Hey, Hey, Hey! So I read the reviews and I apologize for being so hopeless romantic. Sorry guys if I ever hurt your feelings (Sad emoticon)

I just realize that half of the fans want Robin/Dani and the other half wants Roy/Dani. I'm so confused! Personally I love both of them.



Gotham City

November 11, 2010 5:00 EDT

"Psst!" I heard someone whistled. I open my sleepy eyes and glanced at the clock. It's 5:00 in the morning.

I moaned and went back to sleep. Then a very hard shake came to me and I open my eyes. I quickly used my telekinesis to hold the person.

I realized that I can't see. I make a light energy ball and tossed it to the light bulb above.

The room brightens and it is Robin, strangling.

"Oh my god." I dropped him and rushed to him. "I'm so sorry, Rob! I thought you were some guy who was trying to do something bad to me."

I helped him stood up and straighten his jacket. I breathed cold air. Is it snowing?

I shivered hard and my legs were shaking. Realizing that I am wearing a denim shorts and a fitting tank top. "It—s s—o co-ld…" I shivered.

I telekinetically closed the windows. A blanket covered my shoulders. I looked at Rob. "Thanks."

"No problem." He sits down on my bed and he still wears his dark sunglasses.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "It's 5 in the morning for crying out loud."

"Dani, do you know what day today is?" He asked. What a stupid question.

"November 11. Why are you asking that? Can you please go?" I yawned.

He raises his eyebrows. "What now?" I asked, still sleepy.

"Wally's birthday?" He says. Oh my god. I totally forgot.

I sit down next to him, speechless. He laughed hard. "What?"

He snorted. "It's funny because you forgot Wally's birthday and we are supposed to be surprising him at the Cave."

"What time is the surprise?"

"Probably around 4 in the afternoon."

"Stay here." I went to the shower and quickly changed into black jeans and some coat for the weather.

Robin is talking to someone on the phone. "I have good news and bad news."

"Shoot." I went to the mirror and fix my light brown hair. I should put it in a bun. Or a ponytail?

"They're canceling classes." He says. "The bad news is that we should go because the snow storm is getting stronger."

"Let's go then."


November 11, 2010, 16:05 EST

Recognized Kid FlashB-03

Zeta tube network now offline, due to extreme atmospheric conditions.

"Hurry, Rob." I say as we both hung the happy birthday sign on the wall.

Wally walks in, in the living room. I quickly turned the lights on.

"Surprise!" We all cheered.

"Whaaaattt?! Oh you guys, you shouldn't have." He says, teasing. I rolled my eyes.

"Right, not like you've been hinting for days, or anything." Rob and I laughed.

"Let's eat!" I yelled and we rushed to the table to where the foods are waiting for us.

The music played and Megan placed the cake in front of Wally. And he is wearing a party hat which is very silly.

We surround Wally as he makes his wish. "I made two cakes!" Megan says.

"Awesome! What will you guys eat?" He asks, still making gooey eyes to Megan.

"We'll split the cupcake. Make a wish!"

"Way ahead of you," He blows the two cakes and we clapped happily.

He turns to Megan, who is busy slicing his cake. "You know if I tell you my wish, it won't come true. But if you guess…"

She hands him a slice of cake. "Nope! Guess again." He teases her.

Megan leaned and kissed his forehead, leaving Wally speechless. "Happy Birthday." She smiled.

I walked around and try to take a bite from the cake. It's not that bad. "Hey." Artemis approached.

"You look disgusted." I say in a mouthful.

We glanced at Wally. "He eats like a pig." We both laughed.

Zatanna and Robin approached. "Think we should tell him?" Artemis suggested.

Wally kept on talking to Megan or in other words, flirting her and its making my stomach sick.

"He's the only one who doesn't know." Rob says.

"It will definitely break his heart." I say, teasingly.

"Please allow me." Artemis sits in the couch and whispers something to his ear. His eyes grew wide and looks at Megan and Superboy who are busy with each other, leaving his mouth open.


"Where's Flash?" Wally asks. All of us are wearing white suits. Mostly our costumes were painted white to be exact.

