Something smashed into my body, sending me hurtling across the room. I twisted in the air, landing in a crouch. A growl escaping my lips.

"Hannah." Demetri stood in front of me. "Stop." He was the one who had pushed me away.

I looked around him. Renesme. Blood. I shoved him out of the way running at my target again. Glass shattered as Demetri met the window. I was so close. I leaped, only to be pinned to the ground by a massive light brown wolf. Teeth bared in my face. How could I change to fit this situation?

The wolf leaped off of me whimpering. I pushed myself up. All of the vampires were now in the room. All of their eyes were on me. What was wrong? Well besides the fact that I'd tried to kill Reneseme. Shit, oh my god... What the hell was I doing?

"I'm so sorry." I stepped back, hands out. Wait, my voice. It sounded like Renesme's... "What the hell?" The burning had gone now. Renesme no longer my prey. I felt... Different.

"How did you do that?" Renesme stepped forward.

I tipped my head to the side. My heart still wasn't beating. "I have no idea."

The burn was slowly coming back as I grew taller. I was myself again. "That was just creepy."

"You adapt to your surroundings." Eleazar stepped forward. "That's why Aro wants you, but how did he-"

"I had a vision of her and he saw her when he touched my hand in Volterra," Alice shrugged. "I didn't think anything of it until now."

My throat was on fire again. The instinct to leap on Renesme was too much. I rushed out of the room, outside. Where was Demetri?

"Are you ready to hunt?" His voice came from behind me, arms wrapped around my waist.

"Yes." I nodded my head. "I hurt you." I twisted around to face him.

"I have had worse, my love," he whispered.

"But I hurt you," I whispered, touching his cheek, his perfect cheek.

"Do not worry, my love. This way." He took my hand. "Now... Run." He let go of my hand, sprinting into the forest.

I took a deep breath before running after him. The forest was different. Very different. Each leaf, line in the bark, branch, tree was defined in extraordinary detail. Animals running in fear, I suppose of us. Ahead of me an incredibly detailed purple cloak. I lengthened my strides. I was by his side in an instant. Only then did I notice I was wearing a dress. A elegant black design with a slit up the leg.

"Time to hunt," Demetri laughed.

"Humans?" I asked. Why was I not running into trees?

"Yes," he grinned, running faster.

I nodded, easily keeping pace.

We hovered around the side of a building, now in Canada. Yes Canada. I was shocked too about how far we'd gone. Demetri had explained it was because we couldn't hunt on the werewolves land. Yet I didn't even feel tired. I felt alive.

"Hannah?" I looked to Demetri.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Go for the throat, and make sure they make no sound," he whispered, pointing.

Two drunken humans staggered around the corner. Empty beer bottles clinking in the twilight light.

I ran forward, pushing one of them to the wall. I smiled. The man whimpered. I bit into his neck. It was as effortless as biting into butter. My teeth were steel razors; they cut through fat and sinews like they weren't there. The flavour was intense and sweet, the blood was hot and wet and soothed the ragged, itching thirst as I drank in an eager rush. The man's struggles grew more and more feeble, and his screams choked off with a gurgle. The warmth of the blood radiated throughout my whole body, heating even my fingertips and toes. The man was finished before I was. The thirst flared again when he ran dry, and I dropped his body in disgust. How could I still be thirsty after all that?

The dress. It was still in one piece, that was good.

Demetri leant against the wall, his gaze catching mine.

I bit my lip, slowly walking over to him.

"Incredible," he breathed, reaching up to cup my cheek. He laughed, the sound even clearer. I'm sure if my heart could beat, it would have been racing. His thumb brushed the edge of my mouth. He let go of me showing me the stained red tip of his finger.

I looked down, so glad I couldn't blush. I was a messy vampire. Awkward.

A firm hand gripped my chin. I stared into bright red eyes. "I love you Hannah." His lips were on mine as he spun us around so that my back was to the wall. Our lips moved in synch, his hands on my hips. I slowly let my hands move up his chest. He groaned, pressing his body closer to me. His tongue traced the bottom of my lip. I smirked into the kiss. I wasn't that easy. I gasped as I was lifted off of the ground, his hands gripping my hips as he pinned me to the wall. His tongue immediately in my mouth. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my dress ripping at the sides. There was nothing gentle about our movements at all. Each touch, each groan was animalistic and dominant. My hands now clung onto his shoulders. My hair draped around both of our faces. He pulled away, glancing up at me. I glanced back, a smirk playing at my lips. He kissed me again harder, as I yanked on his hair. "Demetri," I mumbled against his lips.

"Hannah," he mumbled back. His fiery kisses now trailed down my jaw. His scent filled me; musky and dark. His kisses now on my collar bone. And then they stopped.

I unwrapped my legs as I slid down, my feet touching the floor. Hands still on his shoulders.

He sighed, his hand trailing down my cheek. "Not here, my love."

I nodded.

"You truly are extraordinary," he whispered.

"You should see yourself," I laughed. The change was quick as I stood the same height as him. I looked down at my hands, now remarkably like his.

Demetri stepped back gasping. "How did you...? Remarkable."

"You sound like Aro," I laughed in his voice. "Wait..." I closed my eyes.

I opened them. I was taller than Demetri. My gaze slightly tinted as if I'd kept my eyes open for too long. "Remarkable," I giggled.

Demetri touched my hand. A million thoughts in my head, all of them Demetri's.

"A human? She is too fragile, why is she damned to love me?"

