I asked my niece (who is to blame for my Twilight writing spree, by the way) to pick any one-shot for her birthday present. She chose Renesmee's POV of the time when the "witnesses" began arriving. This begins at the very end of Chapter 31: after some (extreme) hesitation, the Denalis have pledged their support and the "grown-ups" have just been discussing Bella's shield, and the fact that the Volturi's upcoming visit is probably for acquisition as well as punishment.

Disclaimer: The Twilight universe belongs to Stephenie Meyer, including some direct quotes from Breaking Dawn which appear in this story. No profit is made here and no offense intended.

The uncomfortable silence stretched on for several minutes. I put my hand on Carmen's face, showing her that I wanted to go to Momma, but she kept staring ahead, lost in deep concentration like all the other grown-ups. Eleazar and Daddy had just figured out that the Volturi were probably coming for more than one reason, and everyone seemed to be going over the news, thinking about what it might mean. Momma was concentrating hard than any of them, her eyes darting back and forth as she thought. Now that I thought about it, she had looked like that ever since Eleazar started talking about shields.

Everyone looked up toward the front door suddenly, and I heard it a second after everyone else; the sound of a car coming up the driveway. I jumped out of Carmen's arms and ran over to Momma, who picked me up absently. She had tensed at the same time as everyone else. "Oh crap, Charlie," she muttered as she stood, shifting me over to her hip. "Maybe the Denalis could hang out upstairs until-"

"No," Daddy interrupted, staring at the door as he cocked his head, listening. "It's not your father. Alice sent Peter and Charlotte, after all. Time to get ready for the next round." His gaze turned to Jacob. "No, not more cousins... I told you that the Denalis are the only ones, remember?"

Jacob stood up straighter, his jaw tight. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" he asked stiffly.

Daddy held his hands up, trying to calm Jacob down. "No, it doesn't need to be like that." What was he talking about? I reached up to touch Momma's face with my question, but Daddy answered it first.

"Renesmee," he said quietly, "Peter and Charlotte are very good friends of Jasper's, and they're coming to help us. But… they're a little bit different from our family. They have red eyes. Do you understand what that means?"

"It means they drink humans," I said impatiently. Sometimes everyone- even Daddy – tended to forget that I was already a big girl, in my mind at least. I knew that most vampires didn't hunt animals. I knew all about it.

He smiled his famous crooked smile. "You're right, sweetheart, I'm sorry. Anyway, I just wanted you to remember that it doesn't mean that they aren't our friends."

I frowned. "I thought red eyes meant a vampire was bad. Except Momma, of course, because she's new." It was what my Jacob had said, anyway.

Daddy flashed a frustrated look at Jacob, who stared right back at him. "It's more complicated than that," he said. "It's true that we- our family- don't like the choice that they make about their diet. But they are our friends nonetheless, and Alice has sent them to help us. You'll like them, and I'm sure they'll like you."

Momma held me closer. "Of course they will," she said as she rubbed her forehead on mine.

"But will they…" I bit my lip, reaching up to Momma's face, showing her a picture of red-eyed vampires chasing me, their sharp teeth showing.

She hissed quietly, and turned to Daddy. "What about Renesmee's scent?" she asked.

He was wincing at the picture in my mind, as well. He rubbed the back of his head, glancing at our cousins. Everyone shook their heads, and he relaxed. "I don't think it will be a problem," he said slowly. "At least nobody here feels tempted." He glanced at Jacob again, and nodded uncomfortably.

"We're heading backstage again," Jacob grumbled to Momma, and the three of us retreated to the dining room again while Daddy went out on the porch to talk to the visitors, closing the door quickly behind him. I squirmed anxiously in Momma's arms, touching her cheek with a picture of Carlisle.

"I wish he were here, too, baby," she whispered. "But it's going to be all right. Alice wouldn't have sent them if it wasn't. And Daddy's here."

She was right. I needed to trust my family, because they were trusting me. It was my job to show the truth about myself to all the friends that came. Even if I was scared, I had to be strong for them. I squirmed again, pushing against Momma's shoulder to let her know I wanted to get down.

