Chapter 22

Elsa stands in a steel-barred cage, wearing a light blue lace lingerie. Her legs and belly are mouth-wateringly naked, and she's staring at Jack. Her private-joke smile etched on her beautiful face and her eyes are shining blue. In her hands she holds a bowl of strawberries. She ambles with athletic grace to the front of the cage, gazing Jack intently. Holding up a plump ripe strawberry, she extends her hand through the bars.

-Eat. – says Elsa, her tongue caressing the front of her palate.

Jack tries to move towards her, but he's tethered, held back by some unseen force around his wrists, holding him. Let me go.

-Come, eat. – she says smiling her delicious smile.

Jack pulls and pulls. Jack tries to shout, but no sound emerges. I am mute. Let me go! Elsa stretches a little further and the strawberry is at Jack's lips.

-Eat, Jackson. – her mouth forms his name, lingering sensually on each syllable.

Jack opens his mouth and bites. The cage disappears and his hands are free. Jack reaches up to touch her.


Jack moans. No…

-Jack, come on.

No. I want to touch you.

-Wake up.

Jack's eyes flicker unwillingly open for a split second. He's in bed and someone is whispering in his ear.

-Wake up. – she whispers.

It's Elsa. Jeez, it's still dark, and the image of her from my dream persists, disconcerting and tantalizing in my head.

-Oh… no. – Jack moans.

Why is she waking me?

-Time to get up, Jack. I'm going to switch on the sidelight. – her voice is quiet.

-No. – Jack groans.

-I want to chase the dawn with you. – she says.

Jack opens his eyes. The sidelight is on.

-Good morning, sleeping beauty. – she murmurs.

Jack groans and she smiles.

-You are not a morning person. – she murmurs.

Through the haze of light, Jack squints and sees Elsa standing by the bed, smiling. Amused. Amused at Jack. Dressed. In black.

-It's late. Let me sleep. – Jack groans.

-It's not late, it's early. Come on. Up you go. We're going out.

-I was having such a nice dream. – Jack whines.

-Dream about what? – she asks patiently.

-You. – Jack blushes.

-What was I doing?

-Trying to feed me strawberries.

Her lips twitch with a trace of a smile.

-Michael Moon could have a field day with that. Up. Get dressed. Don't bother to shower. You can do that later. – says Elsa.

Jack sits up.

-What time is it?

-5:30 in the morning.

-Feels like 3:00 a.m.

-We don't have much time. I let you sleep as long as possible. Come.

-Can't I have a shower?

Elsa sighs.

-You know what will happen if you have a shower. Come on. – says Elsa.

Elsa's excited. Like a small girl, she's iridescent with anticipation and excitement. It makes Jack smile.

-Where are we doing?

-It's a surprise. I told you.

Jack can't help but grin at her.

-Okay. – says Jack.

Jack clambers off the bed and search for his clothes. Of course they are neatly folded on the chair beside the bed.

-I'll give you some room now that you're up. – Elsa exits towards the living area.

Jack wanders into the bathroom. Five minutes later, Jack is in the living area, brushed and dressed. Elsa glances up from the small dining table where she's eating breakfast. Breakfast! Jeez, at this time.

-Eat. – she says.

Holy Shit… my dream. Jack gapes at her, thinking about her tongue. Hmm…

-Jackson. – she says sternly, pulling Jack out of his reverie.

-I'll have some coffee. Can I take a croissant for later?

Elsa eyes him suspiciously, and Jack smiles.

-Don't rain on my parade, Jackson. – she warns softly.

-I will eat later when my stomach's woken up. About 7:30 a.m. …okay?

-Okay. – she peers at him.

Honestly. I have to concentrate hard on not making a face at her.

-I want to roll my eyes at you.

-By all means, do, and you will make my day. – she says sternly.

Jack gazes up at the ceiling.

-Well, a beating would make me up, I suppose.

Elsa's mouth drops open.

-On the other hand, I don't want you to be all hot and bothered. The climate here is warm enough. – says Jack.

