Sorry it took so long for this update. The computer I use was in the shop.

Chapter 7

"What are you doing here?" Jenny asked, sounding more surprised than anything.

Cline was bent over, supporting himself with hands on wobbly knees. "I need your help."

Jenny opened her mouth, but Martha stood up, interrupting her, her "doctor" instincts kicking in. "You need to sit down."

Cline weakly waved her away, but didn't protest any further when she gently grabbed his shoulders and led him to sit down beside her on a bench. Jenny stood in front of him, face urgent. Martha seemed to notice the intenseness of the girl and gave her a warning look.

Cline was panting hard, hand clutching chest at his deep breaths. Martha murmured something to him and his breathing began to slow as he inhaled and exhaled deeply and slightly more calmly.

"Cline," Jenny said. Before, Rose hadn't exactly thought of Jenny as a military type person. She was always so gentle and considerate and young-at from what Rose had seen of her. It was sad to see someone who'd never gotten the chance to experience the joys of childhood. Now her whole body was tense and alert, face wiped of emotion.

"What is going on?"

"And how did you even get here?" Rose couldn't help asking. From what she'd discussed with the Doctor and Jenny, Messaline was a long ways from Earth and in a different century. And from what she knew, no space ships had been spotted recently around this time and place.

Cline whipped his head to her at the sound of her voice looking startled as if he hadn't noticed she'd been there. He lifted his left wrist. A brown leather material (that could easily be mistaken for a watch) was strapped on-on a very skinny wrist. In fact, his entire body looked unhealthily thin and malnutrition seemed like a rather obvious assumption to make. His cheeks were hollow, and his knobby knees protruded from the fabric covering them and still wobbled despite his breathing almost back to normal now.

"Vortex manipulator," Martha said with confused awe. "Wait, how did you even come across this? You shouldn't have."

Cline shrugged. "Found it. It was under very low security."

"Chances are," Rose began, only half-joking, "after you told Jack about Messaline, he used his to go check it out at some point in its time line."

Cline shifted impatiently. "Could we please focus?"

The former companion leaned back and nodded. Jenny looked at him expectantly.

He took a deep breath, looking at her. "Cobb has taken over Messaline-well most of it, anyways."

Both Jenny and Martha squinted in confusion. "What?"

"Was he not imprisoned after shooting...?" Martha trailed off, shooting Jenny a pitying look-which Jenny either didn't notice or chose not to acknowledge. Then anger bubbled in Martha. "If you chose not to because of that whole 'new world' thing-" her voice was accusatory, "The Doctor was devastated-!"

"Of course he was imprisoned!" Cline snapped. "He murdered someone!" Or at least attempted to.

Jenny's eyes widened slightly. "Cline, how did that happen?" she asked, voice hard.

His focus was returned to Jenny. "It's a long story."

"Then start telling."

"There's not time!"

"How can we help if you won't tell us what's going on?" Jenny asked, clearly agitated from stress.

Cline's jaw clenched and Rose put a hand on his shoulder in attempt to sooth the boy's anger.

"Just give it to us briefly," she said softly, encouragingly. "You can give us the details later."

He nodded curtly. "Basically, since we were busy working with the whole 'new world' and working with how to put aside our differences with the Hath, Cobb still had some followers who didn't agree with wanting to make peace with them. They broke him out of prison and they attacked." His voice contained a bitter edge to it. "They were the only one with weapons, because...well after the Doctor's so-called 'inspiring' speech, we buried all our weapons. 'A man who never would.' Except Cobb still doesn't think that way."

Jenny's eyes filled with a little worry now. "What's he done?"

Cline laughed. "The real question is what hasn't he done?" They all looked at him expectantly. "He hates the Hath. Hurts them a lot with torture and killing, stuff like that. Doesn't kill much of them, really. S'pose he likes seeing 'em suffer. And the people who've defended them...just as mistreated." His eyes clouded and he began to sound desperate. "A lot of people blame the Doctor for this. I think he can help us, though. Can you take me to him?"

"Do you think you're going to be able to help her?" Jack asked.
The Doctor's folded arms rested on the table. He didn't look at the other men. He just stared at the table. He didn't answer the question. "Why wouldn't she tell me?" His voice was barely audible.

"It was hard enough for me to tell you. She was the one who lived through it," Mickey said, not sounding the most sympathetic. "You can't blame her."

"But I could've helped."

"She tried that before. Obviously it didn't work then, so why try it now."

Jack gave Mickey a warning look before turning to the Doctor. "Doc, you said that you two have only been back together for a few weeks. A lot's changed. She probably has a few trust issues, you know? Something like that." He almost regretted it instantly at the sight of the Time Lord's face. "Not that she doesn't trust you-"

"'Course she does," the Doctor interrupted. "Why else would she still be traveling with me?" His voice was falsely cheerful and dismissive. It seemed he didn't want to discuss his relationship with Rose anymore.
Jack and Mickey exchanged knowing glances.

