Tyler stated firmly. Since he's been more involved in the government and business, he's acquired the subtle commanding voice that other politicians used. "Klaus will be your personal bodyguard."

"I'm not some helpless little girl," Caroline replied as she ran her hand through her blonde silky hair. "Plus, how do you know he'll protect me?"

Caroline looked to the dark blonde haired man standing across her. He showed no insulted reaction. He didn't dress like the other palace guards, nor did he dress in suits like Tyler's bodyguards. He dressed casually, in a dark black Henley and dark jeans with black shoes and a leather jacket. He wasn't as tall as the other guards and he didn't appear to be muscular dressed in his attire. She started to doubt he was capable of protecting her, even if she did agree.

Annoyed by the blonde Princess, Klaus pulled out a balanced throwing knife that he carried in his jacket pocket, and threw it in her direction. When she saw it coming, she screamed at the top of her lungs as she jumped back.

"What the hell?!" She screeched at him, feeling her heart pound against her chest from the panic.

"There was a fly floating near your mouth. I was simply preventing it from entering you." Klaus shrugged, like he was doing her a favor that she didn't appreciate.

Tyler walked up to the knife thrown into the white wall next to Caroline. Just as Klaus said, a big black fly was pierced and pinned to the wall. Tyler couldn't conceal his widened amazed eyes and huge grin.

"Impressive!" Tyler commended while nodding at Klaus. He turned to Caroline and said, "He's the best in the business, Care. Please understand."

Caroline huffed. She wished she didn't go to the market yesterday. If she just stayed home, then she wouldn't have been nearly kidnapped. The moment she told her husband, Tyler went on a hunt to find the best bodyguard that his money could buy. She knew her husband meant well and he was only trying to protect her but now she was regretting it.

"Why are the Radicals trying to get me anyway?" Caroline questioned.

Karina was a small monarchy island located in the North Sea. Since Tyler's parents, the King and Queen of Karina were killed, Tyler and Caroline were put into power and became the number one target. Tyler traveled with two bodyguards, and they never thought Caroline needed one until the attempts to attack or capture her have increased. It helped Tyler make the final decision that it was time for her to get her own personal bodyguard.

With Tyler gaining more power and control, the Radicals have been trying to capture either of them for some sort of leverage – money, property, power, etc. No one involved in the monarchy government really knew what the Radicals wanted. They only knew of the dangers they posed and the protection needed against them.

When his parents ruled, there were rumors of Radicals in existence, but there hasn't been solid evidence to prove it. It wasn't until the King and Queen's assassination that it was confirmed Radicals were present. The manslaughter seemed to be only the beginning.

"Fine." She agreed. "But I still get to go anywhere I want!"

Tyler grinned at her. "So long as Klaus accompanies you." He walked over to her and pecked her lips. "I need to attend a meeting, but I'll be home for dinner at 7:30."

Caroline was used to Tyler leaving her alone for the whole day. She only spent time with him at breakfast, dinner, and nightfall – that is, if he's not away on some business trip. It's been this way since Tyler turned 18 and assumed his title as Prince. With all of Tyler's inheritance, it wasn't necessary for Caroline to work.

Sometimes she missed being back home in her small town in the States. Even though Karina was a small island, Caroline felt like a small fish in a big pond. Before getting married, she grew up in a small town back in the United States, called Mystic Falls. Her first time living outside the town was during college, at Whitmore. Whitmore was her chance at a different life, and she sure received it. Tyler Lockwood, the famous Prince of Karina, decided to study low-key at Whitmore. They were assigned lab partners in freshman year and they were instantly attracted to each other. At graduation, he asked her to marry him and she agreed. She imagined being a Princess entailed all the glitz and the glamour, but she had no idea what she signed up for.

When Tyler left, Caroline and Klaus were alone. He stood still and quiet. It was like he wasn't there.

"I may have agreed to you being my bodyguard, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to fight." Her confidence was heavily present in her voice.

Klaus chuckled at her, as he gave her a patronizing expression. "I don't doubt your… aptitude, Princess Caroline," he said, sarcastically.

"Whatever!" She exclaimed, as she threw her hands up in the air.

