Disclaimer: I don't own anything, seriously I don't because if I did Charloe would have already had crazy angry sex but I don't, therefore they haven't.

AN: So I was compelled to write this after seeing the series finale of Revolution. With the exception of a few heavy looks, we didn't get a single damn Charloe scene. Nothing, nada, zero, zip, zilch. Which sucked big time so I decided to write my own damn Charloe scene. It's really, really short but it apparently needed to written because I couldn't get it or of my head.

It's a week before they are alone for longer than a moment or two and Charlie decides she should say something to him. He did after all prove himself to them, on three different occasions.

"Monroe." She calls out to him as she approaches him by the wagons where he's loading them up for their return trip to Willoughby.

"Yes Charlotte?" He turns to look at her, his eyes holding the same intense look they always do.

"I just wanted to say thanks. You umm, really came through for Miles when he needed you to. First with Neville, then the mustard gas and especially with the president. I know it wasn't easy, especially with Connor not coming along but I know Mil-"

Before Charlie can finish, Bass steps closer and pulls her flush against him as his lips crash down on hers. The kiss is rough and passionate but by no means is it brief, and when his tongue pushes between her lips it makes Charlie's head feel light and fuzzy. When he finally pulls back, Charlie can't even form coherent thoughts, much less talk.

"It wasn't all just for Miles, Charlotte." Another kiss, small and quick, is pressed to her lips before Bass turns to walk away, leaving Charlie with one thought that finally breaks through the shock. 'I'm so fucked.'