Sailor Justice Chapter one The little girls


Bakura: Marik Son Of Shadows, does not own Sailor Moon or Justice League in any way.

Seto: Who knows Maybe I Do.

Marik Son Of Shadows: Okay Kitty Break it up.

Bakura: I am not a Kitty!

All: Please enjoy!

"Green Arrow and Black Canary, report to the transportation deck immediately." Spoke J'on over the loud speaker. The two heroes sped quickly over there running as fast as they could from the mess hall.

"Care to fill us in on what we're supposed to do?" Asked Green Arrow as he and the blonde made ready to leave.

"Yes, you and Black Canary are investigating a strange power source that's appeared in Star City."

"Isn't that usually Fates department?" Asked Canary. "You know the whole mystic arts and stuff."

"He and other league members are still tied up in Japan, their checking to see if there's anymore of that strange dark energy there." Replied the Martian.

"Alright lets see what's going on in Star City." The blonde sighed.

The duo stepped onto the platform that was going to teleport them. One second they were there the next they were in Star City.

Directly over their heads was a single pink cloud. The duo blondes looked at it quizzically, what was a pink cloud doing hovering ten feet off the ground? Suddenly a spark resonated through the cloud and it disappeared letting three somethings fall and land directly onto Arrow knocking him to the ground.

"What on earth just hit me?" Asked the Arrow rubbing the back of his head.

"Three little girls I think?" Canary replied. She wasn't exactly sure what happened either. "Aww aren't they cute?"

"Cute isn't exactly the word I would use."

Canary went over and picked up the little girls off of Arrow. The first child was dressed in a pure white dress with golden beading around the bosom. She had golden hair in two round buns with hair streaming out and curling at the bottom. She had a golden crescent on her forehead that glowed, and around her neck resting on a chain was a silver crystal.

The second girl wore a dress in similar style except it was violet. She had dark hair that went to her shoulders, on her forehead was a symbol resembling an h.

Finally the last girl who also had golden hair which went past her thighs, wore the same dress except it was orange. On her forehead was also a strange symbol. It was of a heart on a stick with a mark in the middle like a cross.

"Okay we need to find out who these girls are and where their from." Spoke Green Arrow. Pressing down on his com link he preceded to call J'on. "Arrow to watchtower, we think that we found the source of all that energy."

"What was it?" Asked J'on.

"Not what but who. Three little girls just dropped from a pink cloud in the sky. They look like they could be related to some sort of royalty."

"Alright we'll transport you back to the watchtower right away." Saying so the five people arrived at the watchtower.

Wonder Woman and Hawk Girl arrived on the scene to pick up the girls and take them to the infirmary.

"Their so small." Spoke Shayera.

"They are children, but there's something strange about them." Diana replied. "An energy surrounds them. A very strong energy, especially around the one with a crescent on her head."Quickly the girls took charge of them and left for the infirmary.

Batman walked semi quickly down the hall way towards the infirmary. What should have been a quick debrief had turned into an all out problem.

Finally arriving at the scene Bat Man glared at the guard outside the room.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Well right now two of the girls are awake." Spoke the guard quickly. "The one in the white dress is still asleep. Every time someone tried to get near her or take off her crystal they would get thrown back by an invisible energy."

Batman looked through the window at the three girls. It appeared that the ones who were awake had aged slightly while the other was still in the form of a child.

"Where's Wonder Woman and Hawk Girl?" He questioned again.

"They are currently observing the girls from the adjourning room."

"I see."

Batman stared at the girls curiously. Who are they what are they doing here? What do they want, are they allies or enemies? He wanted to know.

Minako and Hotaru sat very still on the infirmary bed staring down at their princess. She was passed out on the bed and looked extremely ill, then again why wouldn't she be. It took all her power to use the Silver Imperium Crystal, and even more to help Galaxia save her two fellow scouts from being reborn all over again. Then again they partially had been reborn again. When Serenity used the crystal she hastened the time and had her two friends reborn. Serenity was heartbroken though. Endymion was dead and him being gone meant that Rini would never come into existence, and for all they new Silver Tokyo and the New Silver Millennium were all history, so she reverted into the form of a child not wanting to love again.

"What are we going to do?" asked Hotaru of Mina using a mind link.

"The only thing we can do, protect our princess. She's broken right now and we have to wait all over again for everyone to be born." Mina slammed her tiny fist onto the bed tears streaming down her face. It's not fair that she has to suffer like this."

Hotaru put a soft hand on her friends arm. "It's fine, we're still here so we have to protect her now until everyone else comes back. So we can protect our future and our princess."