No one ever took her seriously. She probably wouldn't be standing here, now, if she didn't know how to fight off her kidnappers. People gave her less credit than what was due. She's taken a self-defense class in college and high school cheerleading kept her body fit with an appropriate amount of muscle and strength.

Her lady in waiting, Bonnie Bennett Donovan, walked in holding an iPad in her hand. Caroline sighed as she approached her. She grew to love Bonnie, but when Bonnie came with an iPad, it meant business. Bonnie was a lovely woman with ebony skin and black short hair. Most of the women who served had short hair. Tyler explained to her that short hair meant that women worked, and therefore need their hair away from their faces. Only women of wealth in Karina had the luxury of growing out their hair.

"Hello, Princess Caroline." Bonnie greeted her.

"Hey, Bonnie."

Bonnie nodded at Caroline's body guard. "Hello, Klaus."

He just gave her a nod of acknowledgement in return.

"Hold on, how'd you know his name?" Caroline wondered. "Tyler told everyone before me, huh?"

"I'm sure he was informing all of us to prepare for his arrival. That's all." Bonnie was the friendly, passive type of person. She saw the good in people and their actions. It was one of the things Caroline liked about her.

When Bonnie touched her finger on the iPad screen, Caroline let out a sigh.

"What's on the agenda today?" The blonde Princess asked unenthusiastically.

"Prince Tyler has arranged several things for you today." She started. "10:00 – Ballroom Dance Lessons. 11:00 – Manner and Etiquette Lessons. 12:00 – Table Manner Lessons. 1:30 – Ballroom Dance Lessons-Part II. 2:45 – Appearance at the Orphanage. 3:00 – Signing Thank You Notes. 4:15 – Meeting with the Press."

"Is it really necessary for me to have two ballroom dance lessons today? I have taken ballroom dance lessons before." Caroline complained. "Why don't I skip the second dance lesson and just appear at the orphanage earlier. Then maybe I can help out while I'm there, rather than just making an appearance."

"Sorry, Princess Caroline. I would love to arrange the schedule to your preferences, but –"

"Yeah. I know. Tyler will fire you if you disobey his request." She interrupted Bonnie. "I try to tell him that I rather be more active in the community, but he opposes the idea."

She checked her watch. It read 9:25 AM and she let out a huff. "I better get going before I'm late." She turned to face her bodyguard. "Does this mean you'll be following me around everywhere? Even if it's just to an orphanage and ballroom dance lessons?"

"I am a man who knows how to fulfill my duties, Princess."

Caroline squinted her eyes at him. She didn't like the way he said Princess. It was like he was teasing or undermining her. Well, she wasn't of real royalty anyway, it wasn't in her blood. She was only royalty by marriage to Tyler.

She turned on her heel and headed to the exit, hoping today wouldn't be a bad day.

Caroline walked into the banquet room with her chin held high. Klaus followed behind her, keeping a reasonable distance from her. Other men and women of royalty were in attendance. It was required for every single royal family member to perfect ballroom dancing.

When she spotted the closest person she regarded as a friend, she waved to her and strutted toward her. Meanwhile, Klaus stood at attention next to a wall that was near enough for him to rescue her, just in case.

"Hey Katherine!" Caroline greeted her long curly haired brunette friend, Duchess Katherine. She was married to Duke Stefan. Just like Caroline, she married into royalty and didn't have to work a day in her life. However, she was born and raised in Karina, just like everyone else in royalty.

"Hey, Care." Katherine greeted her with an air kiss. "Ready for dance practice?"

"Am I ever?" The blonde Princess answered sarcastically. It was blatantly obvious that she was the number one person who didn't want to be there. All the other royals, who she regarded as her in-laws, resented her for it. They didn't like her attitude and always blamed it on her "American way of upbringing."

"I told Stefan that I –" The brunette stopped talking when she noticed a dark blonde haired man staring at Caroline. "Care, I think a hot guy followed you here."

"What? Who?"

Caroline whipped around and saw Katherine pointing at Klaus. She rolled her eyes, turned around, and said, "Tyler hired a bodyguard for me."

Katherine started to laugh out loud, gathering everyone's attention. "Really?"