"No, Renesmee. Wait until Daddy says."

We waited while he gave the explanation again, just as he had done before. This time, though, he told them the whole story before calling me out, so they wouldn't be so surprised when I approached them. I never heard anyone except Daddy speak; that had to be a good thing. Finally, he called for us, saying that it was all right if I walked in myself.

As Momma put me down, I grabbed onto her and Jacob's hands, walking between them. Jacob's hand was hotter than usual. "It's okay, Jacob," I said bravely, craning my neck to look all the way up to him. He grinned down at me carelessly, giving my hand a squeeze.

We walked into the living room, where the two new vampires were standing beside Daddy. They didn't seem nearly as upset as the Denalis had at first, but their red eyes made me feel nervous. I held back for part of a second, before biting my lip and making my feet move again. I had an important job to do, and everyone was counting on me. As I drew closer, Daddy gave me an encouraging nod.

"Hello, Peter. Hello, Charlotte," I said. Charlotte was a tiny vampire, so tiny that she reminded me of Alice. Peter was much taller and scarier. He had a couple of scars like Jasper. He didn't look mean, exactly, just scary. As soon as I spoke, he tensed and held one arm out in front of Charlotte.

"No, it's all right," Charlotte said in a high, sweet voice. "Her heart is beating, just like he said."

Daddy stepped between us and picked me up. "This is Bella," he said reverently as he nodded toward Momma. "She is my mate… my wife. And this," he said in a happier, louder voice as he turned his smiling face toward me, "is our daughter, Renesmee." He bounced me in his arms, and I giggled despite my fear. Peter relaxed visibly and lowered his arm. Charlotte shyly returned my smile. I wondered if I should show her first, or Peter.

"Peter," Daddy answered aloud as he took a step toward the visitors. "Renesmee would like to show you her story. She has a gift that is somewhat the opposite of my own- you'll see what I mean." He took another step, and Peter tensed again, but didn't back away. I made myself smile at him and reached up, trying not to think about his teeth as I touched his cheek with my fingertips.

I showed him the same things I had shown the Denalis: my memories from inside Momma, the moment when Daddy helped me be born, the image of Momma weakly asking to hold me even as she lay dying. I sped up the pictures after that, showing him what I had seen in the mirror every morning since I had been born: my own face, changing and growing visibly with each consecutive image. I showed him all the measurements that Grandpa Carlisle had taken, and my first words, and the first books I had read. I ended with what I was seeing now- his own face, a smile spreading as he watched me grow in the memories. I took my hand away, no longer afraid, even though I could see his teeth now.

"Amazing!" he breathed. "You were right, Edward. She's no immortal child. And what a talent! Try it, Charlotte."

To my surprise, the shy, quiet vampress reached out to hold me. I glanced at Daddy, who nodded and relaxed his arms so that I could jump. I pounced over into Charlotte's hug, immediately showing her the same information. But since she seemed nicer than Peter, I added some funny memories, as well: playing cars with Emmett, my attempts at braiding Rosalie's hair, and riding on Daddy's back through the forest at top speed. By the time I took my hand away, we were both laughing.

"Rosalie let you braid her hair?" Charlotte asked in a tinkling voice. Everyone laughed at that, and finally even Jacob joined in. His booming laugh silenced every other sound in the room, and Peter and Charlotte stared at him curiously, inhaling deeply as they puzzled over his scent. Charlotte wrinkled her nose distastefully and Peter looked as though he was going to be sick.

"What is that?" he asked, pointing to Jacob.

Daddy's eyes narrowed. "The family pet," he said drily. All our cousins burst out laughing again, and Jacob just rolled his eyes while Mommy glared at Daddy, shaking her head.

"That's my Jacob," I said proudly. "He's a werewolf, and he's my very best friend." I pouted over at Daddy, and for just a second I thought about sticking my tongue out at him.

"Quite a gathering," Peter said, pointedly ignoring Jacob as he glanced around the room. "An army?"

Daddy shook his head. "We're not planning on fighting. And we're gathering witnesses, not an army. Our hope is that our numbers will convince the Volturi to delay judgment long enough to hear the truth."