Elsa closes her mouth and tries very hard to look displeased, but she fails hopelessly. Jack can see the humour lurking in the back of her eyes.

-You are, as ever, challenging, Mr. Frost. Drink your coffee.

Jack sits and faces her, drinking in her beauty. Will I ever get enough of this woman?

As they leave the room, Elsa throws a sweatshirt at Jack.

-You'll need this, Jack.

Jack looks at her, puzzled.

-Trust me. – she grins.

Outside, in the relative cool of the half-light of pre-dawn, the valet hands Elsa a set of keys to a flash sports car with a soft top. Jack raises an eyebrow at Elsa, she smirks back at him.

-I know. Sometimes it's great being me. – she says with a conspiratorial but smug grin.

She's so lovable when she's playful and carefree. She is in such a good mood.

They climb into the car.

-Where are we going?

-You'll see. – she grins as she slips the car into drive.

Elsa programs the GPS and presses a switch on the steering wheel and a classical orchestral piece fills the car.

-Too depressing? Do you want to choose some music? This is on my iPod. – says Elsa.

Jack can't see her iPod anywhere. Then, Elsa taps the screen on the console between them, and there is a play list.

-You choose. – her lips twitch up into a smile.

That's a challenge, Miss Frozen. Elsa Frozen's iPod, this should be interesting.

Jack scrolls through the touch screen and finds the perfect song. He presses play. I wouldn't have figured her for a Metallica fan. The metal beat assaults us both, and Elsa turns the volume down. Maybe it's too early for Metallica?

-Enter Sandman, eh? – Elsa grins.

-I don't know what you mean. – Jack feigns innocence.

Elsa turns the music down a little more.

I won the challenge. Victory!

-I didn't put that song on my iPod. – she say casually, and she puts her foot down and Jack is thrown back into his seat as the car accelerates along the freeway.

What? She knows what she's doing, bitch. Who did? Who? Who?

The song ends and the iPod shuffles to "Can you feel the love tonight", by Elton John. Jack stares out of the window, his stomach churning. Who?

-It was Hiro. – Elsa answers Jack's unspoken thoughts.

How does she do that?


-He was…a kind of an ex. It was him that put the song on my iPod.

Jack sits stunned. An ex…ex-boyfriend? Ex-puppy?

-An ex? – asks Jack.


-What happened to him?

-We finished.


Man…It's too early for this kind of conversation. But she looks relaxed, happy even, and what's more, talkative.

-He wanted… more. – Elsa's voice is low, introspective and she leaves the sentence hanging between them, ending it with that powerful little word again.

-And you didn't? – asks Jack, before he can employ his brain to mouth filter.

Shit, do I want to know?

Elsa shakes her head.

-I've never wanted more. Until I met you.

Jack gasps, reeling. Oh my. Isn't this what I want? She wants more. She wants it, too!

Jack glances in the side mirror of the car and he notices the soft swell of pink and aquamarine in the sky behind. Dawn is following them.

-Where are we headed? – Jack asks.

-An airfield.

-We're not going back to New York are we? – Jack gasps, alarmed.

I haven't said goodbye to my mom. Fuck, she's expecting us for dinner.

Elsa laughs.

-No, Jackson. We're going to indulge in my second favourite pastime.

-Second? – Jack frowns at her.

-Yep. I told you my favourite this morning.

Jack glances at her glorious profile, frowning, racking his brain.

-Indulging in you, Mr. Frost, that's got to be top of my list. Anyway I can get you.


-Well that's quite high up on my list of diverting, kinky priorities too. – Jack mutters, grinning.

-I'm pleased to hear it. – she mutters dryly.

-So, airfield?

Elsa grins at Jack.



-We're going to chase the dawn, Jackson. – Elsa turns and grins at Jack as the GPS urges her to turn right into what looks like an industrial complex.

Elsa pulls up outside a large white building with a sign reading Miami Soaring Association.