The blonde nodded, feeling slightly ashamed. With a bodyguard around, it made her seem weak or appear to be a child in need of supervision. Katherine regarded her friend's bodyguard.

"Well, at least he looks yummy!"

Caroline playfully slapped her friend's arm. "Katherine!"

The brunette chuckled. "What? At least Tyler hired someone hot and handsome to follow you. What was he thinking?"

"I'm not going to cheat on my husband, Katherine. I love Tyler."

"That's what they all say, hunny. If Stefan hired a handsome, sexy bodyguard for me, I wouldn't deny my temptations."

She shook her head at Katherine. By then, their instructor arrived and class was about to begin.

Following her dance lessons were the other lady-like lessons she was commanded to attend. Yes, that's right. She wasn't asked, she was commanded. A lady in her position, Princess of Karina, was expected to have completed these lessons by the end of her secondary education, but she was not a Karina-born Princess. Her late mother-in-law forced Caroline into her first lesson, when she first arrived at Karina. The Lockwoods were expected to carry an image that Caroline had to uphold.

"It's ridiculous, huh?" Caroline started, as she walked with Klaus to the limousine.

"I beg your pardon, Princess?" Perplexity took over his expression.

"These lessons." She answered. "I wish I didn't have to attend them."

He doesn't reply to her and she began to wonder if he was socially challenged. They've spent a few hours together so far, and yet he's hardly said anything to her.

The driver opened the door for them when they arrive and they were off to the orphanage.

At the orphanage, Klaus took note of Caroline beaming at the children. Her smile was brighter than her false smiles at her lessons. He was the observant type, and couldn't help but observe the Princess he had to protect. Unlike other royals he's seen, she isn't afraid to touch, or even hug, the orphans. She was interested in what they had to say, rather than shooing them away. She was scheduled only to make an appearance, but she stayed to read the children a book.

In the car ride back to the Lockwood Palace, Caroline stayed on her iPhone, as an attempt to distract herself. Klaus sat at the other end of the limousine, near the window dividing the back from the front. It was weird to have someone with her who didn't talk, especially since she liked to engage in conversation.

"So what exactly were the terms of you and Ty's agreement?" Caroline questioned, curiously.

"I am to accompany you wherever you travel outside the palace. Needless to say, it is my job to protect you." He answered.

"How about inside the palace?"

He sighed. She really was a persistent person.

"Prince Tyler rests assured that there are many guards there to protect you if anything. So long as you are within the confinements of this palace, I am off-duty. However, I am required to reside here and stay in the palace when you are here. If anything happens to you in the palace, I am still expected to protect you." He informed her the details of his contract.

"You're staying at the palace?"

Just like with anything else, Tyler did not mention Klaus was going to stay with them.

"Does that bother you?"

"No. It bothers me that Tyler didn't tell me." She shook her head, not allowing herself to ruin her mood. "Are you hungry?"

"Not at the moment, Princess."

She rolled her eyes at him when he called her Princess, again. "Could you please not call me, Princess?"

"Prince Tyler instructed me to address you as Princess. If I cease to address you as Princess, then I will be going against my duties."

He really wasn't as cooperative as she hoped. What was the matter with him, anyway? She was just trying to be on first name basis with him so that they were both comfortable. She decided to drop that for now.

"Are you from Britain? You have a British accent." She speculated, as she moved on to the next topic.

"I never agreed to disclose my personal information to you, Princess." He replied harshly to her.

Caroline scoffed. "Fine. I guess you'll just have to deal with the silence!"

"I think it bothers you more than it does me, Princess." He mocked.

She scowled at him from her seat, but he didn't think twice to look back at her.

By then, the driver pulled to a park in front of the mansion. One of the guards opened the door for Caroline, with Klaus exiting after her. Klaus didn't bid her goodbye before he entered the palace. He was glad to be off duty. Caroline looked at her watch. She had enough time to freshen up before dinner.