"I must not show interest, I must scare her away."

"Why is she not afraid of me?"

"I love a human. And I do not care about the consequences. I will not corrupt her soul."

"So this is what Heaven feels like, being one with your love."

I let go of his hand, already becoming shorter and more me. "No wonder Aro's crazy."

"You heard my thoughts," he gasped.

"Yes I did," I mumbled. "You didn't corrupt my soul."

Demetri's lips became a thin line.

I lightly kissed his lips, his cheek bones. "And if you argue with me, I'll turn into you and run around the world naked."

Demetri laughed. "You would like to see that wouldn't you." He moved closer, our breathes mingled.

A phone shattered the silence.

Demetri flipped open the phone. "Hello?"

"Aro is coming for her." Becky. I could hear the phone conversation?

"What?" Demetri hissed.

"You need to come back so we can figure out a plan, you can hide, he doesn't have you-"

"Enough!" Demetri snapped.

"He is going to kill anyone who gets in his way." She was warning him. No, he couldn't die.

"There is no plan, Becky," Demetri's worried gaze met mine as he took my hand. "We must face the Volturi. We must fight. We will be back soon." He snapped the phone shut, growling.

"Hey it's alright," I gripped his hand.

"I told you we would find them."

We both crouched awaiting the voice. I think I knew who it was...

Jane and Felix strode out of the shadows.

"Jane," I smiled. Her petite form even more graceful through my new eyes. Felix's even more deadly.

"Hannah, immortality suits you," Felix beamed. "Demetri, we were hunting and caught your scent. The Cullens called us - the Volturi are coming."

"I know," Demetri sighed.

"Your dress?" Jane smirked at me. "Out in public, Demetri? You should be ashamed of yourself."

"Nothing happened," Demetri glared before taking my hand. "Let's go back."

Jane and Felix ran ahead.

Demetri looked so graceful running. We ran alongside each other. "You're not telling me something."

Demetri stopped. "Hannah..."

"What?" I stopped too.

"Chelsea took the twins," he whispered.

No. No. I could see the memory now as if in a fuzzy lens.

"Then we'll get them back," I whispered, taking his hand and running back to the Cullen house.

I walked through the door, anger now the only burning sensation in me.

Alice glanced to me. "Hannah, you have to leave them."

"Why?" I asked.

"See for yourself," she whispered.

I changed into her. A gasp escaped my lips as I saw the future:

The Volturi stood in front of us, powerful. Aro walked forward, smirking. "I will make a deal. Give me Hannah and in return I will spare your lives."

"There's a catch," Edward called.

Caius stepped forward, grinning. "Demetri must die."

Demetri tensed. "And what will become of Hannah?"

"She will be my most prized possession," Aro purred.

"No, I won't." I growled. I stepped forward.

"Or we can kill your children." Caius motioned for two vampires to come forward. They held two small bundles. My children.

My jaw clenched.

"Either let Demetri die and be with your children, or we will kill them and then in turn you. There will be no agreements."

I looked to Demetri before I changed. I changed into Aro himself. "Look at yourself, Aro, at what you've become."

Aro ran forward.

I ran at him.

He held my throat.

A growl sounded behind me.

Aro smirked at me, throwing me to the side. Chelsea ran forward with Alec. They both gripped my arms as I watched.

Demetri fought Aro. His moves agile and well calculated. He was besting Aro.

Someone gasped. Alec. Jane was glaring at him. I wrenched free of Alec, turning on Chelsea. She growled at me, running past me and hitting Demetri. He stumbled backwards.

"No!" I screamed.

Aro raised his hand. "Those who break the law will be punished."

Demetri's head fell to the floor. He was dead. He was gone. No.

I growled, changing back into myself. "I'm going to find them."

"Hannah, the future keeps changing every time you try something," Alice sighed. "He dies. He dies in every vision."

The idea struck me then. A suicidal, quite possibly crazy, idea. But it would save him.

"They want me to join the Volturi, yes?" I asked.

"Yes," Carlisle nodded.

All of the vampires watched me. "I need to try something. Kate could you shock me?"

The blonde walked forward, a look of confusion on her face. "Why?"

"Does anyone mind being shocked?" I asked.

Felix stepped forward. "I do not."

I nodded, changing into him. "Go for it, Kate."

She reached out and touched my arm. The pain shot through me but it didn't incapacitate me. Felix on the other hand, fell to the floor, writhing.

Kate stopped.

"I'm like a voodoo doll," I whispered, changing into Chelsea. "Shock me as hard as you can," I grinned.

Alice laughed, her eyes becoming glazed over. "Aro is rethinking his plan. He knows you're too powerful. Chelsea is still writhing on the floor..." Alice blinked twice. "They're no longer interested in having you as a prize. Aro wants everyone dead."

Growls sounded through out the room.

I nodded, changing back into myself. "I'm going to try something."

I changed into Marcus. "Kill me."

"No," Demetri growled.

"Just try it," I snapped.

"And if it goes wrong and doesn't work you'll die!" Demetri shouted.

"Alice have you had a vision of me dying?" I asked in Marcus' voice.


"Then do it."

Demetri clenched his jaw before reaching forward and plunging a hand into my chest. It shocked me but I felt nothing. Demetri removed his hand quickly as I changed back into myself. Apart from this time I had no choice but to change - it was like I couldn't be him anymore. Marcus didn't exist anymore.

Alice gasped. "Marcus is dead."