Gliding?! We're going gliding?!

Elsa switches off the engine.

-You're up for this? – she asks.

-We're flying?


-Yeah, let's go.

I'm gonna die.

-Another first, Mr. Frost. – she says as she climbs out of the car.

First? What sort of first? First time flying a glider…SHIT! SHE NEVER DID THIS BEFORE?! No…I believe she has done this before. Relax, Jack.

Jack gets out of the car. The sky has turned to subtle opal, shimmering and glowing softly behind the sporadic childlike clouds. Dawn is upon them.

Elsa takes Jack's hand, and she leads him round the building to a large stretch of tarmac where several planes are parked. Waiting beside them is a man with a shaved head and a wild look in his eyes, accompanied by Hans.

Hans! Does Elsa go anywhere without that man?

Jack smiles at him, and Hans smiles kindly back at Jack.

-Miss Frozen, this is your pilot, Mr. Matthew Young. – says Hans.

Elsa and Young shake hands and strike up a conversation.

-Hi, Hans. – Jack murmurs.

-Mr. Frost. – he nods a greeting at Jack.

-What? – Jack frowns.

-Jack. – Hans corrects himself.

Jack smiles at him, satisfied.

-She's been Hell on high heels the last few days. Glad we're here. – Hans says conspiratorially.

Oh, this is news. Why? Surely not because of me! Revelations in the morning! I love this guy.

-Jackson. – Elsa summons Jack – Come.

-See you later. – Jack smiles at Hans.

Hans gives Jack a quick salute and heads back to the parking lot.

-Mr. Young, this is my boyfriend Jackson Frost.

-Pleased to meet you. – Jack murmurs as they shake hands.

Young gives Jack a dazzling smile.

-Likewise. – Young says.


As Jack follows Elsa, there's a mounting excitement in his belly. Wow…gliding. Yeah…definitely gonna die today.

They follow Matthew Young out across the tarmac towards the runway. He and Elsa keep up a running conversation. Jack catches some of the conversation. Matthew's been flying tail draggers for about five years now. Elsa is so animated, so in her element. It's a pleasure to watch her.

The plane itself is long, sleek, and white with blue stripes. It has a small cockpit with three seats, each one in front of the other. Young opens the large, clear Perspex dome that frames the cockpit, allowing them to climb in.

-First we need to strap on your parachute. – says Young.


-I'll do that. – Elsa interrupts him and takes the harness off Young, who smiles amenably at her.

-I'll fetch some ballast. – Young says and he heads toward the plane.

-You really have a thing for strapping me into things. – Jack observes dryly.

-Mr. Frost, you have no idea. Here, step into the straps.

Jack does as he's told. Once Jack's feet are in the loops, Elsa pulls the parachute up, and Jack places his arms through the shoulder straps. Deftly Elsa fastens the harness and tightens all the straps.

-There, you'll do. – she says mildly.

If this thing falls, I'm gonna curse Elsa forever.

-In you go. – she commands.

She's still so bossy.

Jack goes to climb into the back.

-No, you go at the front. Matthew will at the back. He's the pilot.

-But won't you be able to see. – says Jack.

-I'll see plenty. – she grins.

I don't think I have ever seen her so happy, bossy, but happy.

Jack clambers in, settling down into the leather seat. Elsa leans over, pulls the harness over his shoulders, reaches between his legs for the lower belt, and slots it into the fastener that rests against his belly. She tightens all the restraining straps.

-This won't take long, twenty, thirty minutes at most. This isn't great at this time of the morning, but it's so breath taking up there at this hour. I hope you're not nervous.

-Nah! I'm excited. – beams Jack.

Where did this ridiculous grin come from? I'm fucking terrified!

-Good. – she grins back, stroking his face, then disappears from view.

Jack hears and feels her movements as she climbs in behind him. Matthew Young appears with a cheerful grin as he checks Jack's straps and leans in and checks the cockpit floor.

-Yep, that's secure. First time? – Matthew asks Jack.