The Doctor's face grew darker again. "It's probably nothing," he began. Originally he wasn't going to mention the whole 'your song is ending soon' to them, because it was nothing. Of course it was. Yet, he couldn't help feeling uneasy at hearing those words again, and in such close periods of time. He'd heard that before when he'd been with Donna and the Ood, and one thing he noticed over his life was that the universe rarely allowed coincidence. "I've been hearing these...well they sound like prophecies. 'Your song is ending soon'. It's probably nothing..." he shook his head and then looked up at them both. "But if it's not and something is going to happen to me, I need you to make sure Rose-and Jenny are taken care of." Jenny would probably be fine if anything happened to him. Sad, yes, but he was her father. She'd move on eventually. It was in her nature.

Rose, however, he was much more concerned about. She was most definitely more independent since he'd said good-bye after Canary Wharf on Darlig Ulv Stranden she was also more dependent in a subtle emotional way. Not necessarily just on him, but he knew Jenny, as well as Jack and Mickey, were all willing crutches for her.

Before the other two men could respond, the sound of footsteps echoed outside the room. Jenny and Martha entered first. Right behind them was a fairly familiar bloke. He sensed Mickey and Jack tense across from him.

Rose entered behind the rest of the group, slipping past them and toward the Doctor. All their faces were anxious.

He knew he should find out right away, but the sight of her, walking towards him, the slight almost unnoticeable limp in her step. The way she stiffened or winced at almost any movement directed to her, and her face hard with guarded feelings.

It made his throat tighten as his eyes locked on her. His emotions must have been written all over his because her steps slowed down and were almost...cautious.

"Wha-?" she began.

But he closed the distance between them right then, swooping her into a tight hug, lifting her slightly as he buried his face between her shoulder and neck, eyes tightly squeezed shut. Usually his flesh would burn where her body came in contact with his, but right now he was just numb. Her hands tightened in the fabric of his jacket.

"Doctor...?" Rose sounded-concerned? Oh so now she was the one worried about him. He wanted to say something (something that probably included "I am so sorry" and "You should have told me".) But he knew he couldn't without the conversation leading to more questions and this was a discussion they couldn't have right now, as much as it was needed.

He pulled back, fingers lingering on her arms.

Her dark eyes searched his. She repeated his name. "You all right?"

"You two done with your-well, whatever that is?" Jack raised his eyebrows. There was a soft smack (most likely Martha doing that) and an "Ouch!" (that was Jack).

He forced a sad smile and slid a hand down her arm to reach hers, running his thumb over her intertwined fingers.

Mickey was chuckling while looking at Martha. "That was all they ever did when I traveled in the TARDIS with 'em," he commented. His voice held no resentment, just thoughtfulness and amusement.

Martha rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Just snog and be done with it."

The Doctor glared at Jack. If only looks could kill.

The new boy let out a frustrated growl. "Can we please focus?"

Jenny, who had remained quiet since she'd entered the room, nodded seriously. She looked at her father. "You remember Cline, right?"

"How could I forget him?"

Jenny shrugged. Then she pushed Cline forward. "Tell him."

He sighed, eyes narrowed as he looked at the Time Lord. "Messaline is basically under dictatorship now. Cobb gained followers-"

"Wait, hold on," The Doctor stopped him. "Did you say Cobb?"

"I assume you remember him then?" His face held contempt as he looked at the Doctor.

The Doctor's eyebrows narrowed, and his voice went colder. "He should be locked up. I was there. He shot Jenny." His tone hardened a little bit more. "How can he have followers?"

"Some disagreed with making peace with the Hath. Now they're destroying everything. They broke him out. We didn't have much security. Must've been so easy to do it."

"You should really work on that security," Jenny said lightly.

Some of the dislike drained from Cline's face as he looked at her. "Yeah, I guess we should." He turned back to the Doctor. "Can you help us?"

The hint of desperateness in the boy's voice was clear. It was almost startling, considering the contempt obvious in his pale eyes.

Jenny looked at the Doctor expectantly. She looked confused, almost as if she doesn't know how to react and wondered how he would. Of course he would help. That was what he was here for, right? He looked down at Rose, though, knowing this was something that could have a bad effect on her. She couldn't fight this battle.

But he couldn't let these people suffer.

"Yeah, 'course I'll help," he nodded. He released Rose's hand. He began walking back toward the TARDIS, but turned at the sound of footsteps to see everyone in that room following.

"You're not leaving just like that," Martha told him. "Not for another year." Her voice was slightly teasing.

