So guys… this is my first fic in English. I started a fic in Spanish but I never finished it I lost the track of the history and now I´m with this VA one. If anyone reads this and likes it let me know. If I don't know then I won't feel the need to update the history that much.

This is an experiment… so let's see how it goes.

I obviously don´t own any of the characters of VA… if I owned them I wouldn't be so nervous to write this history.

So… Yeah… here it is…


There she was with here long black hair tied up in a high ponytail, dressed in a Batman t-shirt with the neck and sleeves cutout. You could see a black sports bra mind-blowingly tight and the way her oh-so-slim waist moved while she half-danced half-walked down the corridor. I was in a trance just looking at her, she was lost in whatever she was listening in her IPod. I was standing there probably drooling, at the sight of this perfect creature coming closer to where I was trying to open the door to my apartment.

I Dimitri Belikov have never been so drawn to a woman without even talking to her. I saw girls walking next to me and I could say if I was attracted or not. But this time was completely different, my hands itched to touch her small waist and to pull her close to me from behind and whisper sweet nothings in her ear… or whisper other not so sweet things, that would make her squirm in my embrace, I smiled at the thought, I couldn't stop fantasizing about what I could do to her and the way she would respond to my touch. She was walking, passing right next to me when she looked at me.

I saw her face, with beautiful big brown eyes, I could feel them looking into my soul. Her mouth was a masterpiece, full lips with a touch of pink in them that begged me to kiss them. Her skin looked so soft in that almond like tone. She stopped next to me, looking at me from head to toe with a little smile playing in her lips. Then she looked at my face I could feel her eyes watching every feature, I wanted to know what she was thinking. She was probably disgusted that I was there watching her like a teenager that couldn´t control himself, but the way a smile was playing at the corners of her mouth was telling me a whole different history. I could feel her burning gaze in every part of my body, and I started feeling a little tight in my pants.

In other situation I would have feel embarrassed, but the way her chest moved up and down with deep breaths like she was trying to control herself told me other ways. She moved her hand that was resting in her hip to her face, to put some loose hair behind her ear. And that´s when she looked into my eyes… an electric shock was flowing through my veins sending little shocks to every part of my body. Her brown eyes bored into mine. The little smile that was playing in her lips grew to a big smile, the most beautiful and seductive smile I have ever seen.

That smile was for me and just for me, she looking at my dumbstruck expression laughed a little and winked at me and continued her way down the hall. Everything I could see now was the way her round ass moved with every step, and all I could think was how perfect it looked in those yoga pants.

After she disappeared in the little gym that was down the corridor I got control of my body again and managed to open the door to my apartment and set the groceries in the kitchen. I would have time to store them later. After I took very needed cold shower…


Love in an elevator livin' it up when I´m goin´ down…

That guy was something out of this world…. He was so tall… He looked so strong… So let-me-rip-that-shirt-off-your-chest-and-lick-your-oh-so-strong-abs.

Stuck in an elevator, she take me to the sky
And I don't wanna go down, go down

I couldn't get that thought out of my head during my workout… His hands in my hips moving to grab my ass, while I ride him, moaning against his shoulder, hearing him purr my name.

A smiled played at my lips at the thought of his face… he looked so hot while he was checking me out. And when I looked into his eyes, the way his expression changed, so full of desire and adoration, it was like something inside me was drawn to him. I had to use every ounce of self-control that was on my body not to pounce on him, and kiss the living day lights out of him.

I would be in so much trouble if my dad knew that the first day in my new apartment I was harassing my new to-hot-to-be-legal neighbor. But then again he was something out of this world…

I was tired of the headphones and I was starting with my stretching so I just connected the IPod to the little stereo of the so-called gym and started playing my workout playlist again…


After my way too long shower and changing into my exercise clothes I took my water bottle and walked to the gym. When I got closer I heard music…. I stood there waiting for something not sure what, I just wouldn't, I couldn't and really didn't want to move…

Your love is bright as ever

Even in the shadows

Baby, kiss me

Before they turn the lights out…

After I don´t know how long, the music was cut off. I was back in my body and started moving into the gym again, all I could see was a girl, catching her breath while removing her t-shirt and standing in the middle of the gym in nothing but her tight sports bra and yoga pants. I was glued to the floor where I was standing… that's everything my self-control allowed me to do. Stand, but I couldn´t make myself turn away from the sight in front of me.

She just stood there minding her own business, not paying any attention to the world around her. So I began thinking that I would do the same. I started with my workout, but I couldn't remain focused with her presence in the room.


Any other day, as soon as my workout was done I would have run into de shower, grabbed a bite and then jumped in bed. But as soon as my neighbor entered in the little room, I couldn´t make myself leave. I didn´t did much that day, so I thought I could do some yoga while I analyzed what my next move would be.

He was done with cardio, and started punching the bag that in the corner of the little gym. He looked in control of every move, every inch his body moved was calculated, every breath, every step. I was in awe of that guy. I had already got to the conclusion that he was something out of this world, but now that I could see him moving, I was underestimating him. He was a god among man. With his shoulder length hair tied in the back of his head, his face looked gorgeous. Strong jaw with a little bit of stubble, just the perfect amount of stubble to tickle you while tracing little kisses down your back. Lips made in heaven, full and perfect to bite while kissing him senseless. But when you meet his eyes… those oh-so-brown eyes you just want to keep looking at them. Those eyes can see every emotion that you're feeling, they see straight to your soul.

