Author's notes: I've put a lot of thought on this story before writing. I've read a lot of TBBT fanfics before starting it, so I believe I've done enough research in order to be able to write the characters well (at least not so OOC), I hope I've done a good job ;-)

I already have the whole sequence planned, but I may adapt a few things in the way.

Please let me know what you're thinking about it.

Chapter 2 is almost ready, soon I'll be updating the story, so keep reading! =)

BTW: I don't own these characters.

Chapter 1

Howard closed the door to his bedroom feeling relieved. His mom was in good hands (at least he hoped so) with Stuart, and now he could finally spend some time alone with Bernie. Lately it hasn't been an easy time for the gang, neither for them. With Sheldon's departure, he missed him as a friend, as they had become closer during the last few months. They have even started confiding personal things to each other, and Howard felt special being close to Sheldon, as he has always secretly admired him as a genius. They exchanged a few text messages, but it's not been the same.

"I never thought I would admit that, but I really miss Sheldon. I hope he comes back soon from this nonsense trip."

Bernadette was already lying under the sheets, feeling a bit sleepy. "Yeah, I know how you feel Howie, I was pretty shocked myself. I guess lately I've been too busy with your mom's issue and I completely forgot to support Amy. We haven't talked for a few weeks, just a little bit over the phone, but I think I'll pay her a visit soon or have a girl's night with Penny when she comes back." Bernadette felt so exhausted, she hoped she would still have strength to support her friend.

"With the wedding plans, Leonard and Penny have also been away. We should really check on Amy, see how she's dealing with Sheldon's departure."

"Howie, what did Sheldon tell you after he left?"

"Not much really. He just does not feel comfortable in sharing his thoughts with Leonard anymore, he's trying to avoid the apartment issue, as he doesn't wish to move to 4B." In fact, Howard was happy for being trusted by Sheldon. It's not that he didn't have a best friend. Raj is great, but lately he's been feeling a greater connection with Sheldon, as Raj was too busy with Emily. "Leonard is not being reasonable in his proposal, he knows Sheldon so well and he's not considering his issues with changing at all."

"Sheldon is a big baby. Leave it, Howie, he will figure it out with Leonard, let them solve their own problems." Bernie was exhausted after working long hours during the whole week. She just needed a break, take some rest and be with Howie for a while. "Now… Why don't we leave them now a bit and you try to fix something else here?" she blinked an eye to him.

"Hmmm… As usual you're right. Let me check it, how can we solve this?"

"Venus has a problem. It needs a rocket to fly there right now. Is astronaut Wolowitz ready for the mission?"

"Astronaut Wolowitz presenting himself for the mission!" And it was a long and pleasant trip.

Next morning, Bernie woke up with Howard snoring a little with his head on her shoulder. Hopefully he was so light that she could easily release herself from his arm lying on her belly. After a long shower, she started making them breakfast. It was Saturday morning, and Howie hated waking up early, which was great for her. That was when she could catch up with the science magazines and work on her stuff. Her research at work was consuming long hours, and she wanted to ease her mind and see what was going on in the other areas of microbiology. After pouring coffee in her mug, she lay comfortably on her couch with a magazine on her lap. She flipped the pages, reading a few lines of each article, when she found an interesting topic on neurobiology, and she was pleased to see Amy's name in it. Finding it a great opportunity to reestablish contact with her friend, and as Amy was an early riser too she stood up searching for her phone to call her.

"Hi Bernie, what's up?"

"Hi Amy, I really missed you, how are things with you?"

"Not much to complain about and you? You never call me so early, is there something wrong?"

"No, things are getting better now that Stuart is used to taking care of my mother-in-law" Bernie didn't want to start talking about Sheldon yet, not knowing how Amy would react. "I was just reading the new issue of Neuron and I found your new article here. Congratulations, Amy!"

"Thank you, Bernie." Amy didn't sound so excited about it. In fact, that was not a new article, it was something they delayed to publish, waiting for another research to be completed. "You know, that is not a big deal, just a few results I shared about addiction in monkeys… Old stuff."

"Oh Amy, even then you should be happy about it, what's going on? Are you still upset about Sheldon?" Bernie already regretted mentioning him so straight away.