-You'll love it.

-Thanks, Mr. Young.

-Call me Matthew. –he turns to Elsa – Okay?

-Yep. Let's go. – says Jack.

Man, thank God I didn't eaten anything.

Matthew climbs to the back seat and shuts the cockpit. He makes a hand signal to another man, near the plane in front, and the man climbs in. The propeller starts, and Jack's nervous stomach relocates itself in his throat.

Jeez…I'm really doing this. And I'm really going to die. The other man taxis slowly down the runway, and as the cable takes the strain, they suddenly jolt forward. They're off. Jack hear chatter over the radio set behind him. As the plane picks up speed, so do they. Suddenly, Jack's stomach disappears from his throat and free-falls through his body to the ground. They're airborne.

-Here we go, Jackson! – Elsa shouts from behind him.

Jack is gripping the edge of his seat with both hands, so tightly his knuckles are turning white. I'M GONNA SHIT MYSELF! They head away from the rising sun, gaining height. The light is extraordinary, diffuse and warm in hue. Jack's mouth turns into a shaped O. This is amazing, above us only sky. The colours are amazing and Jack remembers Arianna rambling on about "magic hour" a time of day that photographers adore. This is it…just before dawn, and I'm in it, with Elsa. Abruptly, Jack is reminded of Arianna's show. Hmm…I need to tell Elsa. I wonder how she'll react. But I won't worry about that, not now. I'm enjoying the ride.

The ground slips further and further away. It is so peaceful. Jack gets why she likes to be up here. Away from her BlackBerry and all the pressures of her job.

The radio crackles into life, and Matthew mentions 3,000 feet. Jack checks the ground, and he can no longer clearly distinguish anything down there.

-Release. – Matthew says into the radio, and suddenly the Piper disappears, and the pulling sensation provided by the small plane ceases. They're floating, floating over Miami. Holy Fuck, it's exciting! The plane blanks and turns as the wing dips, and they spiral towards the sun. Icarus. This is it. I'm flying close to the sun, but she's with me, leading me. Jack gasps at the realization.

-Hold on tight! – Matthew shouts, and they dip again.

Suddenly, they're upside down, looking at the ground through the top of the cockpit canopy. Jack screams loudly, his arms automatically lashing out, his hands splayed on the Perspex to stop him from falling. Jack can hear Elsa laughing. Bitch! But Elsa's joy is infections, and Jack is laughing and screaming at the same time as Matthew rights the plane.

-ELSA! DO YOU WANT TO KILL ME? – Jack screams.

Elsa laughs hard.

-I'm glad I didn't have breakfast! – he shouts at Elsa.

-Yes, in hindsight, it's good you didn't, because Matthew is going to do that again. Go Matt!

Matthew dips the plane once more until they are upside down. This time, Jack is prepared, he hangs on to the harness, but it makes him grin and giggle like an idiot. Matthew levels the plane once more.

-Beautiful, isn't it? – she calls.

-Yes. – whispers Jack.

-Jackson? I can't hear you. – shouts Elsa.

-YES! – screams Jack.

Elsa laughs again. They fly, swooping majestically through the air, listening to the wind and the silence, in the early morning light. Who could ask for more?

After a while, Jack ears start to pop. The ground is getting closer, and it feels like they could be hitting it shortly. Oh my God, oh my God! Matthew talks to the tower and the towers squawks back at him over the radio. They sail round again in a wide circle, sinking slowly to the ground. Jack can see the airport, the landing strips, and they're flying back.

-Hang on, Jack. This can get bumpy. – shouts Elsa.

After another circle they dip, and suddenly they are on the ground with a brief thump, racing along the grass. Holy shit. Jack's teeth chatter as they bump at an alarming speed, until they finally come to a stop. Jack takes a deep lungful of air while Elsa and Matthew lean over and open the cockpit lid. Both of them clamber out and Elsa begins to stretch.

-How was that? – she asks, and her eyes are a shining, dazzling bright blue.

