Bonnie knew that she needed to get away from Mason Lockwood as fast as she could. This night was already proving to be disastrous. She knew that she shouldn't have agreed to Stefan's manipulative plan to get Damon back.

She wanted to run the other way, but there was something about Mason that wouldn't let her. He didn't look like a killer. Yeah, he was shady as shit, but there was something in his eyes that made her think differently. There was sadness in his eyes...perhaps he did love Mia, Bonnie thought.

"Nice meeting you, Mason Lockwood, but I've had a really long night and meeting you just adds to the growing list of things falling apart," Bonnie sighed heavily.

Mason frowned and then glanced towards the house. "You're a friend of the Salvatores, aren't you? Now you hate me because you think that I killed her...t-that I killed Mia."

"I don't know what to believe, but you sure sound like a guilty person from their point of view, Mr. Lockwood. It all points to you."

He shook his head. "I love Mia! I was angry, yeah, when I found out she was pregnant, but then things changed and I wanted her more than anything. Only her."

Mason sighed as he rubbed his face as he sat down on the bench outside as the party roared behind them. It was suddenly quiet again as Mason continued, "Then everything got fucked up. Katherine fucked everything up. I regret meeting Katherine because she ruined my life. We were going to get married and before I met Mia, I slept with Katherine, Damon found out. I met Mia...she was walking her dog and I got caught in the leash somehow and then fell into the fountain together. She cried at her wet clothes which were new and she freaked out while I laughed at her. We just laughed it off."

Bonnie sat down beside him and put her hair behind her ear. "So what happened next?"

"I met her family, Damon flipped out and told her everything, claimed that Katherine was pregnant or something. Mia was pissed, called me every name in the book before telling me that she was pregnant. I said that she should just get rid of it if she thinks I'm such a bad guy then I left after she threw things at me...that night was the last time we ever spoke. She wanted some alone time, you know, be with her family I guess. I regret everything, I never knew how much I would want that."

"Want what?" Bonnie asked curiously.

"A family."

"How do you know?"

Mason chuckled. "Trust me, Bonnie. You just know when you're ready. You know when it's real."

"Damon, he's hard to love," Bonnie explained to Mason, not really knowing why she was defending him after everything. "I get that. He had bodyguards watch my every move. I know both sides of him, but yet even when I say I'm done. I go back. Damon blames you for her death because she was family, he was supposed to protect her and he doesn't want to blame himself so now he's blaming you because you took his sister and his girlfriend, well, fiancee."

"Wife," Mason corrected.

Bonnie froze. "What?"

Mason looked questionably at her. "They got hitched and that's why the Salvatores don't like her because she didn't come from money and they're part of a society that frowns upon that kind of shit. They didn't trust her because she wasn't one of them. She was new money and not old money."

"Damon didn't tell me that she was his wife. He just said that she left him at the altar."

"No, that never happened. They got married in Vegas and all that. It only lasted for thirty days so I guess that Damon doesn't consider it a real marriage and compared it to him being left at the altar since she packed up her things and left his ass."

Bonnie is not surprised that Damon lied to her once again. "So she left the country with you and Damon found the cameras that showed you two fucking."

"There were cameras?!"

Bonnie nodded. "Yup, I guess he right about not trusting her."

"He doesn't trust anyone...except you maybe."

Bonnie scoffed. "Yeah, right. I don't even know why I'm surprised that he lied to me once again. Do you know where Damon went after they decided to pull the plug on me?"

Realization came onto his face quickly as he pointed at her. "That's where I know you from! You're that girl from the news. Sleeping Beauty is what the headlines called you."

"Gee, thanks," Bonnie replied sarcastically.

Mason shrugged. "Look at Alaric, they're best friends. If Damon went somewhere then he told Alaric in case something were to happen and Alaric always knows when Damon's up to no good."

"You seem to know an awful lot about everyone," Bonnie replied suspiciously.

"I'm a Lockwood, we make it our business to know things. That and our sad anger issues."

Bonnie ran a hand through her hair before saying, "Thank God, I'm moving far away from this Hellish place."

"Good luck, Bonnie Bennett."

"You too.."

Bonnie stood up as she called Abby to come and pick her up which only took a couple of minutes. Bonnie stepped into the car, immediately leaning her head against the window.

"That bad, huh?"

"Yup. Damon has more secrets and now he's a liar."

"Who told you?"

"Mason Lockwood."

"And you believe him over Damon?"

"He seemed honest when he told me," Bonnie explained. "I honestly don't know who to believe. I don't get why they would lie to me."

"Men often lie because they're afraid." Abby scoffed. "They're always afraid. Damon probably lied because he wanted you to see him as a good person, not the bad guy. From what I've read on all those gossip sites, he was always the bad boy and you kind of felt bad for the guy."

Bonnie remembered that Damon told her that he became a teacher because he wanted to change. He wanted to be different. Is that why he didn't tell me anything...because he wanted the life with me to be different?

