Antonio smiled as he walked down the road to his former henchman's house. He hadn't had a chance to talk to the younger man in almost two months, so the moment he had free time he flew off to surprise him. Although he would not admit it, often times not even to himself, Antonio had been in love with Lovino for years and was always happy to spend time with him despite his normally cross and off putting personality.

He quickly walked the last few feet to Lovino's doorstep, pulling out his key and throwing the door open gleefully. As he walked into the foyer he called out the younger man's name and headed towards the kitchen, hoping to steal one of the boy's delicious home grown tomatoes. As he walked through the door he froze in shock, forgetting his original mission as he stared at the still bleeding body of the boy he loved. Screaming out his name in anguish he raced to the body, going that by some miracle the young man might still be alive, and that he could save him. He sunk to his knees and pulled the boy into his arms, the tears leaving his eyes at a faster rate as when he discovered he was only moments to late. Lovino's body was still warm but he could feel the cold quickly setting into the lifeless body.

Oh God why did you do this Lovino! Why! What drove you to this! I love you, please come back! I need you to come back!

These thoughts raced quickly through his head as he clutched the young body closer to him, never minding the blood that was steadily soaking into his clothing.

A noise caught his attention and he looked up, relaxing when he realized that it was only a tree branch hitting the window. Sighing he turned his head and noticed the envelopes sitting on the kitchen table. Reluctantly standing he made his way over and quietly picked up the letter with his name on it. As he read more silent tears poured down his face, and finally a sob broke free.

Suddenly he couldn't stand being in the kitchen anymore, the smell and sight of Lovino's blood driving him crazy. He slowly walked to the living room and fell back onto the couch, almost falling asleep, if not for the entrance if another person. In his confused state all he noticed was the thin curl that protruded from the boys head and was about to call out if the other man hadn't beat him to it. Feliciano gave a surprised shout and ran to the Spaniards side.

Oh God Tonio, what's wrong! Are you hurt? Why are you bleeding! We have to get help! Doitsu, Doitsu!

The words escaped the younger Italian quickly but a shake of Antonio's head effectively due him up.

Not my blood. Go look in the kitchen.

He winced slightly as he watched the boy nod happily and skip towards the kitchen. The next thing he heard was the young man's shrill cry of his brother's name and suddenly he found himself with an armful of crying Italian. Feliciano was babbling a mile a minute and sobbing uncontrollably. In response tears returned with a vengeance to the Spaniards eyes and the two men cried themselves to sleep in each other's arms.

A/N: okay well this will probably be the last installment of this story, although if I lose the horrid case of writers block I have I may update more. we shall see I guess. please R&R I love to hear y'all's feedback.