She leans down to unbuckle Jack.

-You almost killed me. But it was extraordinary. Thank you. – Jack whispers.

-Was it more? – she asks, her voice tinged with hope.

-Much more. – Jack breathes, and she grins.

-Come on. – she says.

As soon as Jack is out, he grabs Elsa and holds her flush against his body. Suddenly his hand is in her hair, tugging it so her head tips back and his other hand travels down to the base of her spine. Jack kisses Elsa, long, hard and passionately, his tongue in her mouth. Jack's breathing is mounting, his ardour, his erection. They're in a field. But Jack doesn't care. Elsa hands twist in his hair, anchoring Jack to her. I want her, here, now, on the ground. Then, Elsa breaks away and gazes at Jack, her eyes now dark blue and luminous in the early morning light, full of raw, arrogant sensuality.

-Breakfast. – she whispers, making it sound deliciously erotic.

How can she make bacon and eggs sound like forbidden fruit? It's an extraordinary skill. She turns and Jack follows her towards the car.

-What about the glider?

-Someone will take care of that. – she says dismissively – We'll eat now. – her tone is unequivocal.

Food? She's talking food, when really all I want is her.

-Come. – she smiles.

Back in the car, Elsa's phone alarm goes off. Oh…my pill.

-What's that? – Jack asks curious, glancing at Elsa.

-Alarm for my pill. I'll take it once I've eaten.

-Nice, Elsa. I hate condoms. – says Jack.

-Sure you do, Jackson.

-I like that you introduced me to Matthew as your boyfriend. – Jack murmurs.

-Isn't that what you are? – she raises an eyebrow.

-Am I? I thought you wanted someone that does everything you want.

-So did I, Jackson, and I do. But I've told you, I want more, too.

Hope surges in Jack's heart.

-I'm very happy that you want more. – Jack whispers.

-We aim to please, Mr. Frost. – she smirks.

It's 8:30 a.m. but quiet in the restaurant. It smells of sweet batter, fried food, and disinfectant.

-I would never have pictured you here. In a house of pancakes. – Jack says as they slide into a booth.

-Michael used to bring us to places like this whenever Taylor went away at a veterinary conference. It was our secret. – she says, picking up a menu, running a hand through her hair as she stares down at the menu.

Jack picks up a menu too, and realizes he's starving.

-I know what I want. – Jack breathes, his voice low and husky.

Elsa glances up at him, and he's staring at her in that way that tightens all the muscles in her belly and takes her breath away, his eyes dark and smouldering. Oh my… Elsa gazes at him, her blood singing in her veins answering his call.

-I want what you want. – Elsa whispers.

Jack inhales sharply.

-Here? – Jack asks suggestively, raising an eyebrow at Elsa, smiling wickedly, his teeth trapping the tip of his tongue.

Oh my…sex here? Jackson Frost!

His expression changes, growing darker.

-Don't bite your lip, Elsa. – says Jack – Not here, not now. – his eyes harden momentarily, and for a moment, Jack looks deliciously dangerous.

-Elsa, if I can't have you here, don't tempt me.

-Hi, my name's Jonathan, What can I get for you… er… folks… er… today, this morning…?

The waiter voice trails off, stumbling over his words as he gets an eye full of Miss Beautiful. The boy flushes scarlet and a small ounce of sympathy for him bubbles unwelcome to Jack consciousness.

-Jackson? – Elsa prompts to Jack, ignoring him.

-You want what I want, right? - Jack keeps his voice soft, low, and Elsa raises an eyebrow at him.

Jonathan looks from Jack to Elsa and back again.

-Shall I give you folks another minute to decide? – asks Jonathan.

-No. I know what he wants, and I want that too. – Elsa's mouth twitches with a small, sexy smile.

-You do? – Jack asks, huskily.

-We'll have two portions of the original buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup and bacon on the side, two glasses of orange juice and two black coffees. – says Elsa, not taking her eyes off Jack.

