A couple people asked for this and I couldn't resist.

Holly drags Gail inside her apartment and reaches around her to shut the door. She holds Gail's gaze as she unbuttons her jacket and drops it to the floor, before toeing off her boots, and backing away towards the bedroom.

Gail nearly trips over herself to get rid of her own coat and boots, before she hurries after Holly. She catches up to her in the bedroom doorway, catches her around the waist, presses her against the wall.

Holly presses against Gail unabashedly, rubbing her tight nipples over Gail's already-flushed chest. "Did you have fun tonight?" Gail asks suddenly.

Holly squirms against her, trying to put enough space between their bodies so that she can see Gail's face, but Gail's body is rigid as stone, unwavering. She presses impossibly closer to Holly, her mouth at Holly's ear. "Did you?"

Holly can hear Gail's labored breath as she trembles against her. And suddenly, Holly understands. I'm having fun. "Oh god," she groans, her mouth pressed to Gail's neck. "You're so much more to me than fun."

"Am I?" Gail presses.

Holly bites back the impatient whine that rises in her throat. Gail needs this reassurance, and she wants so badly to give it to her. "Yes," she breathes. She nips at Gail's jaw, feels Gail shudder against her. "I love you. You're everything."

"Holly," Gail gasps, her hips jerking involuntarily against Holly. "Jesus. I need you."

"I know," Holly murmurs. She strokes Gail's back, massages her neck. "I'll take care of you."

Gail doesn't know when it happens, but somewhere between kissing Holly in the doorway and making her come on the bed a few minutes later, her anger fades. It's as if she blinks and it's gone and all she sees is Holly.

She's so beautiful. Her dark hair is fanned across the pillow, her eyes slightly glazed, her face slack with pleasure. She pushes down around Gail's hand, her head snapping back at the sudden pressure just where she needs it. "God, Gail…"

Her breath is coming in gasps, her hips moving urgently now. "I'm coming again. Oh, I am—"

Gail watches, rapt, Holly comes undone underneath her, pleasure raining down her face. hot, slick muscles contracting around Gail's gently fluttering fingers. "You're so beautiful, Hol," Gail gasps, her chest tight. "I really fuckin' love you."

Holly grins, looking supremely satisfied in every way possible. "I love you, too."

Gail smiles and relaxes against Holly's body. Holly parts her legs and Gail settles into the cradle of her hips. Gail groans as Holly's thighs squeeze around her. She rocks against Holly, moaning softly at the friction. Gail presses her mouth to Holly's neck, her lips parted in pleasure. She's already so far gone. Feeling Holly come pretty much pushed her to the brink.

Holly sneaks a hand between their bodies and squeezes Gail's clit. Gail jerks against her, a helpless sob of release catching in her throat.

"Oh fuck, I'm coming," she groans softly.

"Come in my mouth," Holly murmurs, tugging at Gail's waist, but Gail is already too far-gone.

"Oh God, next time, I'm—" She shudders violently in Holly's arm, a helpless whimper escaping as she comes apart, her hips jerking against Holly's hand. She sighs, her eyelids suddenly heavy. She shifts over slightly so that she can curl into Holly's body, wrap an arm around her stomach, nuzzle at her sweet-smelling throat.

"So that was it, huh?" Holly asks a moment later, her voice slightly husky. She trails the tips of her fingers up Gail's spine, before pressing her hand to the nape of Gail's neck.

"What?" Gail mumbles, fighting against the sudden lassitude that's settled over her limbs.

"Slightly angry, I-really-fucking-love-you sex?"

Gail grins a lazy, self-satisfied grin. "Oh. Yeah, that was it."

Holly leans forward and kisses the cocky smile off Gail's mouth. "Not bad, Officer," she whispers, smirking slightly.

Gail grumbles low in her throat, but she's too sleepy to muster her trademark sarcasm. She was so nervous about meeting Holly's friends that she didn't sleep well the past few days. And then when she thought that Holly—

She presses her eyes shut, willing the despair to stay away, but it gnaws at her, the memory of the emptiness she'd felt when she thought she'd lost Holly.

"I'm right here," Holly whispers suddenly, her lips pressed to Gail's hair. "I'm not going anywhere. You just get some sleep, baby."

Gail manages a slight nod and burrows closer to Holly, tightening her arm around her waist, breathing in her comforting smell. Within moments she's sound asleep and Holly lets herself drift with Gail safe in her arms.

Hope you enjoyed—review if you're so inclined…