I Slept With My Boss

Chapter 1

She was married. She was a successful business woman. She was in a semi happy marriage, no children – yet. So why was she sleeping with her boss. The guy who had been her enemy all though her school years.

She could feel the fire burning though her veins. The heat was surging though her burning, he nipped, she gasped and soon there bodies succumbed to the pleasure. If during sixth year you'd have told Hermione Granger that five years later, she would be married. She would have probably agreed with you. But if you'd of told her she'd be married, working for Draco Malfoy and cheating on her husband with him she'd would of said you were crazy. Draco Malfoy the king of the Slytherin's and Hermione Granger the Gryffindor Princess to people none – who knew them – would match together. Now Hermione and her husband Ron Weasley, you could pair together. Having been best friends since they were eleven they had grown together and started dating during sixth year, marrying a year after they had left Hogwarts. Two thirds of the golden trio, the second golden couple with Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley being the other golden couple. Being from such a big family that had nearly every brother with a kid, you'd never except that Ron Weasley wouldn't be able to father a child. However three years down the road and no positive sign in sight.

Ron knew he was infertile with a one percent chance of having a kid, Hermione knew he was infertile, which is why she was so consistent with her contractive potion and charms when sleeping with Draco, Draco knew Ron was infertile and Harry knew after Ron admitted it while drowning his sorrows. But they were the only four. The would never tell Mrs Weasley or the other Weasley unless absolutely necessary.

How had this golden girl, the brightest witch in the world gone from being married to her best friend – happily, to a semi happy marriage and sleeping with her boss and former worst enemy?

Well it all started a year ago, on the very muggle tradition of a Christmas party that involved a lot of muggle and magical alcohol. Ron had not attended in favour of one of his mother's home cooked meals and a late night at helping out at his brother's shop. He'd just gotten back from a auror mission – god knows how he became and auror – and he was tired. However being the bosses secretary it was mandatory for her to be there, she had a few friends in the office and she'd put her name down months ago for it and paid her money. Then one fire whiskey too many and she'd woken up as nude as the day she was born in a bed that wasn't her own, with pale arms surrounding her and green furnishings around her and she knew from the second she cracked her eyes open whose bed she was in. She had changed, left and apparated home before Draco Malfoy could even wake up. But he had been awake but he didn't broach the subject until she did and then began the year long affair. She began having late nights at the office and more business trips for the boss when in reality she was getting the attention she wanted from her husband from her boss.

No one would find out unless either one of them told or they were seen but with the liaisons happening only in Malfoy Manor it was highly unlikely that they would ever been found out.

Until the day Hermione's stomach turned pink and that's when it got complicated.

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Gabriella Somerfield