-Thank you ma'am. Will that be all? – Jonathan whispers, looking anywhere but the two of them.

They both turn to stare him, and he flushes crimson again and scuttles away.

-You know it's really not fair. – says Jack.

-What's not fair?

-How you disarm people. Men. Me.

-Do I disarm you, Jackson?

Jack snorts.

-All the time, Elsa.

-It's just looks, Jackson. – she says mildly.

-No, Elsa, it's much more than that.

Elsa's brow creases.

-You disarm me totally, Mr. Frost. Your playfulness. It cuts through all the crap.

-Is that why you've changed your mind?

-Changed my mind?

-Yes… about… err… us?

Elsa strokes her chin thoughtfully.

-I don't think I've changed my mind per se. We just need to re-define our parameters, re-draw our battle line, if you will. We can make this work, I'm sure. I want to give you orders. I will punish you if you digress from the rules. Other than that… well, I think it's all up for discussion. Those are my requirements, Mr. Frost. What you say to that?

-So I get to sleep with you? In your bed?

-Is that what you want?

-Yes, Elsa.

-I agree then. Besides, I sleep very well when you're in my bed. I had no idea. – her brow creases as her voice fades.

-I was frightened you'd leave me if I didn't agree to all of it. – Jack whispers.

-I'm not going anywhere, Jackson. Besides… - she trails off, and after some thought, she adds.

-We're following your advice, your definition: compromise. You emailed it to me, Jackson. And so far, it's working for me.

-I love that you want more. – Jack murmurs shyly.

-I know.

-How do you know?

-Trust me, Jackson. I just do. – Elsa smirks at Jack.

She's hiding something. What?

At the moment, Jonathan arrives with breakfast and their conversation ceases. Jack's stomach rumbles, reminding Jack how ravenous he is. Elsa watches with annoying approval as Jack devours everything on his plate.

-Can I treat you? – asks Jack.

-Treat me how?

-Pay for this meal.

Elsa snorts.

-I don't think so. – she scoffs.

-C'mon, Elsa. I want to.

Elsa frowns at Jack

-Are you trying to completely emasculate me?

-Jackson, I appreciate the thought. I do. But no.

Jack purses his lips.

-Don't scowl. – Elsa threatens, her eyes glinting ominously.

Of course she doesn't ask me for my mother's address. She knows it already, stalker that she is. When Elsa pulls up outside the house, Jack doesn't say anything.

-Do you want to come in? – Jack asks.

-I need to work, Jackson, but I'll be back this evening.

Jack ignores the unwelcome stab of disappointment. Why do I want to spend every single minute with this controlling goddess? Oh yes, I've fallen in love with her, and she can fly.

-Thank you…for more. – says Jack.

-My pleasure, Jackson. – she kisses Jack, and she inhales his sexy Jack Frost smell.

-I'll see you later. – says Jack.

-Try and stop me. – she whispers.

Jack waves goodbye as she drives off into the Miami morning.

In the kitchen, Angelina is in a complete flap. It's not every day she has to entertain a multi-zillionaire, and it's stressing her out.

-How are you, darling? – asks Angelina.

She must know what I was doing last night.

-I'm good. Elsa took me gliding this morning.

-Gliding? As in a small plane with no engine? That sort of gliding?

Jack nods.


She's speechless, a novel concept for Angelina. She gapes at Jack, but eventually recovers herself and resumes her original line of questioning.

-How was last night? Did you talk?

Yeah, right…

-We talked last night and today. It's getting better.


Angelina turns her attention back to the four cookery books she has open on the kitchen table.

-Mom… if you like, I'll cook this evening.

-Oh, honey, that's kind of you, but I want to do it.

-Okay, mom.

Jack decides to send a quick thank-you to Elsa.

From: Jackson Frost

Subject: Many thanks

Date: 18 June 2014 11:32

To: Elsa Frozen

Sometimes, you really know how to show a guy a good time.

Thank you.

X Jackson.

