Chapter One

Life was Good.

More than good. If it didn't sound downright narcissistic and totally vapid she would gladly proclaim out loud that her life was 100% perfect.

She had been working at her dream job now for almost five years. In the time she had been employed with Gilbert Events and Designs she had worked her way up from being a mere part time consultant to, starting the first of April, the new partner. The announcement was still a few weeks out needing to get all the particular and financial aspects in order before spreading the news that there would be another boss around, but all in all she was satisfied completely with the way things had panned out. In fact, she was partially certain Elena, the owner, was afraid of her. Perhaps that's the reason why she was elevated to partner with barely having to ask for it.

It obviously would've happened eventually.

Caroline Forbes was the controller of her own destiny.

Actually, Caroline Forbes had a thing about control.

Over the course of her life many people had pointed out Caroline's Type A personality. Why are you so controlling? Can't you just chill out? The world is not going to end because a flower arrangement was misarranged. But she worked very very hard to make sure things turned out the way they should and that was the reason she was so good at her job. That was one of the reason's she had eight times the clientele that any other Planner at Gilberts, and that was the reason why she was the most sought after and highest paid. Ever since she was Miss Mystic Falls back in the tiny town in Virginia Caroline liked to make sure that she put everything she could into every event that she planned, in every cheer routine she choreographed, hell even in the way she curled her hair in the morning. With enough planning, with enough work, anything could be made perfect.

So saying that Caroline's life was perfect was as accurate a word as any she herself could come up with.

She had a great car, a huge closet, two wonderful best friends who annoyed her incessantly but she honestly couldn't live without, a loving mother she called every week, and an apartment that would make Better Homes and Garden's swoon, and now she was partner.


She almost couldn't believe it. Almost.

The shrill ringing of her phone from inside of her purse pierced the air, dragging her head first from her musings. She quickly fumbled inside the black Michael Kors bag before pulling the screeching device out. Rebekah. Again. She took a deep breath, plastering a fake smile on her face as she slid the unlock button and pressed the phone to her ear.

"Caroline Forbes speaking."

"Caroline I can't do this anymore. I can't. The wedding is off. It's over! I'm done." She resisted the urge to roll her eyes as the familiar lilting accent filtered through the speakers of her phone. Rebekah, once of her June brides and was beyond a handful, every single week was another disaster that prevented her from marrying one of the sweetest men she had ever met.

"Rebekah," she said calmly. "Calm down. Tell me what happened."

Tearful sobs filled the silence.

"It's just so hard. Stefan's brother hates me! Hates me for no reason! Absolutely no reason at all! I have never done a single thing to him ever. I have always gone out of my way to make sure that he was accommodated; I even got him invited to a aristocracy house party even though he was so obviously not up to caliber with the other guests…"

Caroline wasn't much for wagering, but she had a good idea why Damon wasn't Rebekah's biggest fan.

"...How can I marry into a family who won't accept my gracious charity. How can I marry into a family where the only person who is even mildly mannered is Stefan. It's over."

For one thing, using the word Charity wasn't helping things.

"Rebekah," she said in the same soothing voice. "You need to remember that you are not marrying Stefan's family. You are marrying Stefan, the man that you love more than anything else in the entire world."

She paused, listening for the girl's reaction.

A sigh finally was her response. "I know." She huffed crossly.

"Also remember that Stefan didn't choose his family. No one gets to choose the people they are related too. But he was able to choose you. He chose you over everyone else in the entire world. He chose you as the person that he wanted to spend the rest of forever with."

Another sigh answered her, a wistful one this time. "You're right. Of course you were right. He does love me."

"Of course he does. Don't hold something against Stefan that he has no control over. Don't you sometimes get frustrated with your relatives?"

"You don't know the half of it." The biting sarcasm was a good indicator that the crisis was officially diverted.

"Exactly. Everything is going to be fine. The love that Stefan and you have is so rare and beautiful. Remember every time his brother says or does anything how much Stefan means to you, and all the reasons that you are marrying him."

"Oh Caroline, you always know exactly what to say!" Her relieved voice gushed over the phone. Caroline leaned forward placing her hand over her eyes and rubbing her temples. "Thank you so much! I don't know what I would do without you!"

"It's no problem. You know that if you ever need anything you can call me. I was just about to call your caterer to confirm the menu too! It's almost as if you knew I was thinking about you."

She could practically hear the preening through her voice.

