It was early – way too early, in Bellamy's opinion (he was not a morning person) and he, Miller and Clarke were standing around the very same medic table that they had been the day before. Clarke was deep in thought, hunched over the table with a quizzical frown on her face as she read over her list for what seemed like the eighth time. Miller was inspecting his gun – no doubt as bored as Bellamy, who was standing in silence. Yet again. He'd have called it déjà vu if he didn't know any better.

"Where's Octavia?" he asked no one in particular, after too much silence, well aware of the way it made both Miller and Clarke jump.

"Maybe she's asleep," Clarke suggested, her eyes darting from his face to the list in front of her. Her eyes held no emotion, no recollection of the moment they had shared the night before. He knew it was silly – it had only been a handhold after all – but he couldn't help but feel disappointed and slightly rejected – two emotions Bellamy Blake very rarely felt, if at all.

"No, I'm here." Octavia mumbled sleepily as she came into view. She had obviously very recently woken up, as her clothing and hair looked disheveled – not to mention her eyes were still half-closed. She yawned and patted her hair down as she came to stand beside Clarke, who gave her a once over before returning to her piece of paper.

"Rough night?" Bellamy asked.

"Bad dream?" Clarke asked at the same time. Octavia yawned once more and nodded at them both.

"Yeah, I woke up like four times." She grumbled. Bellamy chuckled as he moved to stand beside her.

"Maybe you should have a shot or two before bed." He teased. Octavia shrugged as a grin spread across her face.

"Well, I won't say no to that." She replied. He heard Clarke scoff under her breath.

"What? Does the Princess disapprove?" he taunted teasingly. But Clarke said nothing, eyes down as she finished going over her list.

"Oh, come on, Clarke. Give it a rest." He said, heaving a sigh. She did then, putting the paper down and straightening up as she faced him.

"I will not 'give it a rest', Bellamy." She began, and her tone implied that she was not in the mood to be giving lectures, but that she was prepared to all the same.

"I have a really bad feeling that something is going to happen soon. And if you keep messing around then we'll never find out who it is." She said, a resigned tone in her voice and look on her face. She looked worn down, and it made his gaze soften considerably.

"Clarke, I know you're trying to help me. But we have nothing to go on here. And, I know what you're going to say, but what Miller saw might have nothing to do with this." But Clarke shook her head as he spoke.

"No, Bellamy, it's more than that – I can feel it in my gut. Did you see that shadow that night in my tent? Because I did, and it looked like a girl. And her movements were…" she stopped to search for the right word, using her hand to imitate the movement, "Sluggish; as though she were drunk. That matches what Miller saw, so don't tell me we have nothing. We have two eye witnesses! And it makes sense, just by the way, considering how you used to spend your time!" she cried out frustratedly. He looked down at her, with her wide eyes full of desperation and her chest heaving due to lack of breath.

Her words stung, but he knew they were true. He had slept with his fair share of criminals. It did make sense. Still, he was ashamed – especially because it was Clarke pointing it out. He knew he wasn't near perfect – not in a million years – but still, he didn't want her to think of him that way. He'd done enough bad in his life to send even the worst of people running. He'd made a hell of a lot of mistakes. And she knew that. He knew she knew that. But that didn't mean that he was fine with her seeing him in that negative light. She made him want to fix his mistakes. All of them. He didn't want her to have to accept him. He wanted her to do that willingly, knowing that he was the best man he could be – which would only happen if he actually tried.

All he wanted to do was to hold her again, to tuck her into him until they fell asleep together. Knowing that wouldn't be the best move at this time, he lay his hands on her shoulders instead and gazed down at her. She seemed to calm down almost immediately, and the storm in her big blue eyes ceased.

"Okay." He said firmly. She looked slightly taken aback by this response, but then she gave him a small smile, which he returned.

It was at that precise moment that they both became very aware of Octavia and Miller standing next to them, both watching with smug smiles on their faces. Clarke was the first to take a step back. She shuffled away from him, eyes down at her feet, and returned to her list, which she pretended to be thoroughly engrossed in. Bellamy avoided their eyes and cleared his throat as he retreated back a step, shoving his hand in his jacket pocket.

"So, uh." He rubbed the edge of his nose with his thumb as he tried to think of something to say. He couldn't believe it, that he and Clarke would have a moment like that. Again. In front of Octavia and Miller. Again. They would never let this go now. If there was a God, he sure had a sense of humour.

"So, the search continues I guess." Octavia filled the silence. Bellamy and Clarke both nodded, averting their eyes from each other and the other two in the room. Octavia clicked her tongue, satisfied with the current situation, and strutted out with Miller in tow.

He watched Clarke from out of the corner of his eye, taking in her tired expression and her flushed cheeks.

"I think we should ta"-

-"If this is about you and me"-

-"It's not." He interrupted. She shot him a questioning look and he shrugged.

"Okay well, it kind of is." He admitted, and she begin to interject, but he stopped her before she could.

"All I want to say," He began, approaching her slowly, "is that… whatever this is"- he stopped to motion between the two of them, "it's not going to disappear. There will always be something here, if you want there to be." He said, gently laying a hand on her arm. She stared up at him, a small frown on her face, as though she were confused by what he had just said. He peered down at her intently, his dark eyes willing her to understand. Whether she did or didn't, he didn't stay to find out, because at that moment he heard Miller calling his name, and he found his feet leading him out of the dropship without a backwards glance. Whether she understood or not, the ball was now in her court.


Too many. Too many dead.

Cold, cruel, malicious, murderous…

His face, twisted, taunting.

No good in him, not this Bellamy.

He's laughing.

Laughing at them.

Cold, cruel, malicious, murderous…

He won't stop laughing. He won't stop killing.

Cold, cruel-

In his tent

-malicious, murderous…

Still laughing, still taunting.



Cold, cruel, malicious-

End him.

Gripping the dagger.

Stop him.


Following the trails of blood.

Of death.


Cold, cruel, malicious, murderous…

Twisted, taunting…


Cold, cruel…

Malicious, murderous…





Twisted, taunting.



End him-

So... this chapter is short (sorry not sorry) and pretty uneventful (sorry for real) but it is pretty crucial to the story, because the next chapter is gonna be good (I hope lol) Feel free to leave a review like so many of you do - I love you guys so much omg nearly 200 followers?!

Special thanks to LauraFangirls for being my internet friend - she's pretty swell!

(Don't worry, Michelle I love you too)

Til next time xxxx