Player: Hilbert

Badges: 0

Time: 0 Months

Hey guys! Guess what time it is?! :D A new story! I love crazy pairings like this ^^ Anyways, the biggest reason I'm writing this book is because I really enjoyed writing Dear Hilda, and second it's tribute to Hoenn remakes! Eff yeah! :D I know the title is not mine, but I couldn't think of anything :x I might change it ? I don't know. Anyways with out further ado, here is: Fault Our Stars of Hoenn

Story:A year after Hilda was in Kanto

Hilbert: Knowledgable, inspiring, and serious trainer for pokemon. He is currently 17, as this takes place a year after Dear Hilda, debuted.

May: 18. Clumsy, Ditzy, and a determined person. She is a coordinator..however, she doesn't know what she really wants.

Ruby: 18. Hilbert's rival. Past Coordinator, new trainer. Kind hearted, and doesn't know how to be a proper rival. Oblivious to love.

She was bending down, ruffling through her suitcase, looking for what to stuff inside. I was in her room, reading a pokemon magazine, laying down on a bean bag: dead. That might have been the adjective. The fresh air of Unova breezed in to the room via the open window. The atmosphere around me felt crisp and chilly. It was dark outside, cloudy weather, ready for precipitation. I think the weather outside was going to appear gloomy, just like how I was feeling. It wasn't so bad though, that we kept the windows open, an analogy to how my emotions wanted to feel. I looked outside the window to see what was going on. My pokemon weren't with me though, because I wasn't home. My Serperior and I haven't been doing much lately. There is just nothing left to do, no inspiration. It's been a year since I was last on my Pokemon Journey, and believe me, I really miss doing what I do best. "Should I wear this dress?" She undressed, right in front of me, and I just stared at her body while she was changing. I know, I sound like a total pervert. This isn't a view you'd want to miss, however. "Nice?" She twirled around in a dark blue dress. "Perfect." I sighed.

I didn't explain what was going on. Hilda and I were sitting in her room, while she was attacking her closet looking for stuff to pack. By tomorrow, she was going to compete in the Johto league, and travel with her boyfriend, Red. I cringed at the word boyfriend. I guess I should say it's my fault for not being with her. Or liking her back at the time. What can I do? I didn't have any feelings for White at the time, and she never told me she was in love with me. She told me a week before today. A day after she returned. I was so upset when Red showed up at the door taking her away from me. Then, the next day, Red was sleeping, and she came over, just to tell me about her adventures. She then said that she liked me since our journey here, and she got over me once she realized she was over me. Well, Bianca and I...our breakup suddenly made me think a lot. Oh wait, yes. I think a lot. It gets to the point where I begin to over think, and that's exactly what happened.

She's too in love with him though, I had my chance and I lost it. She's going to Johto tomorrow, and if I tell her how I feel she'll probably move to Kanto with him. She'll never want to speak to me ever again.

"Hilbert. Which hat?" She snapped me out of my gaze.


She asked me which hat looks nice on her, but to be honest...anything looks nice to her. I played eenie meenie to my self to pick the hat, because I just didn't know. "Left." I blankly stared at her, as she untied her hair. The long, wavy, beauty, just drooped down from her scalp. What color is that-auburn? I'm probably wrong. Can I distinguish colors? Ah. I'm telling you, she's just beautiful. I just stared at her, and didn't say anything.

"What? Is there something on my face?" She violently rubbed on her forehead.

I shook my head. "Yeah, but it's gone now." I lied.

Just a few weeks ago, she told me that before she got with Red she was "madly in love with me." and then she got over me. Much to my dismay, she gets over me right when I realize I love her. Red is so lucky she gets to have her.

She then was in a hurry.

"Alright Hilbert. We gotta leave." She said, as she walked the door.

I know she'll hate me forever. But unlike her, I won't let her leave without knowing. I held on her hand. I grabbed her face and kissed her. Yup, I kissed her when she's with another guy. She was rapidly tapping her hand on my shoulder, a signal that I should stop. I then pushed her away.

"Woah Hilbert!" She wiped her lips.

"I'm so sorry!" I covered my face.

"Why did-how-what was-" She looked at her hands, confused.

"Hilda. I'm tired of hiding it from you, but I am in love with you." I stood as tall as I could.

"Y-you are?" She trailed off..

I firmly nodded my head.

She was about to speak.

"Don't say anything. I know exactly how you feel. You're in love with Red, and you don't think we'll have a chance. And I'm fine with that." I saluted her.

She nodded.

"Now go, Hilda. I love you." I said.

She smiled. "Thank you for being honest with me." And I watched Red meet up with her, he held her hand, and they disappeared.

Well that's that. Again, I'm left alone. Without her.

I went to Professor Juniper to visit her. I have made my own final decision. I'm going to copy Hilda. I won't go to Kanto, I won't go to Johto, but I will go to this one region I have read a lot about (Again, I'm a heavy reader) Something that sparked my interest. Something that motivated me to get started. Some place that is filled with new Pokemon that I haven't seen before. I can start fresh. That region is the Hoenn region.

Hoenn. I know all about the geographical location. Located on the other side of the world, but that's alright. I'm up for it. I ran out the door, following the place that I believed I had to go next. Someone who can help me get started. Someone who can get my mind off of Hilda as I attempt to begin this brand new journey. I arrived at someones door. That door was in front of me.

I knocked on Professor Juniper's door.

"Hilbert!" She welcomed me inside.

"Good Afternoon, Professor Juniper." I stuffed my hands inside my pocket. She looked surprised. "Hilbert, hi! What are you doing here?" She asked me. I began to tell her my plan.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something." I said.

"Shoot." She was writing on her research.

I slammed my palms onto her desk, bent down, narrowed my eyebrows and stared into her eyes.

"I want to go to the Hoenn region. I want to start fresh with no other Pokemon. Just like the first time I left for my journey in Unova." I firmly said.

Professor Juniper smirked and crossed her arms.

"I'm surprised you haven't said it sooner, Hilbert. When I sent Hilda back in Kanto, I expected that it would be you wanting to start a new journey. After all, you are the one who's all league obsessed." She chuckled.

"That's right. And that's what I want to do." I said.

She smiled. Then, my mom, my best friend Cheren, and my Ex-Girlfriend Bianca paraded the room. I looked very confused.

"Mom? Cheren? Bianca?" I called out everyone's name.

Mom was holding a stuffed backpack and handed it to me. "We've known all along that you were planning to go to the Hoenn region." She handed me the backpack.

"Yeah, you always talked about it in the Pokeleague book that I found lying around." Cheren gave me a brand new Hoenn handbook. I immediately took it away and started to feel the fresh edges of the heavy book, I was still listening to their conversation.

"And we want to wish you luck on your new journey." Bianca handed me a locket. I opened it. It was left to right, Hilda, I, Cheren, and Bianca, arms around each shoulder.

"Guys.." I said to myself.

"Don't worry about it. Follow your dreams. Being a Pokemon Master is what you want, isn't it?" Mom held on to my shoulder. I smiled. "It is. I'll be the greatest one." I smiled.

"Good." Cheren and Bianca nodded.

"Oh, Hilbert. I already scheduled a flight for you. You leave for Little Root Town first thing tomorrow morning."

I charged my fist. "Alright!" I nodded. And everyone cheered as I jumped into the air.

Hoenn, here I go. Alone.