"Actually..." Mickey cut in front of her. "You can't go."

"What? Why not?" Anger flashed in her eyes. The Doctor scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"You're pregnant."

"And you're not. Glad we've got that sorted out. Let's go."

He placed his hands on his wife's shoulders. "No, really. This is gonna be dangerous and you've got to keep our baby safe."

Frustration flared on her face. "It's your baby, too. What if you die?"

"I won't," he said matter-of-factly.

"You don't know that!"

He cupped her cheek gently. "I do. I would never leave you."

"That's exactly what you're trying to do doing right now."

The Doctor cleared his throat and they both looked at him. "He's right, Martha. You shouldn't fight." She opened her mouth in protest, but he interrupted before words could be formed. "You and Rose can stay in the TARDIS and make sure she doesn't disappear." It was a lame excuse, he knew, but he didn't exactly want to challenge either woman on their reasoning as for why they couldn't help with this mission.

Rose visibly went rigid, her expression surprised. "Um, sorry, what?"

He looked at her softly and moved closer to her so no one else would hear. "You're ankle still hasn't healed completely. You can't do this right now." After he'd given her the ointment, he'd thought she was better, but now he realized it was still extremely stiff. Healed, but still stiff. She wouldn't be able to maneuver as easily.

She was already shaking her head. "My ankle's fine. I can use it just fine."

"Rose...Mickey told me what happened." She look confused at first, then her eyes widened understanding what he meant.

"It's okay, and you will be fine, but you need to take a break."

"Take a break?" she scoffed, ignoring the rest. "It's been four years!"

"I know, and I'm so sorry, but..." he paused, "...but you know...I can't let you do this when we both know that it's not necessarily the best thing for you right now."

"Right now?" Oh gosh, she wasn't happy. Not that he expected her to be, but... She looked down for a moment, biting her lip, and then looked back up at him. "This...this isn't your decision to make." He looked at her desperately. "No, no one can make these decisions except for me. I know you mean well, but this could be a breeze. I'll be fine."

"Rose," he looked at her. Her name rolled off his tongue. Held request and pleading and that tint of desperation.

She held his gaze for a few moments longer before breaking off. She growled something in frustration.

Then the whipped around and marched toward Mickey. The poor man backed away quickly at the advancing woman. Her finger pointed at him. "You had no right," she began, voice rough with anger and anguish, "No right to tell him that!"

"Rose, I-" The man was cut off.

"Y-You of all people should've known that!" She pushed him not so gently. The verge of tears was obvious in her voice, but she refused to let any fall, because it would be stupid. Stupid to break down in front of everyone. Everything was stupid and screwy was what she finally decided and was what made her back off from Mickey (who looked very frightened as a matter of fact).

She looked down at her feet. "I have to be able to make this decision, Doctor. It's not your choice as to when and how I can put my life in danger." Her voice was shaky, but not even she knew if it was from anger or something else.

He approached her slowly, and placed his hands on her shoulders. She felt her body go rigid slightly and cursed herself for it. How was she to go on this adventure if she couldn't even handle being touched unexpectedly by her best friend, which should be the most expected and welcoming thing in the universe. So forced her muscles to relax; he seemed to be waiting for that before he spoke.

"Rose, hey, look at me," he said so softly she didn't suspect anyone else could hear. A part of her didn't want to look at him. She was angry and hurt, but she couldn't shake off the feeling the tone of his voice gave her. So her chin tilted up a little and her eyes flicked to meet his.

"This isn't going to be a quick 'save the day and get out' thing from the sound of it. We're going to be dealing with death I'm sure, and torture, and other things I don't even want to think about. It's not even about your ankle. To see you see that is something I'm not sure I can deal with myself." Her mouth opened in protest. "You want to help, as always, my...wonderful Rose, but you and Martha monitoring us in the TARDIS is the best you can do for us." He was giving her that tender, hopeful smile reserved just for her. One she could rarely refuse.

Cline stepped forward. "I don't mean to interrupt or anything,"-(and he did sound sincere)- "but we should really go."

Jenny grabbed his arm. "That-" she pointed to the TARDIS. "-is a time machine. We can get there at any time."

Cline didn't look happy but he backed away.

"No, he's right," Rose said, shrugging the Doctor's hands off her shoulders. She didn't meet his eyes. "We need to go." At his dismayed expression, she put her hands up and said, "Don't worry, I'll wait in the TARDIS. Not like I have many options."

He ignored her last comment and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. "Thank you!"

She smiled a little as he turned to the others giving instructions on what and what not to do while in his ship. Martha padded over to Rose. "Men," she said, her tone a bit bitter, obviously still not happy. Not that Rose was really either.

"Yeah," was all Rose replied with.