Ankles crossed and An Imperial Affliction in hand, I look out at the sun as it sets over Amsterdam's hazy horizon. The pages of the book flap slightly in the breeze, contorting the flimsy, worn cover.

Van Houten sits next to me, cleaning his glasses.

The world seem utterly quiet and at peace in this moment. Like nothing can touch us - touch me. It's been ages since I've felt this way. Since before Gus died, that's for certain.

When Augustus Waters used to be be alive, and I could call him mine, he made me feel like I was flying. Like I was soaring through the air. Like I could breathe properly for the first time in years when he was around.

As I breathe in the air of Amsterdam, I can remember that feeling as if it were yesterday, and I feel not completely alone, for the first time in what seems forever.

When Van Houten had suggested I come here with him, I had been reluctant. Seeing the Anne Frank House, seeing the bench that Gus and i had made out on, the bench where news was shared that changed my life, it seemed like it would be too much. Overwhelming, drowning in sadness. And at first, I was right.

I had shed a couple tears, in remembrance of Hazel and Augustus. But then, it gave me a light feeling in my chest, remembering how happy I was during the time here, how I had the time of my life. Memories that I couldn't forget, even if I wanted to. And I was happy. As happy as I thought I could ever be again, anyway.

I don't think grief is a bad guy, really. He just wants to be alive.

As silly as it may seem, I almost feel closer to Gus here. Like he's watching over me. As creepy as it might be, it helps me let go. Of course, not let go of Augustus, but let go of the grief, at least a little.

I will always miss Augustus Waters. I will always love Augustus Waters. Just as Peter will always love and miss his daughter.

I think we're starting to heal. Bit by bit, our hearts mend back together, and each day is a little better.

Van Houten's hand clasps on my back, and he smiles ever so slightly.

"Ready to go?" he asks.

I nod once, taking Philip in hand, and rolling him away, Gus and mine's bench left behind.

A/N: Well, that's it! This is certainly not how I wanted to end this fanfic, but it's been so long since I updated, I figured it was time. Thank you for all the reads and comments! I've had so much fun writing this, and i hope you had at least half as much reading! 3