"One only has to hear her heartbeat to know she's not immortal," Peter replied with a frown. "You're only going to antagonize them with a crowd like this." He glanced over at Charlotte and I, his gaze softening. He turned back to Daddy, telling him something silently. I hated it when people did that, just because I was around.

Daddy waited a moment before answering. "Forgive me if I don't share your faith in their impartiality," he said coldly. He looked over to Eleazar, who shuffled his feet uncomfortably. "As I said, we're just looking for witnesses. The bigger the crowd, the more likely they are to listen. We have other friends coming, hopefully by the end of the week. All we ask is that you stand with us, and testify to the fact that Renesmee is not an immortal child."

"And if they don't listen?" Peter asked, folding his arms.

"Then we will defend ourselves," Momma said angrily. Daddy stared at her for a moment before turning back to Peter.

"We will not ask you to fight," he said firmly. "If things should… go against us, we will understand if you choose not to take sides. But if you do choose to stand with us, whatever comes, you will have our deepest gratitude."

Charlotte looked up at Peter, touching his shoulder gently. "You know how much we owe Jasper," she whispered to him. "And I don't want to see any harm come to this little one." She took a step forward. "We will stand with you, whatever comes," she said in a clear voice.

Peter cleared his throat, stepping up as well. "We are undecided," he said through his teeth, looking down at his mate intently. She stared back up at him, and they seemed locked in a silent conversation. Oddly, neither of them seemed to be willing to give in. Finally, Peter turned back to Daddy. "We are undecided," he repeated. "But we will stay for now, and see how big the army grows."

"Witnesses," Daddy insisted.

"Army," Peter said, rolling his eyes. He looked around the room again, taking in the sight and scent of each vampire. "Well, if we're going to stay, I assume you'll want us to hunt well out of town, like last time?"

Everything happened so fast after that. Jacob snarled and leapt forward, only to be held back by Eleazar and Tanya. He strained against their arms, and his arms trembled inside their grasp. "There isn't going to be any hunting!" he growled.

"Calm down, Jacob," Daddy said. "I was just going to suggest that our visitors do their hunting out of state."

"Oh, so it's all right with you if they murder people somewhere else," Jacob sneered. "Out of sight, out of mind? Is that it?" He jerked his gaze over to Peter. "Why can't you hunt animals, like the others?"

I looked hopefully over at our visitors. Maybe they would change their minds, and Jacob would be happy. But Daddy shook his head sadly.

"Animal blood," Peter said with a laugh. "No, thank you. It's almost as bad as smelling the werewolf. No worries, Edward. We'll just swim up to Vancouver." Daddy nodded, and although Jacob was clearly still unhappy, he stopped fighting Eleazar and Tanya. They let him go, with Kate moving over to stand beside him. She held up one hand in warning, and Jacob took another step back, eyeing her fingers with a scowl.

Peter and Charlotte spent most of the morning talking to the Denalis, and Daddy and Eleazar left for a while to talk about something in private. The whole time they were gone, Momma just stood like a statue that had been placed by the living room window, her eyes seeing nothing as she stared out. When they came back, Peter moved over to talk to them in a whisper, but I overheard everything they said anyway- most of it had to do with vampires I had never met before, and with "strategy". Momma also listened, having never moved from her spot by the window. Her hands were clenched the whole time.

I spent most of the day playing with Charlotte and Carmen. Jacob tried to play with us, but the ladies seemed to not want to be near him because of his scent. He gave up after a while, tousling my hair and running out the door as he started taking off his shirt. Everyone was a bit more relaxed after that. Most of my toys were here in the main house, and we played in silence while the others whispered in pairs. Charlotte hardly talked at all, just like me. Sometimes I would show her things, making her laugh or smile.

Everyone watched curiously as Momma made my dinner: a sippy-cup of blood with a side dish of green beans and noodles. She was a little worried at first about how our visitors might act around the blood, especially once it was warmed up, but they said it smelled "off". I drank the blood quickly, pushing the rest of the food around and sighing over and over until Momma gave up. Peter thought it was funny, and after dinner, he joined Charlotte on the carpet beside me. He turned out to be fun, as well, and he had a talent for making silly voices. By the time the sun had set, everyone had stopped talking and was watching those of us playing on the floor.

