Haru woke up in the bathtub. He rubbed his eyes with his wet hands and towards the ceiling. It was definitely not his house, so Haruka tried to get out of the tub. He started panicking and remembered the dozens of hands than took him out of prison in the middle of the night. During the struggle, he felt something sting.

"Haru! Calm down!" The pale thief heard someone yell.

Haruka kept thrashing and his tail threw the water in the bathtub around, "I don't want to be here!"

He felt something strong around him and something wet touched his lips. The pale thief stopped thrashing and stared at whatever was in front of him. It was Rin kissing and holding him. Rin parted from the kiss after Haru had calmed down.

"Are you alright?" Rin asked.

Haru nodded, he couldn't believe Rin was here. One night in the cell was scary enough when everyone is trying to rape you. Haru looked Rin in the eyes and noticed something in his reflection. There were small fish scales covering his face and he looked at his legs. There was none, instead it was a long tail. It looked like a fishes tail. It can't be...Haru thought, I've changed back?

"Look uh," Rin stuttered, "how did you get those?"

He pointed at the fish tail, "I mean you're a merman?"

Haru looked away, "Yeah..." he mumbled softly.

Rin barely heard him then sighed, "You know what? I'm much less bothered by the fact that you're not a human."

Haru started to cry, the way Rin had said that made him feel really sad. What was he supposed to do? The moment he came to land, he was looking for someone. A human that he had met when he was a small merman. But when he was found by his grandmother on the seashore, she took him in. She helped him search for the person Haru was looking for, but in the end they couldn't find him. Then Haru's guardian passed away. He never found the human child and ended up getting a job on land. Haruka tried to find a way back to revert himself into a merman, but all his efforts failed since he had no way of contacting his fellow mermen.

"Well, now that I see your true form, I kinda remember now..." Rin hugged Haru.

His clothes were getting soaked from Haru's thrashing, but it couldn't be helped. Haru didn't seem like he was breathing normally when they had reached his house, so he put him in the tub.

"I met you before," Rin spoke in Haru's ear.

Haru stopped crying and looked at the red haired cop, "Wh-what did you say?"

Haruka placed his hands on Rin's face to get a better look at him, "When I was a kid," Rin began, "My mother forbade me from swimming after my father had died out at the ocean. But she saw how sad I was and let me go a certain number of times."

"Then when I nearly drowned, a boy, or rather a merman came and saved me. From then on, I tried to visit everyday, but my mother caught me and wouldn't let me go to the ocean. She walked me to school and walked me back home, that's how serious it was to her. Was that merman you?"

Haru's tears were overflowing. He hugged Rin and dug his face into his wet shirt, making Rin a bit uncomfortable. The cop pat the thief on the back and Haru fell asleep. Rin sighed, How did I forget about Haru until now? He squeezed Haru closer to him then looked at his face. Haruka's eyes were swollen. Rin kissed his eyes and looked at Haru's tail. The cop was actually less surprised about his lover being a merman. I was more surprised when I found out he was the thief. Rin laughed to himself. He gave Haru a deep kiss, even though he was asleep, and looked at his sleeping face. As he parted from the kiss, Haru's tail reverted back into human legs.

"Whoa..." The red haired cop whispered, "That was pretty weird."

He lifted the pale thief from the tub, a bit surprised at Haru's light weight and carried him back to his bed. Rin was too tired to put clothes on Haru after he changed into his pajamas and cuddled with his lover.

"Good night, Haru..."