Hey there, just thought I'd let you know, if you love football/soccer do not read on as this is all about a bunch of rejected pokémon forming a team for a tournament of which the outcome is still unknown to us.

"I hate this shit" where the first four words an extremely pissed of Zoroark, who want by the name taruko, miserably said, as he and the only other two members of their football team trudged down to the football pitch for a bit of they walked down through the woodland area that bordered their school area taruko continued he's rant "we always practice, we always work, we're always doing our best but no one gives a fuck about us rejects and outcasts" taruko said as they walked. He's two team mates, a lucario, reasonably tall and handsome, Trevor and a darkrai, rather small for he's species but all the same a formidable player, named akumu, just listened to he's usual complaints and rages.

"Look Taruko, it doesn't matter what others think of us, does it Trevor?" Akumu asked the Lucario.

"Akumu's right, we're fighters we're going to keep on fighting till the end right?" Trevor said to he's Zoroark friend.

"damn right we are!" Taruko said slightly enthusiastically.

"Aaah, stop it please! I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry I bumped into you, I've already told you I'm blind. Oww, stop it please!" cried an obviously terrified Buizel as he was being cornered by an ursaring and ambipom.

"oh no we're not going to stop, just because it's fun to do this to you. And you know you can't do nothing about it." Said the Ursaring in a menacing manner

"you know no-one will help you. No one gives a damn about gays and retarded creatures these days" followed up the Ambipom.

Taruko, Akumu and Trevor all over heard this and walked – ran – over to the pair of bullies. Before anyone had uttered a word Trevor had let loose an aura sphere aiming for the Ursarings private area and Taruko had went straight for the eyes of the ambipom with a night slash, both of which connected with the intended targets. "now you can live with no sight or ability to make offspring" snarled the enraged Zoroark and Lucario. Akumu had went other to the shaking Buizel, who now had backed up against tree in tears. "who's that?" He asked as he frantically looked around trying to find the new comers. "it's ok, we're here to help you. Calm down, just tell us your name and if your hurt ok?" Akumu said comfortingly.

"O-OK. My name is Blitz, and no I'm not hurt thank you" Blitz said quietly. "What happened?" asked Blitz.

"Don't worry about it. Do you want to come with me and my friends? we're just going down to the football pitch" the Darkrai offered, as he pulled Blitz to he's feet.

"yes please, thank you so much, thank you." Blitz kept up the thanking until they got to the football pitch. The pitch was just a patch of grass that Akumu had made a football pitch out of by using ice-beam to mark the lines out. At which time the Dakrai, Lucario and Zoroark all started off with they're normal warm up session until, they noticed Blitz hadn't moved at all. "hey come join us please, we'd love to have you play with us" they all shouted to the Buizel.

"I-I can't. I'm blind" Blitz admitted shamefully. The three friends just stared at one another then at Blitz