Caroline sat at one end of the long table. Her and Tyler sat at the King and Queen's dinner seat since his parents died. She checked her watch every five minutes, hoping Tyler would walk into the room any minute. It was 7:56 and he was late, as usual. With his business meetings, there really was no exact time the meeting would be adjourned. Caroline was used to the American way of starting on time and ending on time, but Karina followed a relaxed schedule. Sometimes meetings went on for hours without any lunch breaks, or so she's heard from Tyler. Just when she was about to stand up and leave, the dark haired man walked in with an apologetic smile.

"I'm so sorry, Care. The meeting went a little longer than I expected." He went to her to give her quick peck, before walking to his seat.

"It's ok. I get it." She said, as if she was trying to convince herself.

The maids came to serve them their dinner and Tyler fed himself like he's been deprived of meals. He must have had one of those meetings without breaks.

"How was your meeting?"

"Same ol'. Same ol'." He answered. He never really shared business details with her, which she didn't know why. She would be Queen soon, so it only seemed expected for her to know at least a little about the government business and how things operate. "Tell me about your day. How was Klaus?"

"It was ok. He just followed me to lessons and the orphanage. Nothing fancy." She replied. "But he did inform me about something I was not aware of."

"Which is?"

"I had no idea he was staying at the palace."

Tyler chuckled at his wife. "Caroline, he is your personal body guard. Of course he'll need to be in close proximity of you. It's his job to protect you."

"Ok. Then why isn't he having dinner with us?"

He scoffed at her question with a flash of disgust on his face. "Do our servants eat dinner with us?" He snorted.

Caroline frowned at her husband. She didn't like the way he belittled people. She decided to just eat and not speak. Since his parents died, Caroline found it hard to hold a conversation with Tyler. This wasn't how she imagined her marriage to him would be, but things aren't always the way you imagine.

The next morning, Caroline woke up alone. She assumed Tyler had a meeting or had business, whatever it was he did.

After showering and brushing her teeth, Caroline went downstairs to the kitchen. Whenever her and Tyler didn't have breakfast together, Caroline spent her time with the maids and servants. She really liked them and they liked her. They made her feel at home. If it weren't for them, she would have never felt comfortable living in this palace.

"Hey, Matty." Caroline greeted the blonde-haired, blue-eyed head chef. She grabbed two pieces of bread and buttered it on both sides.

"Hello, Princess Caroline."

After she loaded the bread in the toaster, she settled onto one of the bar stools in his kitchen. "I told you to call me, Caroline."

"If word got out that a servant didn't address you as Princess, then that servant will be hanged."

Caroline huffed and changed the subject. "What are you cooking?" She asked, peering over at the stove where Matt stood.

"Prince Tyler wants me to improve my clam chowder soup."

"Really? I think it's delicious!"

"Thanks, but it's the Prince's orders."

Matt cooked the best food in Karina. It was no wonder why he was hired as the personal chef for the Lockwood palace. He was very kind and honest in his work. He had a lot of pride in his creations, but if any royals ordered for a change he was more than willing to appease them.

"Good morning, Princess Caroline." Bonnie greeted her as she entered the kitchen. "I thought I might find you here.

"Hey, Bonnie. What am I doing today?"

"You have table manner lessons for lunch, but they've delayed the practice to 1:00, so there's no rush to get there. Then they're opening the new park across the orphanage. It's perfect timing since you just visited the orphanage. They're expecting you at 2:30."

The blonde Princess pouted. "Is there anyway I can talk you into switching places for the day? What do you have planned?" She asked, even though she knew it would never slide.

"I have to show Klaus around the palace. He's not sure where everything is yet, and how we operate. And I cannot allow a Princess to do my duties."

Caroline pursed her lips. "I can show him."

"Princess Caroline, please, it's ok. Prince Tyler instructed me to do it."

The blonde shook her head. "I have nothing better to do until lessons. Plus, I may as well get to know my bodyguard. Where is he anyway?"

"He's outside in the back lawn."

She grabbed the bread that popped out the toaster, before exiting the kitchen.

Caroline walked and ate at the same time, heading outside. She found Klaus doing some kind of workout circuit, involving high-knee runs, lunges, jumping rope, and abdominal exercises. Caroline's jaw dropped as she watched her bodyguard work out. She didn't realize how broad his shoulders were or the way they were so toned. He wore a tight under armour shirt, which made his muscled body visible to her. His back and his core were sculpted, accenting each line and curve on his body. He looked like some god with his dirty blonde hair tousled. As she neared him, she noticed trickles of sweat glistening down his magnificent body.