I was there sitting in the floor of the gym just staring at this guy, that probably deserved to be asked his name after all the dirty thoughts that have crossed my mind while looking at him. At that very moment he started drinking from his bottle. This is my chance. I straightened my back and took a deep breath…

Hi… I´m Rose Hathaway. I just moved here today. -I said with my best smile. He was just looking at me when I talked, he didn´t moved, he didn´t respond. –So… this is a nice gym you have here. –Still no respond – Yeah. I better go… -I said pointing to the door of the gym, feeling a little embarrassed

Uh… don't go. –He said holding his hand out to me, helping me to my feet. He talked with thick Russian accent. His hand felt warm against my skin, and when he retrieved it, it left a tingling sensation in mine. I hid a smile- My name is Dimitri. Dimitri Belikov. Welcome to the building, I was lost in thought. – He said with a little smile, and… was he blushing?

Easy there Comrade, nothing to worry.

Comrade? –He said with a little laugh- So Rose… would you like to join me for pizza?- I was out of my mind, this man, no… this Russian god was asking me out, I thought with a grin.

SUREEEE! –I said and my grin grew larger, and in his face appeared one matching mine - Let me take a shower and, I'll meet down stairs in and hour? - He looked flustered with my response, he gave me a little nod and I smiled as I jogged out of the room.


I´m in so much trouble… since when do I ask girls out in the gym? Since when Dimitri Belikov is left speechless by a friendly introduction? Since you met that Aphrodite like girl in the gym, and she introduced herself with a man eater smile in nothing but her sports bra and yoga pants. She looked so embarrassed when I didn´t said nothing; she was ready to go and leave me there with my impure thoughts. Thank god I reacted in time.

Her hand felt so warm against mine, so little besides mine… it felt incredibly well to hold it, and it left a tingle in my hand. I smiled at her after I saw how she suppressed a smile. Her voice was soft when she talked; it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. I was asking her out before I knew what I was doing. And when she said yes I was so excited, I was about to tell her that we should get going but she said she needed a shower. I imagined water running down her body, caressing every inch of that soft skin and I almost lost it, I could only nod. She smiled and left.

I couldn't believe I was getting ready to a date with Rose… I was wearing jeans and a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. I left my hair tied…. And now I was waiting for the elevator. Nervous as ever before, I was standing there humming Love in an elevator by Aerosmith. When I heard footsteps behind me, I turned to see who it was and every rational thought that had ever crossed my mind had officially left.

There she was, standing so close to me wearing a black dress that clung to every curve of her body. It was tight and loose all at the same time... It left my mouth dry.

-Oh… Rose. You look beautiful. – I said as a small smile touched my lips.

-Well, thank you comrade. – She said smiling- Now… I have something important to ask you. –She said looking death serious, and I was completely confused for the change in her expression. - Do you like your pizza with pineapple?

-Pineapple? No, I don´t. Why?

-Fantastic- she said with a huge grin- I love pizza with pepperoni and meat, I´m like a caveman when it comes to food. I don´t like things to fancy. –She said like she was talking about the most important thing in the world, and that made me laugh.

-You have a really nice laugh comrade. I could get used to it. –There it was that man-eater smile. This time I was prepared, the elevator arrived and I placed my hand on the small of her back guiding her in.

When my hand touched her I heard a little gasp. And I smiled to myself as I realized I was not the only one with the tingly sensation where our bodies touched. When we were in the elevator I couldn't resist the urge to move my hand up and down her back. I could feel her taking deep breaths, and feel the little goose bumps forming on her, when my hand touched the bare skin of her shoulders. Out of nowhere she took my hand in hers, and placed next to my thigh.

-If you continue doing that, we won´t make it out of the building. Do you understand me? - She said with her eyes bright, and cheeks flushed.

-Fine. But why wouldn´t we make it out of the building? – I said with a little smile. Completely sure that she wouldn't respond to my teasing and would only flush deeper. But oh… I was so wrong.

-You really want to know? - She said stepping as close to me as she could with a smile playing in her kissable lips. I was scared and excited to know what she would say to me. She got incredibly close and started whispering in my ear…- First I would start kissing my way from here in your ear to that luscious mouth of yours, nibbling and licking. Making you lose control- She started purring like a kitten in my ear. Her breath warm against my skin, I could feel the way her lips moved almost caressing my sensitive skin, I was losing control. And she wasn´t even starting – I would take you back to my apartment and I would make you moan my name as I work my way down your pants. When I get you all hot and ready, I would start stripping from my clothes one by one, very slowly, -I was taking deep and calming breaths, my hands were moving to touch her hips, trying to pull her closer to me. But she didn't allow it. - I would let you see, but not touch. And then I would ride you, feeling all of you. Moaning against your skin, making you scream my name. – When she was done she nibbled at my earlobe. Stepping back with a satisfied grin on her face.- I would love to do all that right now, but I´m really hungry, and that pizza sounds fantastic. What do you think? - She said innocently, then biting her lower lip.

I was hard in my pants and she knew it, she stepped closer and gave me a squeeze. I couldn't help but moan at the sensation. The door of the elevator opened, I didn´t remembered we were there. She stepped away a took my hand in hers pulling me out guiding me to the street. All I could think was how hard I was in my pants and how good Rose looked in that dress.

She turned back to see me and gave a huge smile… and electric shock made its way through me making me even harder, if that was possible. I was in SO much trouble…

So... this is it. I would really appreciate any thoughts about this. I´m really happy about how it turned out.

Bye, DJ