PR Director, Guardians Products

From: Elsa Frozen

Subject: You're welcome

Date: 18 June 2014 11:37

To: Jackson Frost

I should thank too. I heard you snore. I had a good time too.

But I always do when I'm with you.

Elsa Frozen.

CEO, Arendelle & Arendelle

From: Jackson Frost

Subject: SNORING

Date: 18 June 2014 11:41

To: Elsa Frozen

I DO NOT SNORE! And if I do, it's very ungallant of you to point it out. You are no lady, Miss Frozen.


PR Director, Guardians Products

From: Elsa Frozen

Subject: Somniloquy

Date: 18 June 2014 11:44

To: Jackson Frost

I have never claimed to be a lady, Jackson, and I think I have demonstrated that point to you on numerous occasions. I am not intimidated by your SHOUTY capitals. But I will confess to a small white lie: No – you don't snore, but you do talk. And it's fascinating.

What happened to my kiss?

Elsa Frozen.

Cad & CEO, Arendelle & Arendelle

Holy Shit! I know I talk in my sleep. Bunny and Sandy have told my enough times. What the hell have I said? Oh no…

From: Jackson Frost

Subject: Spill the Beans

Date: 18 June 2014 11:50

To: Elsa Frozen

You are a cad and a scoundrel – definitely no lady.

So, what did I say? No kisses for you until you talk.


PR Director, Guardians Products

From: Elsa Frozen

Subject: Sleeping Talking Beauty

Date: 18 June 2014 11:52

To: Jackson Frost

It would be most ungallant of me to say, and I have already been chastised for that. But if you behave yourself, I may tell you this evening. I do have to go to a meeting now.

Laters, babe.

Elsa Frozen.

CEO, Cad & Scoundrel, Arendelle & Arendelle

Right! I shall maintain radio silence until this evening. Jeez. Supposing I've said I hate her, or worse still, that I love her, in my sleep. Oh, I hope not. I am not ready to tell her that, and I'm sure she's not ready to hear it, if she ever wants to hear it. Jack scowls at his computer and decided that whatever he cooks, he will make bread.

Angelina has decided on gazpacho soup and a barbecue with steaks marinated in olive oil, garlic and lemon. As Jack trails after his mother through the supermarket, he glances down at his phone and frowns. There's a missed call from Elsa. Jack calls her straight back.

-Jackson. – she answers immediately.


-I have to return to New York. Something's come up. I am on my way to the airport now. Please, apologize to your mother. I can't make dinner. – she sounds very businesslike.

-Nothing serious, I hope? – says Jack.

-I have a situation which I have to deal with. I'll see you Friday. I'll send Hans to collect you from the airport if I can't come myself. – she sounds cold. Angry even.

But for the first time, Jack doesn't immediately think it's him.

-Okay. I hope you sort out your situation. Have a safe flight.

-You too, Jackson. – she breathes, and with those words, Jack's Elsa is back briefly.

She hangs up.

Jack gazes at Angelina.

-What's the matter, Jacky?

-It's Elsa, she's had to go back to New York. She apologizes.

-Oh! That's shame, darling. We can still have our barbecue.

It's late afternoon, and Angelina and Jack are lying beside the pool. Angelina has relaxed to the point where she is literally horizontal. As Jack lies in the sun, endeavouring to lose the pale, Jack thinks about yesterday at the hotel and today breakfast. Jack thinks about Elsa and his ridiculous grin refuses to subside.

There seems to be tidal shift in Elsa's attitude. She denies it but, she admits she's trying for more. What could have changed? What has altered since she sent her long email and when I saw her at the hotel? What has she done? Jack sits up suddenly, almost spilling his Coke.

She had dinner with…him. Pitch. Holy Fuck! Did he say something to her? Oh…to have been a fly on the wall during the dinner. I could have landed in his soup or on his wine glass and choked him

-What is it, Jacky, honey? – Angelina asks, startled from her torpor.

-I'm just having a moment, Mom. What time is it?

-About 5:30 p.m., darling.

