Hi again, thanks so much for all the support I appreciate all the reviews, follows and favourites- means so much.

Seriously missing the Mentalist, can't wait to see what is going to happen- Jisbon all the way I hope!

I hope you enjoy this

QE xx


Shaking almost uncontrollably, all Lisbon wanted to do was sob but her cop instincts kicked in and she grabbed her gun and did a mental check for evidence. She raced for the car and drove the opposite direction, passing the cops on her way. Although she wanted to get there quickly there was no way to explain already being there, she just hoped they wouldn't notice her driving the car. Jane meant so much to her, they weren't lovers but they were more than friends there was an unspoken bond a deep and meaningful love between them and now he was gone and would most likely be on the run or end up in jail for the rest of his life. Tears streamed down her face as the reality hit her that her best friend, someone she loved, one of the most important people in her life was gone and he was never coming back.

"Hey," Lisbon said softly as she entered Jane's dingy attic that looked even more depressing in the dark.

"Hey," Jane replied, "What are you still doing here?"

"I was worried about you, you've been up here all day."

"My Saint Teresa," Jane said quietly with a soft smile, "I'm fine, just going over the case."

Lisbon sighed sadly, she knew exactly what case he was referring to, she had practically memorized the words her self and often struggled to get the gruesome images out of her head. However she gave him a small somewhat sad smile and said, "let me have a look over it." Jane knew it was futile, they had both been over the documents thousands of times but he appreciated her gesture and invited her to sit in the chair at his desk. Lisbon sat down and turned the page of the case that had haunted them both for what seemed like an eternity.

"I'll make some tea," Jane said, all he had was a kettle and a few teabags but he couldn't face leaving the attic to get anything more substantial just yet.

"Thanks," Lisbon said, as she reached for the mug she let out a wince in pain.

"Are you ok?" Jane asked concernedly.

"Yes, I'm just a bit stiff."

Jane's heart sank a little, he knew full well why she was so tense.

"Let me help," His voice was practically a whisper and very gently he stood behind her and placed her hands on her shoulders, instantly feeling the strain in her muscles through the thin shirt. Lisbon tensed up as he placed his hands on her but she didn't say anything and as he gently massaged her shoulders with his expert touch she gradually relaxed.

"I don't want you to worry about me, Teresa."

"I know but I care so much about you."

"Oh Teresa." Jane's voice was a murmur and Lisbon let out a soft moan as his touch became firmer as he kneaded her tense shoulders, she'd stopped reading the case file some time a go. She could feel Jane's body over her getting closer and she couldn't help but close her eyes and lean into Jane's strong body as his hands caressed her. Jane's hands softly touched her sensitive neck and she gasped in shocked pleasure as a pair of soft lips suddenly made contact with her skin and she became lost in the intimate sensation. Reaching back she ran her hands through Jane's unruly blonde locks causing a low grunt to escape his lips. Standing up, Lisbon threw her arms around his neck and planted her lips on his as he pulled her close needing to feel her body pressed to his.

"Oh Patrick I've wanted this for so long," Lisbon said breathlessly, not caring that her voice sounded raspy and almost desperate.

"Oh Teresa you're incredible." Their kiss intensified and before either knew it, Jane was pressing Lisbon against the wall who gasped as his teeth grazed her sensitive skin as he showered her with passionate kisses. Roughly, Lisbon tore at Jane's vest pulling it off his chest and he moaned as her hands roamed his body, gently running her nails down his back. A teal blouse joined the vest on the floor, a button flying off in the process and when Jane's soft lips made contact with her chest her knees buckled. Jane's shirt was swiftly undone and as Lisbon went to pull it off his back, without warning he pulled away. Gently he took her hands in his and bowed his head a little as they caught their breath.

"We can't do this, I'm not putting you in danger."

"I've been in danger the second we met, I want this."

He took her hands, "I want this too, but the rules…"

"Don't bullshit me!" she snapped, shoving her hands out of his, "don't talk to me about the rules!"

