From the bathtub, Blaine listened to Kurt in the other room, speaking to his father in such a fluid, rapid manner. His voice was more high than normal, excited and nervous all at once as he argued over the details with his father. He was telling Burt about their plans together.


The reality of what Blaine had proposed earlier that afternoon was just beginning to sink in. He was giving up his scholarship, his place at SCU, and the security about his future that came with it. He could only hear part of the conversation that Kurt was having with his father, but he could piece together what was being said. Kurt had told his dad, his dad had questioned how they were moving so quickly, Kurt defended the idea to his father, his father had asked him something that gave Kurt pause, and now Kurt was fumbling for words to try and justify it all.

In a way, Blaine was jealous. When he had called his mother he had half hoped for some sort of reaction, but all he got was the same old polite disinterest. He had excused himself to the bath, hoping Kurt would join him before the water got cold, and come make all his insecurities go away.

The conversation continued though, Kurt's voice eventually leveling out until the water was tepid and Blaine was nudging the knob with his foot to add more hot water to the mix.

"You look like a living raisin." Kurt said, peeking around the corner of the bathroom in at Blaine, who turned sideways to offer a smile to Kurt and sweeping a hand over the water to suggest Kurt join him.

Layer by layer, Kurt's clothing slid off him, almost like it was water against his smooth, silken skin, and Blaine watched it all with reverent eyes. Kurt had the body of a greek god and nothing could or would ever captivate Blaine like Kurt's undressing would. Then Kurt was stepping into the water, the tub not really large enough to accommodate the both of them. The water rose until the safety drain below the tap kicked in so the water wouldn't creep out over the edge. Tightly entrenched against one another, Kurt resting his head back against Blaine's chest, Blaine could feel each intake and exhale of breath Kurt made.

"My dad has his concerns."

Blaine made a soft 'hmm' of acknowledgement, brushing his pruney fingers down Kurt's arms.

"He thinks we're rushing things."

"Are we? I mean… we can slow things down if you think we are… I don't want to pressure you or -"

"Oh hell." Kurt interrupted, turning his head back to look at Blaine with sheer incredulousness. "Are you Spartans always so indecisive? No wonder you always lose to us."

Finally. A relief to the worry Blaine had pent up within him. He let out a small chuckle and just shook his head in Kurt's direction. "So what did you tell your dad then?"

Kurt turned his his head back around and rested it back against Blaine's chest, the pressure feeling so solid and warm there. "I reminded him that he and my mom were just kids too… dated for five months, engaged for five… they got married in less than a year of knowing one another and it turned out fine - so why can't I try my luck at something that feels right?"

"Mmm… and that actually worked?"

"No. He gave me the whole "that was different" lecture, to which I replied that it was and is no different. Then he wanted to know if we'd be getting a place with three bedrooms -"

"Three?! Has he seen the rental prices in New York?"

"... clearly not. Anyhow. I asked him why three, and he said… get this… one for a guest room when he visits and then a room for each of us. Separate rooms… honestly."

Blaine chuckled once again. "Well at least he plans to visit us."

"I'm not worried though. Nervous? Yeah. Excited? You bet. Worried? No…. Maybe I'm just a silly romantic for thinking it, but I trust you… and I think that even though we're moving quickly, we're going in the right direction."

A flutter went through Blaine's chest and he couldn't contain it within his ribs as it went out through his limbs, prompting Kurt to look back at him again. "Are you cold?"

"N-no." Blaine said, pressing his forehead against Kurt's. "I'm just… I'm glad you're happy with me."

"What did your parents say? Were they as shocked as my dad?" Kurt cooed, reaching up behind Blaine's head and winding his fingers into Blaine's curls.

"Well my dad didn't want to talk and my mom… well she said 'Oh. That's nice. When are you coming to visit?' which of course I couldn't answer… because, hell… what's the point in planning to visit them when they'll make plans to avoid you anyhow?"

The fingers wound Blaine's curls tightly, holding them firm against the back of his head. "I'm sorry."

Blaine shook his head as much as the hold allowed for. "Not your fault… anyhow… my mom is sending me some money."

Kurt's fingers paused, and his pupils rolled upwards to connect with Blaine's, "What? Why?"

"They're making money again… want to pay off the debt I paid of theirs… She said it's because she wants to make things right, but I think it's because they don't want to feel like they even owe me the small bit of kindness they do give me. They want to return to the lives they had."

"Oh… baby…"

The pet name caused Blaine's mouth to crook up into a grin. "It'll help though. Us… starting out…"

"You don't have to take it."

"I will though… I don't have any shame in me about it, especially since having some cash will take a giant weight off my chest."

"And you do have such a nice chest… would be a shame to have it crushed." Kurt uttered, moving a hand down to track his fingers over the mentioned patch of body and causing a tremble to cascade through him.

"Are you truly… I mean really, really sure you're okay with it all? Jokes aside?"

Blaine watched Kurt with deadly concentration, staring at him as Kurt's lips pursed into tight line and then, after what seemed like eternity, broke into a toothy grin. "Of course you dope."

"I liked baby better." Blaine laughed, so relieved.

"We're going to move in together…"

"Yeah… we are…"

"And no more cheerleading…"

To that, Blaine laughed loudly, "God no. No more. Never again."

"And we'll live happily ever after."

Blaine smiled like he never had before, like freedom filled him from head to toe, like he was… flying.

"Yeah. We will."

No more Sirens… no more Spartans… just stupid-ass Stars. How overused is that team name?

I know right? Merging the two teams into one with Washington at the helm? It'll be chaos.

They made such a big deal over it too… all the "make sure you get along" business. I mean, did we ever not get along?