"Not really. I'm just missing a new challenge in my life, everything seems to be stuck lately…" Bernie was not sure whether Amy was being evasive about Sheldon or if she really meant that. Just before she asked about him again, Howie appeared in the living room and sat by her side, kissing her exposed leg.

"Amy, Howie just woke up and I have to go now, why don't we meet tonight and catch up?"

"Well, I don't know, I'm not in the mood of a night out..."

"Why don't you come over for dinner? Howie will cook something for us, aren't you honey?" She blinked a convincing eye to him. "He just said he will be glad to cook for his lovely wife and her friend!"

Howard knew he couldn't fight her, so he just tickled her foot as a little vengeance.

"Hahahaha Oh stop it!" Bernie quickly kicks him out of the couch. "Sorry Amy, so I expect you here at 6?"

"Alright, see you guys later."

Amy turned off, still lying on her couch, with a cup of chamomile tea in her hand. After a very unproductive week both at work and at home, she didn't feel much motivated to do anything today. It was Saturday, and she was not spending it with Sheldon anyway, so what was the point in getting out of the couch? She turned on the TV and lazily changed channels, trying to find anything to distract her. Nothing, as usual. She had already watched Dr. Who. She was instinctively doing those little things that reminded her of Sheldon. She could feel him closer, as she missed him so much.

They last spoke 3 days ago, when he was on a train to the east. Their Skype session was short, he was a bit distant, and he said he was thinking about paying his mother a visit in a few weeks. Since he left, they always blew each other a kiss goodbye on Skype, and stared each other's eyes for a while before finishing the session. But the last time he looked really sad, and asked her, "Amy, do you think of me before you sleep?" She was surprised with his sudden question, breaking the usual goodbye ritual.

"Of course I do, Sheldon. I think of you all the time. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I've dreamed of you a lot lately, and I just wondered if you have been dreaming of me too." 'What a hippie', he thought, not sure if he regretted mentioning that or not.

"Err… Sheldon, I don't know what your dreams are like, but you are often with me in mine. I just wished you were here when I wake up too. I've been so lonely lately."

"But why, aren't our friends making you company? I've texted Howard and asked him and Bernie to take care of you. Aren't they following my instructions?"

"Well, they don't have to take care of me, they are too busy with Mrs. Wolowitz issues, I don't want to bother them." Amy was not sure if her answer would make things worse.

"Of course you need to be taken care, Amy, I am away but I really care about your well-being, and I wanted to make sure our friends would support you for whatever you needed, and now I see it is not happening. Is that why you look paler today? I thought it could be just the lighting. Aren't you going out lately?"

"Not really Sheldon. I feel that I might need a change soon, my career is not moving forward, I need to find a new topic for research and nothing seems to inspire me." Amy not only was lonely, but she was being honest about how she felt about her job. "Maybe I should do the same as you, and travel a bit and ease my mind."

"Amy, what do you have in mind? Please, I know I left without notice, just please don't do the same to me. Don't use that as a punishment, I will be mortified if you run away. I need you to be with me when I return. I am going too far, considering a lot of possibilities for my life, there is a lot changing already for me to return and not have you there." Sheldon had tears in his eyes. He was really being honest with Amy. She didn't know how to answer that without him freaking out.

"Sheldon, please, listen to me. Maybe I also need a breakthrough. I don't know what I'm going to do, maybe I could visit my aunt in the countryside, or contribute with someone else's work in another university rather than Caltech and UCLA, although I'm not really sure yet. I'll let you know as soon as I make my mind, ok?"

"Fine. But tell me you will be there for me when I return. You know I need you, Amy."

"I know that, I need you too."

"Alright. I have to go, the train is about to stop at a station and I need to find a place to buy reliable clothes and a new toothbrush. Take care."

"You too, Sheldon. Have a nice evening."

"Good night, Amy." And they blew each other another kiss.

That night Sheldon had another dream about Amy. It was always the same: Amy was in a cafeteria, ordering taped water. He arrived and introduced himself. She answered him 'I'm sorry, but my boyfriend is arriving here and he is not going to like to see me talking to a stranger'. He tried to tell her that he was her boyfriend, but the words wouldn't come out. Instead, he saw another Sheldon arriving with his friends and standing by her side. Confronting himself was something he couldn't understand. What does that really mean? Could they still be together when he returned?