"Flash and Red Tornado already has their assignments." Batman says over the holographic screen. "A massive ice storm has paralyzed North America from coast to coast. Satellite imagery has detected five flying ice fortresses, source unknown, which seem to be responsible and must be stopped."

An image shows the fortress and it is huge.

"Well can't the watchtower blow them out of the sky or something?" Wally suggested.

"What's a Watchtower?" I heard Zatanna ask Robin.

Batman sighs. "The League's orbiting headquarters is not weaponized. And with both Green Lanterns off world. I need all hands on deck."

Oh. Where are my Uncle and brother? It must be very important because I didn't heard them from downstairs earlier. Hope they're okay.

Robin steps forward, "Does that mean what I think it means? The league and the team fighting side by side?"

"Woah, really?!" Wally reacts and smiles widely to himself. Nice gift indeed.

"Superboy, use the Super Cycle to rendezvous with the Batplane at Ice Fortress 1." Batman continued. "You'll drop off Robin, Aqualad then continue on with Wolf to meet up Black Canary and Red Tornado at Ice Fortress 2. Miss Martian, Artemis and Zatanna, take the Bio-Ship and rendezvous with Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter at Ice Fortress 3. Polaris you will teleport and meet Superman and Wonderwoman at Fortress 4 to buy some time to manipulate the storm. Other Leaguers will deal with Fortresses 5. Sending all coordinates now."

"Uh, Batman?" Wally steps forward. "I think you skipped Kid Flash…"

"Kid Flash, A young girl in Seattle is in desperate need of heart transplant. With all convenient air traffic grounded by the storm, you'll need to pick up the donor heart in Boston and run the 3,000 miles across country."

He approaches the screen. "Who is this girl?" He says loud. I could tell he's disappointed. I mean this is huge. Fighting alongside the Justice league and I get to fight with Superman and Wonderwoman! How awesome is that? Bam! I'm so gonna rock this. Too bad Hal and Uncle John aren't here. Haha, I should take some pics… and then put them in a frame or something to treasure some memories.

"Dani?" Robin snapped his fingers in front of my face. "We need to go."

"Oh right. Sorry." I say.

"Polaris." Batman called.

"Yes Batman?"

"Your brother and Uncle, do you have any idea where are they right now?"

I shook my head. "Sorry no. They didn't even say goodbye."

"I need you to concentrate." He displays a picture on the ice fortress. "Did you get the picture?"

I pictured it and hoping that the memory will still be in my head. "Got it."

I closed my eyes and teleport myself.

"Polaris watch out!" I open my eyes and a laser beam was about to hit me. I blocked it using my shield and Superman destroys the cannon using his laser.

He approaches to me, "Are you all right, Danielle?"

"I'm okay." I replied. Superman nods and went to another laser cannon. I teleport and try to think if I still have superstrength. Wait I didn't have superstrength. Guess I have to borrow from Superman. Wait that's bad.

I went to the nearest cannon beam I could find. Since telekinesis is like my only option on this. I telekinetically hold the beam and detached it. Lots of lasers were shooting in my way and I make a white shield to cover myself.

Wonderwoman uses her lasso to take the beam and detach it from its roots. That was so awesome.

Wait I remember. I can control the weather. I take a deep breath and concentrate. I summon strong winds that cover the whole fortress. Then I willed a very strong lightning and aimed it to the fortress. It exploded and it falls to the ground.

Sweat forms in my head and arms. Losing consciousness again, I hate this. A strong pair of hands grabbed me and my vision is very blurry. I heard the fortress falls as I fell into darkness.

I woke up in a hospital room. Dang it!

"Danielle." I looked up and saw Superman standing along with Wonderwoman.

They approached me and checked my head. "How are you feeling?" Wonderwoman asks, her hand touching my forehead.

"I'm cool. Did we destroy the 4th ice fortress?" I asks, still weak.

"Yes we did. That was amazing what you did there." Superman says, smiling at me. Cool.

"Thanks." I yawned.

"You have to go to sleep." Superman says. "Your uncle and brother will be back soon."

"Awesome. Wait! What happened to Kid Flash?"

"He saved a country and their queen." Wonderwoman smiles.

I laughed weakly. Nice job Wally. "I knew he could do it. What about the culprit?"

"We didn't catch him." They replied and with that they left the room.