Chapter 11.

i hit the wall hard , i felt it crack. And it bloody hurt!
"i said! . !" It was Caius , he looked infuriated , stalking closer to me as he spoke. i was in trouble , i couldnt get past him to reach the door , there was no one else around. just me , Caius and Marcus.

"whats happened to him? why's he like this?" my voice betrayed the fear i felt , and i could tell he had noticed by the slight smirk appearing on his face.

"Well shouldnt you be able to answer that yourself you harlot?" Harlot? how could he call me that? and how on earth was i supposed to know what was wrong?

"I actually have no idea what your talking about! this is the first time iv seen him since i was turned" He snarled at me , disbelief written across his face.
He had finally gotten close enough to reach out and strike me "LIES!" he snarled , "its lies and you know it! you've done this to him somehow , some gift we hadnt prepared for!"

I pulled myself up from the floor , one hand resting on my face where he had made contact , but everything felt normal , no bits of me flaking away. "Caius , i dont have a gift , surely you can see that?" I had skirted around Marcus so he was placed between me and Caius , effectivley keeping me out of his reach for a few moments.

"N ... n...nooooo ... not herrrrrrrrr...twelve! if you ad the lime to the coconut ... nnnnotttttttt , nopey nope nonononononnnnnnnnooooooo" I glanced down at Marcus , his eyes feverish , darting around the room , not settling for more then a second before darting around the room.
"notttttt , nn ,... not ... hhhh ... herrrrrr" i looked up at Caius , who was just staring dumbly at Marcus , but it was plain what Marcus was trying to say.

"i told you Caius , i didnt do this , but i promise you , when i find who did , ill fucking annihilate them!" I could feel the fury , coursing through me as though it was something living. So this insanity wasnt brought on from decades of lonelyness and boredom , someone had caused this , inflicted this pain on Marcus. The very thought of someone doing this intentionally drove me wild , how dare they think they could do this!

My breath was shooting in and out of my lungs at a rapid rate , no human would have been able to cope with the speed of it , let alone the volacity , i could feel my body trembling with rage , pure unfiltered rage. I didnt know what to do or how to calm down , no matter where i looked all i could see was this horrid dark room where poor Marcus was confined to , cased in fucking concrete of all things! Because some complete twat had somehow driven him insane!

Some little prick had decided they could go near him! that they could inflict this damage oneto him! Ha ha ha! they had no idea what they had done! who they had pissed off! I was a newborn goddamit! I would rip them limb from fucking limb! Scattering them all around the world so they could never find them again! But first , firstly i would torture them , id slowly starve them , dangle blood infront of them and listen to them beg me to let them feed , id slowly burn them! Inch by little inch id watch was they charred to a blackened pulp before ripping them apart!
"Bella? calm down , Bella! you need to let go!" I shook my head from side to side , eyes darting around quickly , trying to figure out who was speaking to me , and what i was supposed to let go.

Then i saw Caius , pinned to the wall , my hands holding him there by his neck , squeezing. Panic ran through me , i hadnt done this! i didnt remember even moving! i let go of him and flew to the other side of the room , finding the door and bolting back up to ground level.


Caius found me shortly , he didnt look angry , just amused. "well little Bella , i may have a use for you yet." a use for me? the hell did that even mean?

He inclined his head towards a set of doors leading to the grounds , i nodded and followed as he started to walk towards them.

"when did it happen? what can we do?" my voice was strained.
"As soon as you were turned he started to act out of sorts. Strange mutterings , unusual actions for him , then he lost it not long after you left. I had thought you had somehow caused it" I was ready to argue , but i could see his point , Marcus was fine , then i got turned and he acted different , then i leave , run away without telling anyone and Marcus gets worse , it did look very suspect.

"i didnt do anything to him Caius , bu i want to find who did , and then im going to kill them" He nodded his head , a wicked grin lighting up his face.
"Im glad you said that Bella , very glad indeed , i have only one other person who i feel could be responsible , but that will have to wait for a while longer while i continune to gather evidence." I scowled at him. I had just told him i wanted to help find the person responsible.

"What id like to speak to you about at the moment concerns your choice of diet. Animal blood? like that pesky Cullen coven? Surely you realise that is no way for us to feed?" I didnt know what to say , i hadnt expected the subject to change so suddenly.

"i dont want to kill people" my voice sounded small and pathetic , i glanced up at Caius to see him smiling at me.
"Really Bella , we have been around for millenia , we have been based in this very castle for countless centuries , do you not think we hadnt developed a way of feeding which wouldnt alert the residents to their villagers going missing?"

Purplexed i just gaped at him , "I dont know what the Cullens have lead you to believe , but for the most part we are not all monsters , there are those among us who do prey on humans , but in this age is a small contingent. We mostly use donations"

He rolled his eyes , "Yes , donations , blood drives? not all of it ends up in the hospital , we take a percentage , store it in the right conditions and drink it when we need to feed. Of course sometimes i may partake in a hunt or two sometimes , but i mainly feed on the donated stuff these days." He looked proud of himself.

