I just found this in my notebook and thought it wasn't horrible. I don't even remember writing it, but apparently I did. Be warned, it's a bit sad. It's super short, so sorry about that.

I hope you enjoy~!

Alek's eyes stung with tears of his own as Deryn buried her face in his chest, her sobs shaking her entire body, seeming to rattle Alek's soul. He could not believe that after all they'd been through, something like this could happen. It felt as though fate was playing a cruel trick on them, as it had so many times before. His heart was a stone in his chest, sinking slowly through to his stomach, and settling in his feet, weighing him down.

He smoothed Deryn's hair with his hand, whispering words of comfort to her, that even he couldn't believe. "It's alright. It' going to be alright."

"No!" Deryn snapped suddenly, pulling away from his chest. "No, it's not going to be alright!"

Deryn's words hit him with the force of an oncoming train, right in the chest, making another tear roll down his cheek.

"Nine months!" she cried, falling back into his arms. "Nine bloody months, Alek! Nine!"

"I know, Deryn." he sighed, not bothering to wipe the salty rivers that ran down his face. "I am so sorry."

"It's not your fault, you useless prince." Deryn said, trying to put on a brave face. "I just can't believe it was a-"

Her voice was choked off by another sob.

The unspoken word hung in the air, like an angry storm cloud, bearing down on them. That horrid, awful, bitter, evil word that bounced through their minds relentlessly.


That night, Alek and Deryn fell asleep in each other's arms on the couch.

Dr. Barlow came around the next morning with only one thing to say, that seemed to shatter their hearts into a million pieces. "I am so sorry, dears.:

Alek chewed his bottom lip, pulled Deryn close, and whispered. "So are we."

Review and tell me what you think!


queenoftheworld99 (A.K.A Aiyana)