"Hey!" Caroline shouted, loud enough for him to hear her.

He stopped jumping rope and let it fall to the floor. Cooling down from his workout, he grabbed his water bottle and gulped it down.

"Did you need to go somewhere, Princess?" He questioned.

She shook her head. "Nope. I just came to show you the palace."

"I seem to remember your lady in waiting being assigned for that job."

"Yeah, but I told her I'll do it. So go shower!"

Klaus exhaled and gathered his stuff into a small black duffel bag. He walked past her and her nose caught a glimpse of his scent. There was something about the way he smelled that Caroline liked. The mixture of sweat and manliness attracted her.

Caroline was a very impatient woman. Instead of waiting outside his bedroom door, she let herself into his room. Tyler let Klaus stay in one of their guest rooms, which was designed better than the servant's bedrooms, but a lot less splendor than the chambers. He didn't bother to decorate the room. It looked like it wasn't occupied. She thought about peeking into his drawers, just to verify that he was in fact staying here, but she knew it was an invasion of privacy and decided against it.

"I don't recall inviting you into my bedroom," Klaus said, behind her, which made her jump back.

She whipped around to say something witty in return, but paused when she found him shirtless. His jeans hung on his v-cut shaped hips. A towel hung around his neck and his hair was sexily messy and damp. His abdomen was beautifully hardened with 6 packs of muscles. His chest was chiseled and broad.

"I'm sorry," she said, as she quickly turned around, making her back face him. She felt her face warm up. "I'll… umm… I'll see you outside." She quickly walked out the door, shielding her face from him.

When she closed the door behind her, she covered her face from the embarrassment.

"Princess Caroline, are you ok?" Bonnie asked, in a concerned tone.

Caroline removed her hands. "Huh? Umm. Yes. Yes! I'm ok."

"You look a little flustered. What happened?"

"No. Nothing. I… It's nothing." Caroline stuttered. No mirror was close enough for her to check her complexion at the moment, but she assumed she was flaring crimson right now.

"Ok. Well, let me know if you need anything."

"Will do!" Caroline called out, as Bonnie walked away.

When she was finally alone, she released a deep breath. She couldn't believe she just saw her bodyguard shirtless. Sure, she's seen him workout with a tight shirt, but seeing him shirtless was a completely different thing. It was completely inappropriate for her to see him like that.

"I am decent, now," Klaus said, as he exited his bedroom.

"Sorry about that." She apologized, as she looked down at his feet, feeling ashamed.

"Just don't let it happen again, Princess." He said, enunciating "Princess" in a harsh tone.

She sighed. There was no way they were ever going to get along. "So let's start."

"After you." He gestured.

She nodded and proceeded before him. They toured the palace, visiting every room. She explained the purpose of each room and how often it was used. She spent a lot of time outside, touring him in the lots and gardens. It was so wide and adventurous in her eyes. She could spend a day out here and easily loose track of time. She also showed him escape routes, if anything were to happen. Tyler showed them to her when he first brought her here. Klaus barely said a word or asked questions, but Caroline decided not to force a conversation. However, she couldn't help throwing in little jokes here and there. A few of them earned her some soft chuckles from him.

Caroline decided to save the kitchen for last.

"And this," She said, as she spread her arms open, spinning around the kitchen, "is my favorite room in the palace."

"Hello, Princess Caroline. Klaus." Matt greeted them. "All done with the tour?"

Caroline nodded as she took a seat.

"Prince Tyler is expecting guests for dinner tonight." Matt informed her.

Caroline wrinkled her forehead. "Really? Who?"

It really didn't surprise her that Tyler didn't warn her, but she wondered who they would have dinner with.

"Dutch Stefan Salvatore and his wife, Duchess Katherine."

"Katherine never told me."

"Maybe it was last minute." He suggested. "You better go get ready. Bonnie said the limousine will be in front in thirty minutes for your lessons."

