Hey everyone! This is actually my first fanfic of Eyeshield 21, I'm actually kinda nervous about this since Hiruma is a dickwad to begin with. Wish me luck! This is Rated-T for the amount of cursing in this story...and there will be ALOT of it.

Read and Review.

Hiruma walked down the street with his best buddy Kurita alongside him, he was going on and on about their new teammates. Hiruma could care less, they needed more players. Players that actually know what the hell they're doing! They won their first match of the year against the Cupids, though it was a close call due to the fact that their players were from different clubs. Something had to be done.

Suddenly a wet drop fell on the bridge of Hiruma's nose, distracting him from his thoughts. He looked up at the dark sky; thunder crashed nearby and more rain drops fell on his face before it started to downpour.

"Fucking rain." He cursed under his breath. "It was supposed to be a sunny today."


Hiruma brought his attention back to his overweight friend who waving at him and had already crossed the street without him. He sighed and began to cross the street.

He didn't take notice that the sign across the street that blink; DO NOT WALK.

He stopped in his tracks when a horn blared loud enough to startle him. He was blinded by a white light heading towards him at a fast speed; he didn't move…he couldn't move. This demon was going to die.

The last thing he heard was Kurita yelling his name that echoed in his ears and he closed his eyes.

Hiruma was then pushed to the ground. It wasn't the car that hit him though. It wasn't strong enough. Someone pushed him out of the way. He heard a loud crash being accompanied by screeching tires to a halt. He looked up to see the reason why didn't he die. A person was standing over him along with a black car stopped in front of them. Even being blinded by the car lights, he could see his savior's stance. Knees bended, right foot forward, the upper body leaning forward, the arms parallel from each other and dents left from where the hands were placed. Just like a lineman position.

His savior wore dark jeans that were now damped from the rain, a damp jacket with its hoodie pulled over the head. He saw at the feet brown boots with heels that were scraped on the road. Hiruma got up from the ground to face whoever saved him, it was probably one of the stupid players from the Wild Gunmans.

"Hey, what the fuck is your problem?" Hiruma stated.

The stranger straightened up, turning around as the hands shook to shake out the pain and the stranger pulled back the hood to face Hiruma.

It was a girl.

"Are you mentally fucked in the brain?!" She yelled at him. "The sign says do not walk! Can't you learn how to read! What the hell is your fucking problem, you prick!"

She panted from exhaustion, her once dry brown hair was now drenched but her blue eyes stabbed into his green eyes. Hiruma was surprised, a female was able to save him and block the car from hitting him. He wanted her…he needed her on his team.

Before he could say anything, she scoffed and walked back onto the side walk, passing Kurita after pulling the hoodie over her head. The driver of the car came out, opening an umbrella, and ran towards Hiruma.

"Are you alright, sir? Did I hit you?!"

Kurita went to his friend after he was brave enough to see what happened. "Hiruma, are you alright? What happened? Who was that?"

That was the question…who was she? And how can he get her on the team?

I hope you enjoyed it, review the love.