Then he suddenly approached them, punched the other Sheldon in the face and grabbed Amy's arm, moving quickly towards the door. 'Amy, come with me! I am your boyfriend now, forget about him. He doesn't deserve you!'. Looking confused, Amy answered 'I'm sorry, but I don't know you.' Her arm is released and she runs back to his old self, helping him stand up and taking care of his wounds. He turns and see Professor Proton standing on his Jedy robe. 'Sheldon, why do you keep me here in your dreams? You know, I should rest, I'm not your baby sitter.' 'But I need to get her back' he replies. Leaving in the front door, Arthur answers 'You didn't deserve her before, what makes you think you deserve her now? Appreciate her, Sheldon.'

A month passed since he left, and he still felt like nothing was really solved in his mind. He played the last few months in his head a thousand times, and yet no apparent solution nor perspectives of returning to Pasadena. Even though he talked to Amy on a regular basis, he felt her distant and their conversations were not much further than discussing his trip events and his ideas on what do to instead of String Theory. Was he really changing? What was that trip about, was it really going to make him a new man? Someone who is not afraid of facing his own problems? Could he be the one Amy deserved?

He felt the need of seeing his mom and his meemaw. Perhaps they could provide him good advice. But then he remembered the last time he talked to his mother. 'Shelly, are you out of your mind? What were you thinking when you decided to leave everything behind to run trains like a hobo?' Well, that was not exactly supportive, but his meemaw would not be against him. She was always on his side, she was the only one who truly understood Sheldon and his quirks. Besides, he was really not into seeing his mom again, after the fiasco of his last trip to Galveston. She had now that 'boyfriend' who she was having coitus with like savages, which obviously he didn't approve. But he decided that he needed to leave all that behind and see his family. It was time to talk to someone who could understand him and provide some guidance in his life.


"Missy? What are you doing at mom's house?"

"Shelly, ain't that a surprise! Good talk to you too, dear."

"Could I speak to my mom, please?"

"Our mom, Shelly. And she is not here now."

"When is she returning?"

"Uh… She may could not be returning soon…"

"But what do you mean? Missy, where is Mom? Don't tell me she moved in with that boyfriend of hers!" Sheldon started to worry.

"No Shelly… In fact he is living here with her."

"Whaaat? And she hasn't told me? How could you let her do that? And where is George when we need a man to stand in this house?" He was now sweating and stuttering as he tried not to freak out.

"Shelly, everybody here agreed on that. She just didn't want to tell you because she knew you might would not be supportive, as I clearly see now."

"FINE. I'll be there in a few days and she will have to explain that herself!" He yelled on the phone.

"But-" And Sheldon hang up on Missy, never letting her finish her sentence.

The next day he bought the train tickets to Houston, and even forgot to tell anyone he was going to visit his family. He would arrive there on Sunday morning. All he could think about was the preposterous news he heard over the phone from his twin sister.

Amy parked her car next to Howard's building and took a bottle of wine with her. Penny was visiting her family with Leonard, and Raj already had plans with Emily's friends tonight, so it would be just the three of them. Amy was not really comfortable with the idea of having dinner alone with the couple, she wished Sheldon could be there with her. She hasn't spoken to him since Wednesday, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to speak to him so soon. Maybe they needed some time apart. She had a lot of things in mind, maybe a few weeks off would do her good.

She rang the bell and waited in front of the apartment door. Howard welcomed Amy inside, thanking the wine and Bernie appeared from the bedroom door and greeted her.

"Amy! I'm so glad you came!"

"Me too, I think I wouldn't be in a good mood if I stayed home."

"Hey Amy, so have you talked to Sheldon lately?"

"Howie!" Bernie pinched his arm. "Don't be a pain in the ass!"

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong? Are you two not getting along well?"

"It's ok, Bernie." Amy answered with a sad smile. "We spoke on Wednesday, but I haven't heard from him since then."

