Hi there!

Well, we've come to the end of Rewriting the Past. I want to say thank you to every single one of you for taking the time to read, review, favorite, and follow. Without you guys, there wouldn't be a story!

I have a couple of one shots to do, and then I'm back to school, so if you have any prompts, please send them in! I'll be doing those until I have time to do another full story. That being said, since this story was based off of a fan suggestion, let me know if you have any suggestions for stories you'd like me to write.

Thank you again.


There's never been a truly perfect fairytale. No one gets a crystal clear, no bumps in the road ride. There's always going to be something that challenges you or makes you think.

In a world based on trial and error, perfection was almost non-existent. But perfection was what everyone strove for. That inevitably led to downfall; the realization that nothing is perfect, people make mistakes, and life goes on with its imperfect, trial and error ways.

That was the same for Kate and Rick.

They had been so young in the beginning, both new to the real world and looking for something better, something perfect. Naïve to their wake up call, both Rick and Kate had fallen into a deep and true love, one unlike anything either had experienced before. They were head over heels crazy for the other. It was perfect.

But things changed. It wasn't easy for Kate to go through life not knowing what had happened to her mom. And Rick had no sense of accomplishment, having grown up wanting something more for himself. So instead of being perfect together, they tried being perfect for themselves. So they each made a decision to do things for themselves. They made a choice that left the other out. That's the thing about free will: Every decision we make is a choice against something as much as it is for something else. They did it for themselves. They were working against each other.

And that's when it all came crashing down, because you can't be perfect in a world made of flaws. And you can't expect to be okay on your own. Even when things don't go as planned, you should never be alone. So they continued living in their non-perfect world, as the hands of time ticked on for sixteen years.

Sixteen years of finding themselves and uncovering layers of emotion and feelings they had never known they had. Sixteen years of being in constant communication but isolated from each other at the same time. Sixteen years of raising their absolutely incredible daughter. Sixteen years of a constant battle between the heart and the mind. Sixteen years of missing each other without any admittance of it. Sixteen years of wishing they had never tried to be perfect. Sixteen years was a long time.

Yet after sixteen years, they managed to find their way back. Some things end, and others are put on pause. Fate and destiny only get you so far; it's that little voice in your head pushing you to close the gap shortened by fate and destiny that finishes the job. Because there are some people that are so much a part of us, they'll be with us no matter what. Our solid ground. Our north star. The small, clear voices in our head.

And here Kate was, waking up in the arms of the man she had been loving all this time. She woke to the natural pull of consciousness, curling into Rick's side as she did. The light touched her skin, opening her eyes to the day and days ahead. This could be normal; waking up next to Rick, making breakfast, kissing him goodbye in the morning, coming home to him after work. She could live in the same house as her daughter and be around for more than the weekends. They could celebrate holidays together and buy each other gifts. They could create family traditions and favorite meals. Something as simple as writing a grocery list for the entire family. Things that seemed so trivial to most was what all three of them craved to have. This would be her new normal.

She remembered when she met him. He was handsome, young, his features still changing with each year. His build was muscular, broad. He carried himself well, like he was important, or like he knew he wanted to be important. He looked almost the same now, the only difference being the laugh lines around his mouth and the crinkles by his eyes from years and years of charm. He was still strong, but now he was important. He was somebody; he had gotten what he wanted.

She had been there at the beginning, and she was here now for their new beginning.

They were here now because they had both finally accepted that perfection wasn't an option, but living with challenges and over-coming them together was as perfect as it was going to get. Finally accepting that truth was what put them in this position now.

Kate let out a content sigh.

Rick responded by tightening his grip around her small frame and running his hand up and down her arm. "Are you okay?"

He thought back to the first time he saw Kate. She was guarded, her demeanor timid and unsure. But her eyes told a different story; her eyes were her giveaway. He noticed the look of determination on her face, the look that he had grown to know and learn about and cherish. She was strong; she had made herself that way. Still to this day, her eyes told that same story, but now she was so much more confident in her own skin; it was amazing for him to see.

"I'm perfect." She twisted her body and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him quickly. She settled onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck again, and placing a kiss on his forehead. "And you?"

He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and palmed the back of her head. Slowly, he traced the length of her forearms with his own hands, and then let them settle at the small of her back. A cheesy, content grin, showing all the lines on his face formed on his lips. "Same."

All that time that they had spent apart, being the people they craved and seeing the world the way they wanted, the two came back together to fall into a natural rhythm that the world had set in motion sixteen years ago. It took coming together, falling apart, and a world of trial and error to show the two that what they had started was prematurely ended.

In a city full of dreams, they were going to make it.

Please review!
