This is inspired by a recent obsession with Kevin and how much fun Charlie and Kevin could have been together as friends. Is ended up a bit long for a one shot, but it is intended to be short and fluffy. I think we could all use a little Charlie in our lives too.

Charlie hummed along with the music playing through the old speakers of the yellow Mini Cooper. In all honesty, since the final goodbye with her mother in the hospital she had been avoiding Kansas. It was only a reminder of the part of her life that was gone, and the hole she felt in her chest was that much bigger now that the only family she had left was dead... That part of her life was over though, she said goodbye to her mother months ago. Instead of the familiar paved road to the hospital there was gravel underneath her wheels as a large bunker came into view with two men standing outside it.

The Winchesters, the two people who logic would dictate based on prior experience she turned the car around as got as far away from as possible. Yet they had become the closest thing that Charlie had to family since she met the two brothers. It's funny how almost dying multiple times could be a bonding experience for someone. She couldn't help but smile as Sam and Dean walked towards the car. "Well, if it isn't the newest woman of letters." Dean greeted Charlie as she walked towards them with her messenger bag slung over her shoulder.

"What's up bitches?" Charlie asked, a smile still on her face as she walked up to Dean first and gave him a bit hug before doing the same for Sam. It was strange how much you could miss people that you have known for such a short amount of time, but they really were the only friends that Charlie had. She just stood there for a moment and looked at the boys, almost instantly noticing something different about Sam, last time she saw the youngest Winchester he could barely stand without the support of something. Now, you could see no sign of the weakness, not that it is a bad thing that he is better. It was just strange that under four months had healed him to the point of being stronger than ever by the looks of things. It was too quiet, someone had to say something. Charlie said the first thing that popped into her head. "Wow, are you two getting taller or am I getting shorter? Don't answer that." She blurted out, looking past them at the bunker for a moment before Dean spoke up.

"Ready to stick your nose in some books?" He asked, grabbing Charlie's attention again and earning a chuckle from her. It might be the nerdiest thing to instinctively want to read all the book that are stashed in a secret societies bunker, but come on how cool is it to have access to hundreds of years of books on almost anything that you could think of? You would have to be a idiot to pass an opportunity like that up, and Charlie just could not help herself. She could use the books to expand her monster databased too, which is always helpful. Especially since she was starting to look at going on hunts of her own soon.

Charlie shook her head at Dean's comment as she headed towards the large metal doors of the bunker. "I usually don't make a habit of sticking my face nose first into a book. Can you imagine the years of dust on some of those pages?" Charlie commented, looking back at the boys as the stood there by the car for a moment. "Well are you guys coming or not?"

"If I could say one thing about them it is that they had style, I mean this place is more like the batcave than a bunker." Charlie said as she stood in the large living room just looking around at all of the antique weapons on the wall with talismans from everywhere Charlie could think of and more. It was a work of art, and sure enough when Charlie finally looked over at Dean he was practically beaming with pride. It was adorable really, she could not say that she would be any different though. The place was full of all kinds of symbols and weapons that were either part of the decor or hanging on the wall. It was years and years of collected items even for the time that the last inhabitants would have resided in the bunker. "So, what has been happening in the lives of the Winchester's since the last wiki page update?" She asked, her eyes moving back and forth between the two of them trying to read whatever their body language would tell her, which for the record was not much.

"Well a lot actually, it's a long story, long life really. What about..." Dean started only to be cut off by another male voice entering the room. When Charlie looked over at the source of the new voice the boy immediately stopped in his tracks and watched her like a deer in headlights. The kid had to be twenty at the oldest, he looked like he was barely out of high school yet alone old enough to be hiding in the bunker with Sam and Dean. Just add that the the pile of questions she already had for the boys.

They stood there for a moment in awkward silence before Sam cleared his throat and spoke up. "Charlie, this is Kevin Tran. He's a profit, and the newest member of the team. Kevin this is Charlie, she's a friend." He said doing the standard introductions for the two of them. Judging by the confused and slightly flustered look on Kevin's face they had not had company for a while in the bunker. Which was not really surprising, from what little she has read of the Winchester's history they don't seem to have a good track record with friends, or allies in general. Not to mention they lived in a secret bunker.

"Hey Kev." Charlie greeted Kevin giving his a small wave as he calmed down and walked over to the table, placing a full notepad down on the table; as he responded with a nod and watched her for a moment before he made a move to turn around and walk back towards the door. "So how does the prophet thing work, is it a lifelong this or suddenly bitten by a radioactive spider?" She blurted out, her curiosity getting the best of her yet again as Kevin turned back around and gave her a guarded look.

Kevin just watched Charlie for a moment as a awkward silence filled the room, it was like he was waiting for her to shift into some wild monster suddenly. The silence was starting to make her uncomfortable when Kevin finally spoke up. "I got hit by lightning." He answered her, turning back around so he was facing Dean now. "Did you test her?" Kevin asked as he handed Dean a small piece of paper that was obviously torn out of a notebook.

Charlie raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms as she watched Kevin. She was starting to get the feeling that the problem was not as much that they did not get visitors often as much as the type of visitors that they got. "You know I'm right here right?" She responded to Kevin, not caring that he was not talking to her at the moment, only really caring that she was being ignored, or at least felt ignored. "You don't need to test me." Charlie added as she pulled a small pendant out of her shirt. "Silver Saint Benedict." Judging by the look on Sam and Dean's face her meant to be reassuring gesture just earned her many more questions later, and most likely a lecture when they found out that she had been doing so much researching into the world of supernatural monsters and demons that want to rip your face off and eat you.

"So you're human?" Kevin asked as more of a statement, earning a nod from Charlie. The chances of the place not having any hidden bobbytraps for monesters considering who's bunker it is was slim to none, so Charlie did not really get all the double secret behaviour. Then again, she knew nothing about this kid, aside from the fact that the kid really looked awful with his hair sticking out at odd angles and large bags under his eyes making him look like he had not slept properly in a while. There was a long silence again before Kevin finally spoke up. "Well no offence, but the last person I trusted sold me out to the King of hell." He said shortly as he went back through the door to wherever he came from without saying another word.

Charlie just shook her head as he watched him leave the room before looking between Sam and Dean. "Well that went well." Charlie said as she stood there for a moment just looking at the door as the soft thud of a door closing echoed through the halls of the bunker. "Is he always like that?" She asked, moving her eyes back to the boys as her hands rested on her hips.

"Pretty much." Dean answered as he looked at the sheet of paper in his hands and sighed, placing it down on the table. When Charlie looked down at the list there were only a few letters that she could make out, the big bold font spelling 'list' at the top of the paper. "Grocery list." He said before anyone could ask as he looked up from the paper and at Charlie again.

"Well I wasn't expecting that one." She commented as she turned so she could look at Sam for a moment before the words Kevin spoke sunk in. "Wait, King of hell?" Charlie asked as she crossed her arms and looked back and forth between the boys waiting for an explanation. "Clearly I have missed a lot. " Both Sam and Dean just stood there for a moment as Charlie crossed her arms and waited for them to give her a answer. She had a feeling that there was a lot that happened in the few months that she had been out of touch with the boys. "What happened with the trials?" She asked, getting tired of the silence in the room.