Caroline checked her watch. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed as she read the clock. It was already a little past noon. "I better go. I'll see you guys later! Klaus, I'll meet you at the car!" She said as she ran out the kitchen, leaving Klaus alone with Matt.

"Want anything to eat, sir?" Matt asked Klaus.

Klaus shook his head. "I'll just prepare myself some oatmeal and almond soy before I leave."

"Really, Klaus. I could prepare you a meal. It's my job."

"It's fine, Mr. Donovan." The bodyguard reassured him as he started his oatmeal and almond soy milk in a bowl.

"How was touring the castle with Princess Caroline?"

He shrugged, before spooning himself some oatmeal. "It was ok. Why do you ask?"

"She's something, isn't she?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, she's nothing like the other women in royalty. The other women who gain royalty through marriage become carbon copies of the women born into royalty. But Princess Caroline is different. She's kind. She's considerate of others. She speaks her mind, which drives the other royals insane."

"Am I wrong to assume you have feelings toward the Princess of Karina?" Klaus speculated.

Matt shook his head. "No. No. I am married to Bonnie, her lady in waiting. Bonnie and I have just learned that Caroline is different and we hope she'll make a difference in Karina that will benefit Karinans. Soon she'll be Queen and we pray she becomes more involved in the government, if Prince Tyler will allow her."

Klaus sat there quietly, eating his oatmeal. He didn't really know who Caroline was as a person. He didn't know whether she was truly kind, like Matt claimed her to be. He had to admit that she piqued his interest in a way he couldn't describe. He just knew that the more time he spent as her bodyguard, the more he'll get to know who Princess Caroline truly is.

Klaus watched Caroline play with the children at the park. She pushed them on their new swing sets and helped them on the monkey bars. There was no denying how much fun and excitement consumed her. Her grin never left her face.

Caroline walked over to Klaus, who stood alone and quiet against a fence in front of the swing sets.

"You don't wanna play with the kids? There are other adults playing with them. You won't be the only one." Caroline encouraged, wanting him to break out of his shell.

Keeping his hands in his pockets, he looked to her, and said, "I don't like children."

"What?!" She exclaimed, looking incredulously at him. "How can you not like children?" She inquired, in a softer voice, so no one else around them could hear, especially the children.

He turned to face her and opened his mouth to say something but then from his peripheral vision, he saw something. Instinctively, he reached his arms out for Caroline and enclosed the space between them by pulling her into his chest. His right hand caressed her head. He smelt deliciously alluring, with some type of light cologne. Her body rammed against a hard front, with her hands getting a feel of his abs for a brief moment.

When she was safe in his arms, a boy, about 12 years old, landed where Caroline stood moments earlier. He jumped from the swing and laughed it off, like it was the coolest thing ever. Klaus glared at the child, until he felt Caroline shoving him away.

"What the hell?!" She shouted at him, once she was free of him.

"I was protecting you."

"From a child?!"

Klaus rolled his eyes and walked away from her to stand on the other end of the park. He wasn't in the mood to explain his actions to her. He saw a threat and he protected her from it. He didn't owe her an explanation. He was doing his job.

Caroline entered the dining room, wearing a simple white dress that fell to her knees. Tyler, Stefan, and Katherine were already present, sitting in their seats.

"Hey, everyone!" Caroline greeted them, waving at them.

Tyler gave her a noticeable glare. He always reminded her that she needed to greet everyone individually. It was Karina's customs. Following her husbands glare, Caroline kissed Stefan's cheek and Katherine's cheek, before taking her seat. As soon as she sat down, the maid came out to serve them.

"Care, Dutch Stefan and Duchess Katherine are here to discuss the coronation." Tyler informed her.

She's forgotten about the coronation. It seemed like it was too far for her to think about.

"Right. What about it?" She questioned.

Tyler grunted as he resettled himself in the seat. "We're discussing whether we should have the ball before or after the coronation."

"I think there should be one before and after," Katherine said, grinning at all of them. She loved balls, mainly because she loved to dress up, dance, and flirt with boys.

"It's customary to have it after the coronation ceremony." Stefan reminded them. He usually did things out of the book. He followed orders and rarely drifted from their customs.

