Author's Note: Hi, everyone! I haven't updated HLPP in a very, very long time. I don't know if any of you are even still with me. If you are, I'm planning on reworking this phic entirely; I'm a grown-ass, college-educated woman now, and I want this to reflect that. Mainly, I'll be changing Scarlet's age (as a young bean, I really didn't understand how inappropriate it was to make her that young) and, obviously, improve the quality of the original four chapters that I wrote all those years ago. HLPP has always been a passion project for me, and even though I haven't updated in YEARS, I've been thinking about this phic in the back of my mind during those years. I don't know when the updates will come, or how long it will be between updates, but they are coming. I know at the end of chapter 4, I said I wasn't abandoning this phic, and even though I took the world's longest hiatus, I meant it. I hope some of you are still with me (or willing to come back for the updates)! And if you've switched to AO3 for your fanfiction fix, I will probably start posting this there as well; if there are any other sites you'd like to see me on, let me know (I'm a little out of touch with the current fanfiction world).

Also, I'm going to be changing my horribly cringey bio. So, if you want to laugh at the angsty 2012 version of me, please do so now. If you have any suggestions for changes or additions you'd like to see in the updated HLPP, please send me a private message or leave a review. They make me happy (:

Your obedient servant,

The Embodiment of Yearning