"Your right, First things first we need to figure out how to get out of here we can't transform otherwise they'll find out who we are but we can perhaps escape later on."

Hotaru got a worried look on her face. "What about Serenity, She's in no state to be wandering around, plus she hasn't aged at all while we have."

"That's true, we'll just have to hope that whoever holds us isn't some kind of goon from the Negaverse or Dark Moon."

The two scouts were interrupted by a man and a woman entering the room. It was Batman and Wonder Woman.

"Would you two please come with us?" Spoke Diana respectfully.

"One of us will have to stay with her." Spoke up Mina.

"Both of you are coming with us." Replied Batman irritably.

"No, one of us is staying with her or we both won't and go and we won't answer any questions you want to ask." Mina glared at the Bat daring him to peel her away from her precious princess.

"It's alright one of you may stay." Spoke up Diana quickly before an argument broke out.

Hotaru stayed behind with Serenity while Minako went with the two League members to be questioned about who they were and what they wanted.

Minako followed the two heroes down the hall to a small metal room, inside the room were three other league members, Green Lantern, Green Arrow because he and Canary had been the ones to discover the girls and Superman. Superman motioned for the blonde to sit down in a chair before he and the others started their questioning.

Superman started the questions. "Who are you?"

"A girl." Mina replied.

"Where did you come from?"


"What is your name?"

"Minako Aino."

"What was your purpose in coming here?"

"Me and my friends came here to get away from the threat in Tokyo."

"How did you get here, and what was that pink cloud that you dropped from?"

"We-we fell from a pink cloud?" That sounded like the cloud that formed when Rini used the Silver Crystal Time Key. "That cloud is what is formed from a special key."

"Where is this key?"

"It belongs to Ri-" Mina stopped, tears gathered in her eyes. Rini was gone so that meant Pluto must have used the rest of her power to transport them all away from the destruction of Galaxia. "I don't know where the holder of the key is." Mina finished softly.

"Okay here's a final question for now, do you know who we are, and we would like to know what your companions names are ."

"I don't know who you are, and my friend with the dark hair is Hotaru, the sleepy head is U- Serena." Minako had to quickly catch herself, she didn't want them knowing about Usagi. Hotaru was supposedly dead so it was fine, and as for herself she didn't care if they found out who she was in Tokyo but she wanted them to stay away from her princess.

"Alright that will be all for now, Wonder Woman Lantern would you please escort her back to her friends."

"Certainly." Replied Lantern.

As the three started down the hall they were suddenly alerted by alarms going off. J'on's voices rang out over the speaker. "There's been an explosion in the infirmary, all league members nearby report to help."

"Serenity." Breathed out Minako.

"Where do you think your going." Lantern said grasping the little girls arm as she was about to run forward.

"She's in danger let me go!" Minako struggled with all her might to escape the grown mans grasp.

"Venus!" Minako's head looked in the direction of the voice. a fully grown Saturn was running down the hall grasping her glaive firmly in her gloved hand. "The princess woke up! She-she's in so much sorrow she can't control the crystal!"

Finally Saturn was by her friends side knocking away the two heroes. As soon as Green Lantern's hold on her was gone Minako took her transformation pen from Saturn throwing it high above her head who cared now if they knew that they were Sailor SCouts. "Venus Crystal power make up!" After a flash of orange ribbons Sailor Venus back as her actual age stood tall. "Come on Saturn, we have to go help Serenity!" Grabbing her friends hand the pair ran away from the two dumbfounded heroes and towards their princess who was causing so much destruction.

Serenity stood there all alone, her friends were gone again they had all died.

"Endymion. Mamo-chan, Rini, Chibi Chibi, Rei, Ami, Mako-chan, Mina, Haruka, Michiru, Seteuna, Hotaru. Why did you all have to leave me alone why? Why?"

Galaxia was suddenly beside Serenity with a smile on her face. "Your friends will come back to you one day, and with the help of the crystal I can bring back two of your friends, but not Endymion I'm sorry."

A flash of light and there stood Princess Venus and Princess Saturn. Another flash of light and a portal opened.

"Goodbye my princess and good luck." Spoke a faraway voice.

Serenity's eyes closed.

"Goodbye Mamo-chan."

Authors note: What did you think? I would love to get some feedback from you readers.

Bakura: Basically if you don't Review you get sent to the shadow realm.

Malik: Oh yeah sure, no pressure at all.

Marik Son Of Shadows: I'll try to update as soon as possible and do you guys have any Shipping Ideas? Well TTFN