"I think we should have one before the coronation, to make Karinans feel welcome and feel part of the royal family." Tyler suggested. He looked to his wife and asked, "What do you think, Care?"

"I concur with you, babe." She answered, honestly. She really didn't care for balls. She thought she'd love it, but the more balls she attended, the more she realized it was just a night of being fake to people. She loved to dance and have fun for a night, but eventually she'd end up alone at the end of the night because Tyler went off with his friends or got too busy talking business at a social event.

"Then it's decided," Tyler said, firmly. "We'll have a ball before the coronation and after."

Katherine beamed and clapped her hands in excitement. Stefan just sighed, but forced a smile.

"Are you excited to be Queen of Karina? Only six more weeks." Katherine asked the blonde Princess.

Caroline took a moment before answering. She really didn't know how she felt about being Queen of Karina. "Of course I am." She answered, though she wasn't sure that was entirely true.

"Are you excited to join Tyler and I in our meetings?" Stefan asked, with a genuine smile on his face.

Caroline opened her mouth to respond, but Tyler answered for her.

"Don't be silly, Stefan. Business is not a lady's job."

The blonde Princess furrowed her eyebrows at her Prince. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, Caroline. The Queen just doesn't really partake in business and government matters." Tyler explained, like it was something everyone knew.

"Then what is the purpose of being Queen? How can I be Queen if I have no say in the government?" Caroline demanded. As she let each word fall out her mouth, she realized it sounded like she really wanted to be Queen. Maybe a part of her did, but only to help people. That's truly what she wanted. She didn't want the power or the ability to rule over a nation. She just wanted to be there for people, like a true Queen should be.

"Caroline, this is not a discussion." Tyler said sternly, while he glowered at her. His eyes darkened to black. "I do not want to hear another word of this."

"Seriously?!" She exclaimed, throwing her napkin on the table from her lap. She stood up from her seat, put her hands on her hips, and stared Tyler down, but he didn't say anything. She threw her hands up in the air and excused herself from dinner.

She really couldn't stand Tyler lately. He's been so dominant and commanding over her. It drove her nuts. Just because he was the Prince, and soon to be King, didn't mean he had the right to dictate her. They married as man and wife. It was a mutual marriage, not a contract as he being the dominator and she being the subordinate.

Wanting to let off some steam, Caroline decided to take a walk outside to cool off. The brisk air tinged her body, making her feel a little chilly. She walked toward her favorite tree in the rose garden. The tree was ginormous and old, but its beauty lied in the wisdom it held. When she reached the trunk, she started to climb up the branches and settled on a stable branch. Feeling relaxed, she leaned her right shoulder against the tree and let out a deep breath.

"Princess," someone said.

The voice gave Caroline a fright, causing her to lose balance and fall back on the branch. She screamed and closed her eyes as her body fell, heading straight to the grass. Surprisingly, the thud didn't hurt as much as she thought. Then she realized someone caught her. She opened her eyes and was astonished to find herself in Klaus' arms. Without her saying anything, Klaus set her down on her feet.

When she felt composed, she pushed Klaus against his chest. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you trying to scare me?"

"For someone who claims to have experience in combat, you sure do fright easily." Klaus replied, in a mocking tone.

Caroline dusted off her dress. "What do you want? Can't you see that I wanted to be alone and at peace?"

"For your information, Princess, I was already sitting here, on the other side of the tree trunk. You are the one disturbing my peace."

"Ugh!" The blonde Princess crossed her arms over her chest and looked the other direction.

"Furthermore, aren't you supposed to be at a dinner?"

"I was!"

"Let me guess, Prince Tyler didn't buy you the right karat size for a bracelet?" Klaus said, in a cynical tone.

She scowled at him. "Is that what you think of me?"

"I haven't given it much thought." He lied.

He'd been observing her since he laid eyes on her. It was one of his mannerisms: to observe objects and people. He had an eye for detail.

With the soft moonlight, Caroline's skin glowed. The wind blew her hair out of her face, giving Klaus a glimpse of Caroline's brief vulnerability. Her eyes filled with tears, but he knew it wasn't from him. Something happened at the dinner.

"Are you ok, Princess?" He asked, in a concerned tone.