"I'm sorry," Jane clutched her hands quickly, "I'm sorry. I don't give a dam about the CBI rules, but his rules," he trailed off, "I'm not putting a target on your back, not you Teresa, beautiful Teresa." He buried his head in her shoulder and she held him tightly, cupping his cheek, Lisbon kissed him softly letting her lips linger. For a moment they held each other the soft breathing the only sound as the partially clothed bodies clung to each other.

"Oh Patrick," Lisbon whispered as she softly kissed him once more and Jane couldn't help but groan under her touch. Lisbon eventually let him go and walked away, scooping up her crumpled shirt she said softly, "I'll wait for you Jane." She looked into his shining blue yes and smiled sadly as she made her way to the door her shirt still open, "But I won't wait forever." Lisbon left the room without looking back leaving Jane stood there alone, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

Lisbon shook her head, trying to block the memory out and she stepped on the accelerator as tears fell down her face and she could barely keep it together when the phone rang.

"Boss, dead body at 35C Lima Street, apparent murder." It was Cho.

"Yeah I heard, I'm that way, I'll go." Lisbon didn't want the team involved and she could tell Cho knew something wasn't right, they'd known each other too long to hide such things. Lisbon cringed a little, it didn't take a genius to work out that she was crying and there was no way she would just casually be in that part of the world in the middle of the night.

"Ok, you ok Lisbon?"

"Yeah Cho, thanks. Listen, don't worry about this case ok."

"Yes Boss, take care, you know where I am."

"Thanks Cho."

Putting the phone down she fought not to break down again when she arrived back at the crime scene. Striding out of her car she did her best to fake nonchalance and professionalism, vaguely listening to what the police officers were saying. None of them had made the connection to Red John yet, but they would in time. Lisbon went to the body, trying to get the image of Jane standing over it with a gun in his hand out of her mind.

"The coroner hasn't examined the body yet." Protested a young cop.

"I am senior Agent Lisbon with the CBI, I can look at the body." She snapped flashing her ID badge.

"Yes Ma'am apologies."

The young Officer scurried off and Lisbon crouched down, relieved that there was now no one near her. Scanning the body, Lisbon saw the casing was nowhere to be seen, and she doubted Jane had picked it up. There was a blonde hair sitting on the body, near the wound, it wasn't necessarily Jane's but Lisbon looked over her shoulder and quickly swiped the hair anyway.

"My guys will be here in the morning. Seal off the crime scene and make sure the CSI's collect the evidence before the sun comes up. Thanks everyone, good night."

Leaving the room quickly, fearing she might breakdown is she stayed there another minute Lisbon hurried out without looking back. Once in her car she deposited the hair onto the passenger seat, Jane had sat there a million times. Realistically she knew that wasn't much help, the casing was around and there was no way Jane hadn't left some sort of evidence, especially as he'd been to Lorelei's body. Lisbon shuddered, feeling physically sick at the thought of Jane in the motel room staring at the body of his the lover who worked for his wife's killer in his twisted mission. The connection to Red John would be apparent soon enough and Jane's name would be thrown in. The second that happened it was game over, they couldn't investigate Jane and in all honestly Lisbon couldn't bare the thought. Tears were falling down her face and before she knew it her whole body was heaving with sobs and she had no choice but to pull over. Her cries were raw as the realization hit her like a tidal wave; she'd just thrown away everything she believed in, everything she worked for and stood for. She'd let a criminal run away, hidden evidence and lied to the police. Who was she? Lisbon didn't know what to do; she couldn't think straight, all she could do was sob. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror she swore out loud, who was this crying hysterical mess with eyeliner down her deathly pale face, where was the strong, feisty Agent who always had the answers? She looked away and sobbed even harder, Lisbon sobbed for Jane, for the crime she just committed and sobbed for all that she had lost and was never getting back.

Thanks for reading, would love it if you took a second to review, always great to know what's going right and where I can improve!

Peace Out

QE xxx