"Well, sorry for that, I haven't heard from him for a while either." Howard was not sure what he could say anymore.

"Amy dear, please, have a seat by the table. Can I pour you some wine? Which one did you bring?"

Bernie filled her a glass and sat by the table next to Amy. "Howard prepared a delicious chicken for us!" She said smiling, trying to cheer her up.

"It's my mom's recipe. I'm not as good cook as she is, but I try!" Howard said modestly. He served both girls and himself, then turned the radio on a Neil Diamond song. "And to accompany a nice meal good music is the best choice!" He smiled at Amy, and she returned with a grin.

"That's great Howard, thanks!" Amy started singing along quietly, while she bit a piece of the chicken. "Yummy, as Sheldon would say!" And that was a good memory of him, so she didn't bother to mention.

"I miss Sheldon too, we were getting along so well since our trip to Houston." Howard was really glad of becoming closer to him.

"Yeah, he was also happy with your new grown friendship. He was often talking about you." Amy replied sadly. "I'm sure he misses you too."

"Alright you two, enough of Sheldon! Amy, tell us about your work, what's going on there?" Bernie didn't want to make the whole conversation about Sheldon. She was concerned about Amy, and she wanted her friend to think of other things in life.

"Well, there is really not much to say. Since I finished my research on addiction I haven't found a new topic to explore, and I just wanted to work with something new. It's not that I don't enjoy the monkeys, but I could go much further in my area." Amy stopped and considered an idea. "Bernie, what are you researching now?"

"Well, in fact I'm about to finish a research on a new drug. I will finish my reports by next week, and there are a few new jobs available if I wanted to start something soon, but I'm not really sure yet about what I will try now."

"Maybe we could think about a cooperative research that could include both neuro and microbiology!" Said Amy with a sparkle in her eyes. "Have you ever thought about it? It would be so cool to work with you!"

"Sure it would! It would be a pleasure to cooperate with you in a research! We could think together about a topic and present it to UCLA and Zangen! Maybe we could develop a drug and you have it tested in the lab."

"That's a great idea indeed, why don't we meet in a few weeks and discuss that?"

"In a few weeks? Why so long?" Bernie thought Amy was anxious to give it a start, but maybe that was not exactly her plans.

"Well, I was thinking about traveling a little bit, take a few weeks off. You know, I was wondering that if it is doing good to Sheldon, maybe I could use the same tactic and try it myself."

"Are you sure about that? Why haven't you mentioned it to me before? I could have helped you planning, and maybe Howard and I could join you again, like in that trip to Napa Valley."

Just the memory of their kiss in the train brought tears to Amy's eyes. "That trip was amazing, but I don't want to travel with anybody, I think I need some time for myself, alone."

"Amy dear, I don't think it's a good idea. You've been lonely lately, and I feel it is a little my fault, but I hope to make up to you in the next days."

"Bernie, you and Howard don't have to worry about me. Sheldon told me that he asked you to take care of me, but it is really not necessary. You have your own stuff, Howie's mom, and you need some time to be together as a couple. Even though I have no experience in that I know you two need to spend time together. And I really think this trip could do me good."

Howard looked at Bernie, asking for permission to speak, and as she nodded he replied. "Amy, friends are meant to support each other, and we are not doing this just because Sheldon told us to. You can count on us. I know Penny and Leonard are off these days, and they are not being supportive, but we're here for you, alright?"

"Thanks Howie. And thank you too, Bernie. You are very sweet, I really love you guys. But I have already made up my mind about the trip, so I hope you can support me in that too."

"Of course we can dear. Howie, pour Amy and me more wine. So now we are celebrating your trip, and also our new future venture, whatever it will be!" The three friends cheered and kept on talking until late at night. Amy told them about the possibilities of her trip, and later Howard played Neil Diamond on the keyboard.

Amy left a little before midnight after a very pleasant evening. She had never been so close to the couple before, at least not with Howard. It was nice to see that she could count on them. She really missed Penny and their chats. Her Bestie was busy with the wedding plans and visiting her family. But even more she missed Sheldon. She didn't know how long she could stand his absence. The uncertainty about their future was driving her crazy, and she dreamt of him every day.