Finally Momma knelt beside me, holding out her arms. "I think I'll take Renesmee to bed, Charlotte." I jumped up, landing on her shoulders and laughing as she stood and carried me out towards the cottage. While we ran, she told me how proud she was of me, and how much the visitors liked me. I kept my hand on her face during the run, showing her all the things I had done with my new friends today; I didn't think she had seen much of it the first time.

After I was ready for bed, she tucked me under the covers and turned out the light. She laid down beside me, playing with my hair absently in silence for a while. I was busy thinking, too. I liked our new friends. And I was glad that they were staying to help us. But as much as I loved having visitors, I missed the rest of my family. When were Esme and Carlisle coming home? Were Rosalie and Emmett finding lots of other helpers? And why did Alice and Jasper have to leave us? Didn't they know that we needed them? I reached over to Momma's face.

"Yes, I miss Alice and Jasper too," she said, staring up at the ceiling.

"Why did they leave us?" I asked in a whisper. "Why didn't they stay and help?"

Mommy was quiet for a moment. "You know Alice sees visions," she said finally. "She must have seen that it would work out for the best if they went somewhere else. And they are helping us- remember, they were the ones who sent Peter and Charlotte. Who knows what other special things her visions told her to do?" Her voice sounded flat, empty, and she bit her lip, thinking again.

I frowned. I didn't think Alice's visions worked like that. And if Alice knew she was going to get more helpers, then why didn't-

"I've lived with Alice for fifty-six years," Daddy said as he came in the room. "And I don't think I'll ever figure her out. But there is one thing I do know- and that's that she loves us. And wherever she is right now, I know that she and Jasper are missing us very much. Especially their favorite niece," he added as he knelt down by my bed, slipping his arm up to hold hands with Momma.

His other hand picked up one of mine, and he held it against his cheek. He didn't need me to use my talent with him, but he knew that I liked to do it, anyway. He began to hum my special lullaby as I began showing him my favorite memories of the day. I also showed him Alice and Jasper, running around on a map of the world that was laid out like a carpet. Alice leaped from continent to continent like a ballerina, giggling as Jasper chased her around the world.

Daddy laughed along with me as we watched Alice run faster and faster, her outfit changing every time she completed a revolution. I moved my other hand to Momma's face so that she could watch, too. But then I decided that Momma would be sad if I showed her Alice again, and so I began to make up a story where my stuffed animals came to life and started chasing each other around the world, instead. Then I changed it to the main house, and the stuffed animals were running through the hallways. Daddy changed to humming a Sousa march, and the animals in my imagination fell into step with the song, until one by one they tumbled down the stairs into the living room, all landing in a pyramid formation on top of Daddy's piano.

By the time the pyramid was complete, Momma and Daddy were both giggling along with me. "That was fun," Daddy said as he stood up. "And you're so creative, sweetheart. You picked just the right pictures to help our friends understand today. I'm very, very proud of you."

I smiled, leaning my face into his arm. My hand was still on his face, and I asked him silently when more friends would come.

"The others will take a bit longer," he said quietly. "Carlisle and Emmett have to find them, and some of them live very far away. Some don't have a home like we do, and it might be tricky."

Momma leaned closer, breathing in my scent and squeezing me goodnight. "I love you, Renesmee," she whispered into my ear as she stood up, too. She put my toy wolf in my arms and walked out into the hallway.

"I love you too, Momma," I called.

"Goodnight, sweetheart," Daddy said as he bent down and kissed me on the forehead, giving the wolf a tweak on the nose, like he did every night. "I love you."

I love you too, Daddy.



So, obviously, it's not a one-shot any more :) Please review and let me know what you think- I've grown so accustomed to writing Edward's POV that it was really challenging trying to try and think like a supernaturally-intelligent kid. Fun, though :) Please share any ideas for the upcoming meetings, too!