"Perfect! I was wondering if you had heard anything else from the florist? I know we changed the arrangement from Roses to Lily's but I'm starting to lean back towards Roses…."

She stifled the exasperated sigh. And it begins again.

"Honey I'm HOME!" She called as she opened the door to her apartment. "Oh wait I forgot I'm not married."

Cliché'd maybe. But she had always found the inside joke pretty amusing. She tossed her keys into the bowl and her purse on the hallway sidebar before launching the door closed behind her with the sheer force of her foot. With the resounding clack of her heels against the hardwood she walked down the hall to the large open area of her kitchen and living room. Light filtered in through the large wall of windows that overlooked LA making the room glow a brilliant orange. She placed the bag she had carried with her through her home on the counter before parting the filmy gauze and pulling out the black box.

As she removed the Stark White lid emblazoned with MANOLO BLAHNIK she felt her heart speed up again as she caught sight of her recent purchase.

These shoes, these shoes were made to seduce.

Blood red, dozens of straps, a heel so high it could practically be illegal. She couldn't resist they're siren call as she eyed them with the kind of hunger that poets wrote about. Removing her plain black heels she wiggled the sinful shoes onto her feet before letting them completely take over her. Here in these shoes she wasn't the boring Planner who ironed her socks. Right now as she ran her hands down the tight line of her pencil skirt she was nothing but a sheer and utter sexpot!

She snorted. Sex?

Good one.

She wasn't even sure if she remembered what that was like.

It wasn't like she was avoiding it or anything, but being caught up in her career, her friends, her family, she just kind of … just forgot…. That sex was a thing.

That she liked it.

And that she could be having it.

And enjoying it.

But as she sidelined all relationships to focus on achieving her dreams a month turned into two, and then it turned into a year, and well…. The rest they say is history. Ancient history.

Sex turned into a bit of a distant dream.

She shook her head as she toed off the shoes that screamed temptation and opened the door to the fridge. Sadly she was certain that there was no sex in her immediate future. Only cold leftover meatloaf for Dinner and a book about men who wore breeches and called women 'my lady'.





Caroline came awake with a start, half convinced that the world was coming to an untimely end. Everything in her room was normal, the room dim, the door to the master bathroom ajar, the book and glass of water on the night stand.

Then what in all that is…


She turned, rubbing her eyes and staring at the wall behind her in confusion.


She glanced towards her alarm clock, the glowing numbers informing her that it was 3:14. She had never seen her neighbor before, never HEARD anything from them either. Wait wasn't the apartment next door vacant? Not anymore apparently. Then what in the world could they possibly be doing at this time of night?

And that's when it started.

"Oh baby! Oh baby! Baby, yes. Oh god baby. Baby. Uhhhhhh…. Oh baby yes, just like that baby. Please Baby. Mmmmmm baby. Baby. Baby."

She scoffed as the words filtered through the wall. Seriously?!

At 3 in the morning.


She jumped back as her headboard moved.

Then without any warning it all stopped. She stayed perfectly still, ears straining for sound. Just when she was certain that they were finished and she would be able to burrow back under her covers and go back to sleep the floodgates opened and all hell broke loose.

"Baby yes! Oh baby yes! Oh baby fuck. Don't stop Baby. Don't stop! Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby! OOOHHHHHH." The last was a full on scream piercing octaves she wasn't even sure existed. A picture frame that had always taken place propped on the shelf above her bed clattered down smacking her directly on her head. Her headboard was literally banging against the wall behind her as the screaming continued. The glass figurines rattling towards their untimely end.

While she was holding the top of her head and inwardly cursing the unmistakable sound of a male voice groaning came through the wall.

"Oh god, Oh god baby yes! Klaus! Baby! Yes! Yes! Yes!

The night fell silent, the people next door clearly done with they're activities. When the pain on her head finally ceased she made it a point to glare venomously at the wall. What kind of people had the audacity….. In the middle of the night? Not even thinking about their neighbors!

She scoffed several times as she placed the picture back onto the shelf and shuffled back down in her bed.

One thing was for sure, she wouldn't be welcoming whoever the new douchebag was to the neighborhood anytime soon.

A/N: I read a book like this recently called "Wallbanger" and I figured it would be a perfect base for a Klaroline story (also got informed that the book was originally a twilight fanfic, which I think is wicked cool). I posted this on Tumblr and decided that I should just continue it on into a full story. Let me know if you like it. Thanks :)