Caroline looked at him with shock. It was the first time he spoke to her in a genuine tone. He wasn't being sarcastic or cynical. His tone wasn't taunting. He was being sincere.

She bit down on her bottom lip, thinking about her answer, carefully.

"Have you ever felt like you rightfully deserved something, but never got it?" She asked him.

He gave her a perplexed look, not following where she was stirring the conversation. "Never. I believe everyone should strive to be rewarded whatever they deserve."

"Easier said than done." She replied, as she crossed her arms.

The wind picked up and the hairs on her arms stood. In response, she rubbed her hands up and down her arms, trying to warm herself.

Being the gentleman that he was, he peeled off his leather jacket. "Here." He stepped closer to her and placed his jacket around her, letting it rest on her shoulders.

She pulled the jacket closer together in the front and told him, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He stepped away from her to stand where he stood earlier, about arms length. "It's chilly tonight."

"Thank you for earlier at the park. I overreacted. I'm just not used to –"

"Having a bodyguard?" He finished for her.

She shook her head. "I'm not used to having anyone pull me into their arms."

Klaus furrowed his eyebrows at her. "Surely, Prince Tyler is affectionate to you." He stated, but it sounded like a question.

She pressed her lips together, unsure if she should be discussing this with him. It didn't seem appropriate, but a part of her wanted someone she could talk to that didn't submit to her husband willfully, like Bonnie, Matt, Katherine, and Stefan.

"Tyler said, 'Karinans frown upon public display of affection, especially among royalty.' "

"Well, shall I seek another way to protect you rather than pulling you into me?" He suggested, trying to be accommodating.

"No." She answered and gave him a small shy smile. "Do what you think you have to do, but I can still fight if we ever get in the situation."

Klaus chuckled. "You'll have to show me your moves one day, Princess," he said, to entertain her. "We better go inside. It's getting late."

Caroline nodded and turned around. They walked toward the mansion, with Klaus walking slightly behind her. Wanting to show him her skills, she whipped around and threw her arm out for a punch, aiming for his jaw. Unfortunately for her, Klaus was skilled in combat. His instincts protected him from the punch, by blocking her fist with his palm. She was stronger than he expected, but she still could have used some improvement tips and practice.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, glaring down at her. It insulted him for her to think she could easily knock him in the jaw.

She pulled her arm back down to her side. "I told you I can fight."

"Anyone can fight, Princess. A great fighter knows his opponent before making a foolish move."

She glared at him and he gave her a hard stare.

"Study your opponent." He advised her. "Know his strengths and weaknesses. But most importantly, know your threats and your opportunities. Only then you will succeed."

"Did you study in a temple or something? Or did you take a page from Buddha?" She joked, chuckling a little.

"I only resided in the temple for a decade." He jested, laughing with her.


He shook his head, which made her laugh even more.

"Excuse me," Bonnie interrupted them. Neither of them notice the lady in waiting approach them."Princess Caroline, Prince Tyler is looking for you."

The blonde Princess rolled her eyes. "Tell him I will return in a bit."

Bonnie fidgeted with her hands. She only did this when Prince Tyler gave her instructions when he was angry.

Caroline sighed. She turned to Klaus and said, "Goodnight, Klaus."

He nodded at her and she proceeded toward the castle. Bonnie looked to Klaus as he watched her leave. When he finally took his eyes off Caroline, he noticed Bonnie's stare.

"Can I help you with something, Mrs. Donovan?"

"May I offer a friendly advice?" She asked, meekly.

"I do not take advice from anyone." He shrugged. "But if you deem it necessary, then please continue. I make no promises to follow nor live by it."

She breathed. "Do not get on Prince Tyler's bad side. I've seen people fired before and shunned from Karina."

"Please, Mrs. Donovan, enlighten me on how I am on the road to the Prince's bad side?"

"Let's just say, Prince Tyler is overprotective and possessive over what belongs to him."

Klaus scoffed loudly and walked away from Bonnie, not wanting to continue this conversation.

"Goodnight, Bonnie." He called out as he walked away, with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm serious, Klaus!"

Will Klaus and Caroline find something to bond over?

Stay tuned to find out!

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