So, here we are once again. Right now, we are drifting in the black of space. Behind us, the glow of a volcanic moon. Before us, a violent, deadly, bandit-ridden planet, home to the most dangerous souls ever created by humanity... and those some would call its greatest heroes. From our vantage point in the heavens, we can look down on the planet, but we cannot hear its commotion.

But what if we could?

Let's imagine that, for just a moment. Let's believe that we can hear the people below us, so many miles away. What would we hear? Gunfire and cursing, for certain. But also... that singing?

Down we go, closer to the planet, nearer to those below us. And yes, it is singing. Not beautiful singing, of course; this is Pandora, where beauty goes sour, and violence is a treacherous queen. But it is happy; elated, even. Where is it coming from?

Everywhere. From the tiny, formerly plague infused town of Overlook, to the sprawling crater of Badassitude, and even in the barren wastes of the Dust, there is loud, raucous, drunken, and, typical for Pandora, violent celebration. As we draw even closer to the planet, we can hear that the loudest noises of ecstasy are coming from a tiny floating city. You'd never guess a few hundred people could cheer so loudly, they could shatter a satellite.

For that is why they cheer. That is why they celebrate. Turn around. Stare towards the moon, and see the source of their joy.

Between the planet and the moon, a symbol of oppression. Of terror. Of greed and arrogance... formerly. Now, it is a monument to heroism. The once mighty "H" of Hyperion, its moonbase, is destroyed. The all-seeing, robot spewing evil eye is dead, broken and dark. Fire erupts from one of the legs of the station as its air billows out. Once it floated steadily, easily resisting the pull of Pandora's moon. Soon, however, it will fall to the fiery surface, and burn into obscurity.

But let us turn away from that ruined place for now. Our story is not about the place, but the people who demolished it. They have their names, of course. But on Pandora, to its people, and to you, my friend, they are still called the Vault Hunters. What will they do now, that Pandora is free? you want to find out?

[Yep. I'm a 360 player.]