" so no one dies? or gets turned from a bite? you can what? Just cram a straw into a blood bag and sup it up like a juice box?" disbelief coloured my voice , how had no one told me this? It was a brilliant idea! no deaths , yet we could still feed on human blood! It was perfect!

I noticed my hand had been rubbing my throat while we had been talking , the burn was back , it was getting more intense now i knew i could feed on human blood. Caius had noticed my rubbing too , "Follow me , ill show you to the nearest stash"

We were both sat talking about Marcus when Demitri walked into the room , he nodded in my direction and headed towards the fridge. Caius glowered in his direction. wierd.

"Hey Bella , i see you heard about the blood supply , you realise i tried to tell you when you first came back?" he was smiling at me , i smiled back , i couldnt believe i had been so mean to him lately. He hadnt done anything wtong , he hadnt even turned me.

"sorry Demitri , i had no idea this was even possible , from what id been told before , it was biting or nothing really , and i didnt want to kill people." He nodded at my words , watching as i took a big gulp of the red liquid in my cup."want to join us?" i asked , holding out the proverbial olive branch of friendship.

He shook his head in a negative , my smile faded , i knew the hurt had flashed across my face before i had chance to compose myself.
"i need to go on duty Bella , find me later though and e can catch up yeah? God only knows what trouble your getting into without me to help you ey!" I nodded , a catch up sounded like just what i needed. /maybe he could explain to me what was going on.

I watched him leave , giving a little wave before he went out into the hallway.
Caius was watching the exchange frowning. Before i could ask what the matter was he spoke to me instead , " how long has this been going on?" his voice was cold , the slight tones of friendship we had been building earlier gone.

"what? how long has what been going on?" i was baffled.
"you and the gaurd , Demitri? how long have you been together?" no mistaking it now , he was looking at me discusted.
" together?" then it dawned on me that Caius thought me and Demitri were a couple or something , "oh! no! its nothing like that , hes just a friend , he wouldnt even be that if Marcus hadnt asked him to talk to me when i first arrived so i wasnt lonely."
"so you have no feeling for him?" the questions seemed odd , a bit too personal really.
"only those of friendship Caius , why?"

He looked back towards the door , "i have a feeling he doesnt see it the same way" my mind flashed back to him kissing me.
Suddenly Caius leaned towards me , "how much do you trust him? would you trust him with your very life? to make sure you never hurt?" i didnt know what to say so i just stared blankly at him.

"swear to me that what i say next will not leave this room? that you wont act upon it"
"i swear i wont tella soul and i wont do anything , now whats going on?"

And he told me , i wish he hadnt , but he told me. My only friend was a traitor , had been for almost a decade. "how do you know this?" i whispered.

"Bella , i do not say these things to hurt you , but you must know who you can trust , and he is not one of them , hes spying for the Romanians , bringing them information about us. Marcus was the one who noticed it first , a little over 8 years ago , the ties of loyalty between Demitri and the Volturi were fading , being replaced by a different loyalty."

If i could still cry i would have tears streaming down my face , i felt so stupid , to think i could have a friend here , "why did no one do anything before now?" somethign was niggling at the back of my mind , i couldnt get a grip on it yet though.

" we couldnt do anything without a witness to the crime , someone had to see him speaking to the Romanians." I was pretty sure i didnt want to hear anymore , but still i had to ask.
"someone saw him didnt they?" he nodded , the niggling was becoming a huge itch now , " was it? i mean , is that why he's?" again he nodded. "and it was while i was changed?" Another nod.

i looked down at my hands , squeezing the small cup i was holding until it became nothing more then a pile of pottery on the table. " was it him who did it?"
"no , he doesnt have a gift like that , he can find people , where ever they are. We had no idea a gift this powerful even existed , but we are assuming someone within the Romanian contingent has the gift , that they noticed Marcus as he watched Demirti relay information and set his mind ont he path to insanity."

My head was pounding now , the itch was beyond infuritating , and i was angry , angry and upset , i thought i had a friend , someone i could trust , but he had betrayed the whole coven , and managed toget Marcus atacked. I still didnt understand my feelings towards Marcus , all i knew was that i was so unbleivably angry anyone had dared to harm him , he was mine!

I flew up from the chair and out into the hallway , searching for Demitri , i wanted answers , and i was going to get them one way or another!

A-N- as always , please let me know what you think of the story so far , any ideas on how to help with character development are brilliant , along with tips on dialog , you may have noticed its not my strong points lol. a huge massive thank you to everyone who is sticking with me , im crap at posting the updates , i leave it too far between chapters sometimes , but if i cant think of what to write , i wont fob you off ith a crappy half assed chapter lol , and of course , thank you to everyone who has already reviewed and hit the fav/follow buttons :D