Bonnie felt a headache riding fast towards her as she closed her eyes and tried to block out the last crazy months-well, the last crazy year of her life.

Bonnie felt her eyes were still heavy even as she tried to open them to the bright sunlight that poured through her windows.

"Bonnie," she heard someone yell frantically causing her to jolt up in her bed. She practically fell out of her bed, the sheets tangled around her legs like vines.


Bonnie ran out of her bedroom as she almost tumbled down the hallway of their tiny apartment. She found Abby trying not to smile as she looked out of the window.

"What is it," Bonnie asked quickly as she came beside her. "Are you alright? What happened?"

Abby gestured to outside of the window, telling her, "I think that New York is really pissed off with you."

Bonnie furrowed her brows. "What makes you say that?"

"Look outside."

Bonnie opened the white curtain and froze as she saw red and blue roses planted in front of their apartment building, filling the street and sidewalks. Car honked and some tried to run over them, but failed. People were trying to walk through them, but would wince as Bonnie guessed that the thorns scratched them. Everyone was angry. Her mother was right, people were pissed off at her.

"Damon," Abby guessed with a light chuckle. "Well, looks like you got a guy with balls. Good for you, sweetie."

Bonnie, clad in her white baby doll dress, ran outside. There she found Damon leaning against his car, waiting for her in a sea of red and blue roses with the sun shining above him and lit up the color of the roses.


"Red roses symbolize love, beauty, courage, and passion," Damon spoke as he picked the red rose from the bunch and placed it in Bonnie's small hand. Then he picked up one of the blue roses, twirling it around his fingers in front of her. "Now blue roses represent mystery and longing to attain the impossible. You are a red rose to me as I am a blue rose to you. I love you, Bonnie Bennett. Nothing could stop my heart from beating ten times fast every time I hear your name, my palms begin to sweat whenever I see your face, my mind is always in a blur because you are the most beautiful person I've ever met and I can't believe that you are in my life...I am in awe of you."

Bonnie smiled at him. "Damon...thank you. This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. I'm sorry, but I need time, Damon. For you, it's been about six months-"

"What hell is wrong with you?!" Someone yelled from behind a tree.

"Shut up, man!"

"He just bared his heart out to her-"

"Be quiet! They'll hear us!"

Damon glared at the tree not far from them and yelled, "Shut you, you idiots!"

Bonnie tried not to smile as her heart softened a little when she continued, "You have to remember that I only woke up to a whole new world only two days ago. I am still in the past. I think that maybe in those months that you did change for the better, but I don't know. If you really love me as you say you do, then don't give up. Not again, Damon."

"I promise, Bonnie. I'll show you."

Bonnie held the rose to her chest as she turned around and walked back inside, glancing back at him before she closed the door.

Damon's smile fell from his face as Raul and Jackson came out from behind the tree.

Jackson hit Raul's arm and told him, "You stupid head, you almost ruined everything."

Raul held his arm and said, "One: ow, that really hurt. Two: if anything, I made her consider giving him a second chance. Three: how could she not fall back into his arms after that wonderful speech we spent so long on."

"I created that speech," Damon reminded him, pointing to himself. "Not you idiots. Jackson's right though, you did almost fuck everything up."

"Nah-uh, don't blame your lack of relationship skills on me. This is why you have no friends. Alaric doesn't count because he's family," Raul explained then studied his bandaged hands. "I mean I got hurt because of these damn roses so I at least don't want it to be all for nothing."

"Can I hit him?" Jackson asked Damon suddenly.


"Come on. It'll be like spanking a kid."

Raul had an appalled expression on his face. "You'll be the worst father ever then. How dare you lay a hand-"

They stopped arguing as they heard laughter from above them. Abby leaned on her hand as she watched them.

"My daughter was right, you both are very funny."

"And who are you, beautiful?" Jackson asked which caused Raul and Damon to become very surprised at this.

"Bonnie's mom."

"And here I thought you two were sisters."

Abby scoffed though she smiled down at him. "If a beautiful speech and a yard full of roses didn't sweep my daughter off her feet then what makes you think that a cheesy pick up line with get me weak in the knees for you."

"I like you...a lot."

"Hey, no flirting with the in-laws," Raul warned as he started to pull Jackson away from Abby who wiggled her fingers at him in good-bye.

"They're not married."

"Yet," Damon added with a smile. "Now clean this up or we'll get arrested or something."

Raul looked angrily at the roses, sneering to them, "I hope you all go to hell and I can't wait to tear all of your petals off. Guess what, you heathens?! There is no sunlight in hell!"

"You've got some serious issues, man," Jackson murmured as they began to clear everything out.


THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEWS, FOLLOWS, AND FAVORITES! RJ (Raul and Jackson) are back again, they'll be making appearances again as the next chapter is basically all about Damon and trying to win back Bonnie's heart. Did Damon really change? I hoped you liked this chapter.

REVIEW. FOLLOW. FAVORITE. Until next time...