Hmm…she must have landed already. Should I ask her? Can I ask her? Man…what did I say in my sleep? Crap…

Late at night, as Jack gets ready for bed, he switches on his computer. He has heard nothing from Elsa. Not even a word that she's arrived safely.

From: Jackson Frost

Subject: Safe Arrival?

Date: 18 June 2014 23:10

To: Elsa Frozen

Dear Madam

Please let me know that you've arrived safely. I am starting to worry. Thinking of you.

Your Jackson X

PR Director, Guardians Products

Three minutes later, Jack hears the ping from his email in-box.

From: Elsa Frozen

Subject: Sorry

Date: 18 June 2014 23:13

To: Jackson Frost

Dear Mr. Frost

I have arrived safely, and please accept my apologies for not letting you know. I don't want to cause any worry, it's heart warming to know that you care for me. I am thinking of you too and as ever looking forward to see you tomorrow.

Elsa Frozen.

CEO, Arendelle & Arendelle

Jack sighs. Elsa is back to formality.

From: Jackson Frost

Subject: The Situation

Date: 18 June 2014 23:17

To: Elsa Frozen

Dear Miss Frozen

I think it's very evident that I care for you deeply. How could you doubt that?

I hope your "situation" is in hand.

Your Jackson X

PS: Are you going to tell me what I said in my sleep?

PR Director, Guardians Products

From: Elsa Frozen

Subject: Pleading the Fifth

Date: 18 June 2014 23:20

To: Jackson Frost

Dear Mr. Frost

I like very much that you care for me. The "situation" here is not yet resolved.

With regard to you PS: The answer is – No.

Elsa Frozen.

CEO, Arendelle & Arendelle

From: Jackson Frost

Subject: Pleading Insanity

Date: 18 June 2014 23:22

To: Elsa Frozen

I hope it was amusing. But you should know I cannot accept any responsibility for what comes out of my mouth when I am unconscious. In fact, you probably misheard me. A woman of your advanced years is surely a little deaf.


PR Director, Guardians Products

From: Elsa Frozen

Subject: Pleading Guilty

Date: 18 June 2014 23:24

To: Jackson Frost

Dear Mr. Frost

Sorry, could you speak up? I can't hear you.

Elsa Frozen.

CEO, Arendelle & Arendelle

From: Jackson Frost

Subject: Pleading Insanity Again

Date: 18 June 2014 23:23

To: Elsa Frozen

You're driving me crazy.


PR Director, Guardians Products

From: Elsa Frozen

Subject: I hope so…

Date: 18 June 2014 23:25

To: Jackson Frost

Dear Mr. Frost

I intend to do exactly that on Friday evening. Looking forward to it.


Elsa Frozen.

CEO, Arendelle & Arendelle

From: Jackson Frost

Subject: Grrrrrr

Date: 18 June 2014 23:28

To: Elsa Frozen

I'm officially pissed at you.



PR Director, Guardians Products

From: Elsa Frozen

Subject: Wild cat

Date: 18 June 2014 23:31

To: Jackson Frost

Are you growling at me Mr. Frost?

I possess a cat of my own for growlers.

Elsa Frozen.

CEO, Arendelle & Arendelle

Cat of her own? I've never seen a cat at her apartment. No, I am not going to answer her. She can be so exasperating sometimes.

Jack clambers into bed and lies glaring at the ceiling as his eyes adjust to the dark. Then, he hears another ping from his computer.

I am not going to look. No! Definitely not. No, I am not going to look.


Jack cannot resist the lure of Elsa Frozen's words.

From: Elsa Frozen

Subject: What you've said in your sleep

Date: 18 June 2014 23:50

To: Jackson Frost


I'd rather hear you say the words that you uttered in your sleep when you're conscious, that's why I won't tell you. Go to sleep. You need to get some rest. Until tomorrow.

Elsa Frozen.

CEO, Arendelle & Arendelle

Oh no…What have I said? It's as bad as I think…I'm sure.